Extra-Sensory Perception Testimonials
Peter [email protected] sent us this feedback on May 1, 2012
Hello Gerald,
Hope your days are wonderful recently.
I wanted to say that after I completed most of your course (when I finally decided last year in 2010 to go through it, but unable to finish it), i started having extremely powerful intuitions.
I started to “feel” the gut feeling – when you are putting yourself in the direction of a negative situation, you feel that twisting anxiety within the gut.
Thanks for the efficiency of your courses and how much guidance you received in creating them. This intuition is constant, and helps me in almost any task I am doing, but sometimes I am not always sure what the feeling is telling me, and other times I have wonders if my conscious mind is influencing certain thoughts, which sometimes it does. Thus, I am learning how to tell which are real and which are not, and I think that I actually know, I just like to be sure it isn’t warning me of something important. I am always listening, now, to my inner guidance.
Thanks so much for what you have gifted to the world.
Much Love and Light,
Nathan LaBrake
Nathan LaBrake [email protected] writes to us on January 8, 2012
Since I have awakened, the one favorite voice I love to hear is Gerald. As in his interviews the wisdom real comes through . Since he is the only one channeling the One, his silence over the past few months has me yearning for updates. His interview with Nick I use as a base reference for all my research as I learn to understand the lattices of reality and the players behind the scenes as they play the roles of the duality lessons. I am working on my significance energy’s as I climb up and down the ladder of my own consciousness but still have a block not letting me out of my body and only glimpses of astral projection.
My intuition is clear as a bell, and lots of synchronistic events are happening for me. There has been talk of DNA activation which I believe is happening to many right now, including me, thanks to ARVARI.
So If it is possible to get another interview with Nick posted I sure you have plenty of juicy new stuff to talk about .
Thank you sincerely, my prayers are with you all !
Love Peter
Munjal Patel, [email protected] , a dear student from India, sent us this very nice and enlightening feedback on November 22, 2011
My deep love and gratitude for bring up such courses. Words are not enough to express my Love and gratitude for you because you have opened the doors to Infinity for me. Your courses have helped me to realize my own Self, my own nature, which is infinite joy ever increasing and never ending ecstasy, and out of the Divine ecstasy arises incredible Love oceans full of Infinite Love.
That is what we are all are and this is our mission to feel Infinite Love and ecstasy.
By mastering your courses we can easily achieve this feat. We just need the intention and the rest is taken care of.
I know from the bottom of my heart that you are channeling The One and Only One that IS God. This is very serious because through the medium of Gerald The One has given us, humanity, these RI and RV courses which are the key to liberation.
I simply love RV/RI and practice them religiously everyday. It is my routine now. It is like if I don’t meditate thrice daily then something is missing in my day; the day is not complete… When I have time I meditate with CDs, and when time is short I meditate without the CDs.
The amount of Joy that I feel is indescribable. This is what we are after, all of humanity. We want joy only. We run after money, women and all other worldly things because by getting them we feel joy. There is nothing wrong with it, but that type of joy is limited, and the joy we can get in meditation which is made effortless by your RV/RI courses is Infinite and ever increasing and never ending. That is it.
My Life has completely changed. Now I live for this Joy and Love and everything is taken care by The One. I spend my day healing Mother Earth and the whole human consciousness. I feel so much Love for Mother Earth. It is our common responsibility to heal Her. I am going to give everything I have to heal Her.
RV/RI has given me incredible powers but these are powers of Love and Joy. Love is the most powerful powerful force in the universe.
I will give you an examples of the practical uses of the RV/RI course:
1- Even though I did not RI my family members, their behavior and the overall vibratory atmosphere of my house has changed because of my meditation sessions. It has become very peaceful and joyful. When you come in my room you can literally feel the Divine Presence because I do all my RV/RI in my room.
2- All the things that I think about come true and manifest in my life. It happens in such a way that I have to marvel at the Infinite Intelligence of The One.
3- I have made it a habit to heal instantly all the negative thoughts that I feel. EG , one of my friends, is very negative but I give healing to him and in my presence he becomes very cheerful and completely different.
4-All my vehicles work like magic. I feel that they also have consciousness and I can love them. My motorbike, even though not used for a long time would start on second kick. It works on battery and for that battery to remain charged it has to be used regularly, but magic happens!
5- I can read others’ thoughts, feelings and emotions, even of animals and plants. It is just a knowing.
6- While merged deeply with the One, at the level of now, where everything happens simultaneously, parallel thoughts and realities, I was given the message of healing the Earth Mother and humanity in daily life, being as much filled with ecstasy as possible because joy literally heals the wounds and it has a very deep effect on the environment.
7- I can easily Remote View the stock market very very accurately. It is freaky. I just do it to sharpen the edges of my mental concentration.
8- I can easily raise the vibrations of another person by RI and it happens in REAL TIME. When the RI starts you can literally see the change in that person behavior and emotions.
I can go on and on. It is a very long story and I don’t want to blow my horn but this is possible for EVERYONE. all of us are the children of Infinity. We have the power to feel Infinite Joy, Love, and Light and now is the time to get it.
In the end I just want to say that Gerald is amazing and very very humble, helpful, and lovable human being who has dedicated his life for the work of The One. I consider myself extremely lucky to have met this amazing master.
All my love and blessing form the deepest core of my heart to my friend. He is an inspiration to me for dedicating my life for The One. Really it is our intention that matters. if you just intend and trust on The One, everything will be taken care of.
We are lucky to have Gerald. The One tells me that I and all of us have to learn a lot from Gerald. Gerald, we request you for more courses and teachings, and to start the web based video training of the different technique of RV/RI that you were personally going to teach us. Please consider my request.
All my Love to you.
Dr. Lizzy Boros [email protected] of the U.K. shared this testimonial with us after a few weeks of training on June 2, 2010
1. 3D visualization with normal movements in, as like when I am watching TV, with beautiful colors and sometimes with voices and smells together.
2. Holographic visualization (this was just few times)
3. Pictures (standing), sometimes with ugly figures, but I1ve used the “small” word…, and they disappeared:-). Sometimes this figures want to say something, but I do not understand yet their signs.
4. This is the most interesting I think, because sometimes I see things, events in shady and I just think that this is from the future…?
My problem is that I see a lot of things, but I do not understand yet the meanings, the places, I do not know that peoples, and I would like to know… Could you help me in that please, how can I know more? I tried to write after the session, but even if I am remembering everything I can not draw the meanings. And I do not have to be in meditation, a lot of time I see things, events when I am going to sleep, and sometimes daytime, when I am working or doing something else…
I can sense events before they is happening…,
Thank you for your attention and for this life-changing possibility. I am sorry that my language (I am Hungarian), is not enough good to say everything that I have inside…
With respect,
Maria Jaber [email protected] sent us this feedback on October 19, 2009
Dear Gerald O’Donnell,
I have purchased your complete remote viewing training system few months ago. Thank you for the knowledge and techniques of the Remote Viewing.
I wish I have discovered this program sooner.
My investments somehow are improving. I am working on my relationship with my family. I have become more intuitive, even to the point that I perceive future situations, events. Mostly what happens is like I carry on conversation in my head between other people involved away from me and then when someone tell me about it? I say to myself “don’t I already know that “. Do you know what I mean?
Thank you,
Maria Jaber
Janet Fitzgerald [email protected] a 70 years young student of ours sent us this testimonial on April 16, 2009
I have been interested in Remote Viewing for many years but did not know of your website. I saw an upcoming interview of Michel Jura’s and listened. I saw your courses and immediately ordered. This was the first interview with you though that I had seen.
Although I am 70 years old, I continue to learn new things. I started the RV CDs thru disk 5. I listened to disk 5 twice. That night just before going to sleep, I saw this outline of what looked like a waterway of some sort and how it divided into 2 around a land mass. I thought I was imagining it.
2 days later, I was traveling on Highway 200 In Idaho beside the Pend d’Oreille river and saw a sign along the road with a black and white picture of the river. It was the exact same image of what I saw, except mine was in color. It just reinforced for me that I was on the correct path.
I am following the RV and RI lesson plan and have just heard RI Disk 7 yesterday for the first time. A very good friend saw me later that day and couldn’t get over how light and happy I looked and acted. I felt (and still feel) full of joy. I have utilized my intuition especially in the business world and it served me well. But now, I know when the phone will ring and who it is. It is like I know what is going to happen in a general way and it does. My memory has improved tremendously.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience with the world.
Lila Petersen [email protected] of New Zealand, a beautiful soul bent on exploring the Loving Mind, writes to us on February 15, 2009 (She wrote some stunningly inspired poetry as she was taking our courses and connecting to the One that I would love to share with you some day).
Dear Gerald,
I have come down to the planet again to vacuum and dust the house, and get my head around a new ability that I wasn’t actually looking for when I started Mr. Gerald O’Donnell’s RV course.
I can feel people’s minds from a distance in a whole new way. And I can instantly tell if I’m being lied to.
It shocked me at first.
When I realized that an old friend was lying for what seemed a stupid reason I thought, ‘Oh, why bother?’
And in another case, ‘Be careful, do you not know what comes after pride?’
Then I had to check my own footing!
The world is full of it: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.
In the past I always thought I had insight but now it is getting clearer and at first it shocked me.
I pray to be more loving. It seems to be the better way to go.
The danger comes from me. I have so much growing to do.
Thank you for being here,
Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman [email protected] sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on February 2, 2009.
Hello Gerald:
I am a new user and I have just completed the RI/RV COURSE February 1, 2009. I did this in 24 days as you requested.
Today, I sit here sharing my experiences with you in a state of surreal and disjointed reality. I feel strangely both disconnected and absolutely calm.
I have been exposed to everything from multiple religions, new age, ancient schools, and gurus from sea to shining sea; never being satisfied with what I was learning or hearing. I have read everything from Chopra, Dyer, India’s Gurus, American Gurus, old out of print books like the Power of Concentration, Thought Vibrations, etc. Though good to a point, I never was able to execute successfully or permanently any transformation in my reality.
This has always been my goal, to transform my reality at will, by thought alone. No one and no thing had ever met this mental intent/knowing I have had all of my life but YOUR COURSE the RI/RV COMBO COURSE!
I am now taking FULL responsibility for all of my good, bad, or ugly situations in my entire sphere of reality, past, future or NOW! Your course has vibrated off every shred of foolish, ignorant and self-sabotaging thought patterns and behaviors. This is why I feel completely disjointed/disconnected but WIDE AWARE.
1. A church member came to me after church one day to ask for prayer for her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was undergoing test to determine the course of action the doctors would take. I looked intently at her and remote viewed the picture she had painted and changed it right then. I said to her; “Mrs. McGee, your husband does not have PROSTATE CANCER, he only has some mild discomfort in his back that can be relieved by a good nights’ rest and a couple of aspirin.”
The next Sunday, she came to church and reported that her husband did not have prostate cancer and that he only had a mild infection that required rest, and he was back at work, even about to get a new job with UPS as a truck driver.
2. My daughter was given a full academic scholarship for 4 years in the middle of the school year from the university she is attending. The letter came out of the blue January 7, 2009. It is unheard of to receive a full academic scholarship in the second semester and after they were all given out by September 2008.
3. It takes no effort to heal anyone now. I simply look intently at the person before me, see, the picture I desire, then I speak to them what I see. I always use the cobalt blue energy from your course to do this. Even when I touch someone asking for help they respond immediately with shock or joy to my touch. This pleases me to see and feel the restoration of their bodies.
4. My body is completely healed of the stiffness of arthritis, and varicose veins; and I no longer have sinus infections. My nasal passageways are the clearest they’ve been in 25 years, my hair is now completely black, my stamina is that of a 25 year old, and people and animals are attracted to me like bees to honey, but little children are especially attracted and they speak in baby/god talk to me all the time.
5. KNOWINGNESS/ESP has increased 100 fold resulting in a rock solid calmness of peace. I recognized the Dark Matrix’s ploys and plot quickly and I have great difficulty in believing in the traumas and dramas they present. What is boredom a sign of?
6. MIND READING- I was already operating in this arena before your COMBO course but it was infant sized compared to the full blown God size ability I now have. I know when people are lying, being truthful and even know the things they are into. It seems I scan their energy fields without thinking about it and the packets of info come quickly, in a twinkling of an eye. I have learned to stay detached and non-committal about what I see.
7. Lastly, the internal joy, love, peace, and assuredness radiating within me in so powerful and intense that I change the atmosphere in a room at will from confusion to calm by going to deep Delta with my eyes open and cover the room with the intense purple of that level.
Today, is February 2, 2009, and I an starting the course from the beginning a second time and I am taking your advice and will perform the techniques without the CD’s TO QUANTUM JUMP MY ABILITIES AND EVOLUTION INTO HIGHER REALMS QUICKLY!
I have the HIGHEST REGARDS for you and your knowledge to accelerate us all into higher and more harmonious realms of life. Thank you for your brilliant work and integrity.
Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman
[email protected]
Dennis Buffy [email protected] sent us this testimonial on November 26, 2008
Here is our testimony from our husband and wife team:
I had purchased Gerald O’Donnell’s older cassette version (version 1) in the year 2003. Within 2-3 days I had 4 out of body experiences but later that month our tape player went bad and we were hard up financially. The course sat in our entertainment center for 5 years. Little did I know providence played an unique hand with this: about a week ago my wife was doing some cleaning and ran across these same cassettes. She asked me “are you going to use these or do I throw them out?” I told her no, they were hardly used, “let’s keep them for awhile.”
Late that night my wife asked if she could play tape 2 side “A” I told her: “sure, go ahead.” I forgot to tell her to put it in the port that does not use continuous play. She laid down with the cassette in the “continuous” side and ended up listening to both sides before going to sleep. That morning around 5:30 AM she woke me up and said honey you got to listen what happened to me this morning I finally woke up and she began to tell me what had happened to her. She told me she found herself sitting on my left side in her astral body and could see her own physical body lying next to mine.
She then told me that she spoke to me in her Astral Self but she could not remember what she had said. During that time out she saw a very strong “white light” bubbled over me. While all this was going on she also said that from her body’s perspective she could see her astral self sitting beside me talking to me. I believe they call this bi-location for a lack of a better term. Then she stated that she began to rise in a arc over me and she laid back down in the fetal position back in her physical self. Then she suddenly woke up.
Note: I want to say that my wife is from the Philippines and she was raised to be open minded about things with some superstition attached. I did not tell her or even suggest she would have a OBE of any kind but she did anyway.
The second thing that happened to her in the last 4 days was spurts of telepathic communication with me all day long. When I was about to tell her something she finished it and visa versa with myself. Her dreams have become quite vivid and meaningful and her intuition has smartly increased. She is so excited to listen one hour everyday her goal is the same I share. She and I want to do the course for 15 1/2 months.
I just received the New CD Combination course four days ago. The only thing I listened to for 3 out of the 4 days was the RI (Theta and Delta) CD. I wanted to get used to those states before starting the RV and RI combination course. After the first night of listening I reach theta state quite easily.
The other thing that happened beside the telepathic ping pong with my wife I was on my way to work and I went through this small town as I always do on my way to work it is 30 mph. I decided I need to hurry and I increase my speed to over 40 mph. Right then a strong feeling or intuition told me slow down! I immediately put on the break trying to figure out why this is happening I looked up in the rear view mirror after applying the breaks was a policeman clocking my speed hidden behind the feed meal!!
What surprise me or should I say what shocked me was that my wife who is a big supporter in what I do wants to become an ARVARI graduate herself! Imagine a husband and wife team! We are going to talk with Gerald about getting her an updated CD set he is now offering on his site as soon as I pay this off so she can keep up with me. But it is my sneaky suspicion that she will excel with much speed over me due to my wife’s emotionally charging her training which is a wonderful thing. Sorry Mr. O’Donnell this was so long but if there are other married couples out there and they want to feel closer than ever before this is the thing to do sharing the course together and above all sharing the “ONE” together with love as the foundation of your training. Thank you Mr. O’Donnell for all your help on the phone and your support God bless you.
Michael Constantino [email protected] sends us this testimonial on August 13, 2008
Your combined program is extraordinary. The testimonies are right, one needs to go over the material again and again. I experienced enhanced intuition today — to the level where I knew exactly what everyone was thinking in a Subway restaurant and receiving the expression of past knowledge from each person. This was at first by looking at the persons, but then a moment later just by sensing.
Sure, absolutely you can use this testimony. You can use this E-mail address. What was amazing about the experience was how spontaneous it was. At one moment I was thinking about what I was going to order and the next moment I turned to the various people entering the restaurant and bam! I could see and sense their histories. I will keep you updated of serious breakthroughs, which I am sure there will be many.
I have listened to the RI audio book twice now, and the second time there was a significant shift that took place.
I am very appreciative, and commend your program. The information is very purposeful and deep, not to mention incredibly spiritual.
Michael Constantino
Dr. Stavros Elphtheriou, DMD, [email protected] from Cyprus sent us this nice testimonial on June 19, 2008
I have started my RV & RI training since 3 weeks ago; I prefer to take it slowly and repeat at least once each session in order to give myself time to absorb as much as possible. I have started seeing and feeling the impact on my life. I feel so relaxed, knowing that there is a way to reach the One and become co-creator!!! The stress is much less, my dreams are more vivid. I catch myself turning my head, looking at my mobile phone milliseconds before it rings!!! I am not worried about everyday small (or even bigger) things because I now know and believe that I just need to ask and it will happen!
Thank you so much.
Kind regards,
Dr Stavros Eleftheriou, DMD, FIACS
Maxillofacial & Oral Surgeon
Cosmetic Facial Surgeon
Lisa Samuels of the UK [email protected] send us this testimonial on October 29, 2007
It was a pleasure speaking with you today and to be honest words fail to describe what I experienced whilst listening to your courses and although I have just received your package only a few days ago I wanted to explain what is happening to me already.
I am and have always been clairvoyant with the gift of second sight and only recently started professionally to do this. Whilst listening to your CD, on the second day I went shopping with my cousin and actually predicted the exact cost of what the shopping would be. It was uncanny!
I spend a lot of time just listening to the CD’s mostly in between my other work and have noticed that my gift of forecasting is getting better and better with little or no effort and sometimes whilst listening to your CD’s. I have also noticed that the technique of switching heads in order to feel the emotions of others and what they are experiencing within their lives works extremely well and have been doing this with my readings.
I have also been to my future and seen things much more clearer and have seen future events especially with regards to technology and what life will be like within the next 15 years.
On another note, I find that my body vibrates sometimes very slow and sometimes very very fast and can feel the energy moving up and down my body like in spirals and have been short circuiting or blowing lights around me too! It is always like an adventure when I start listening to your CD and sometimes not too sure where I would end up!
I know that my journey has just started and have so much more to learn about my abilities and what I can accomplish and wanted to thank you from my very soul for sharing this knowledge with me.
Many many thanks Gerald and if you do visit the UK in January I would love to meet up with you.
Hiro Ikizake [email protected] , a Japanese trainee of our Academy, wrote to us on September 13, 2007 this message
Hello Mr. O’Donnell,
Several things happened in the past 3 weeks, and I know for certain that my intuition has particularly been enhanced by listening to the Cds.
My short temper is weakening to gain more profound calmness in daily life. Since I am not a native speaker of English (I am a Japanese man),
I thought, at first, that there would be less effect than other native speakers listening to the tapes. I do not know the difference, but it probably does not matter.
I have already read “Out of The Matrix” four times and will read it more.
The book is really amazing and enlightening to me. It helped me get answers to the questions about life and the universe I have been asking to myself in my life.
I appreciate your great works and your being “there” for us to help human beings know and experience the truth in this challenging time on the planet.
Best regards,
Hiro Ikizake
Joel Carter [email protected] sent us this feedback on January 25, 2007
I’ve been holding out on writing you, actually I’d love to speak with you….a short intro: My name is Joel Carter, I was referred to you by Toby Alexander, as I had been working with him, and he told me to get your tapes, as a structured and progressive way to learn to hold the Theta state and beyond, however now that I’ve gone through the set 2x’s, I can say that holding the Theta state is about 5% of what I’ve developed from your tapes…actually I put Toby on hold as I was about to do his Advanced Coaching and training with him, when I realized the logic and depth of understanding, and ancient wisdom in these tapes of yours, I saw that it was in my best interest to postpone the other training while I immersed in your tapes, then return to Toby subsequently to do the training with him, which I will do in the spring ’07.
So I wanted to tell you that, my abilities are definitely opening up, and I have a couple questions to ask you, and I will keep them concise (as I can be rather long-winded 😉
1) Recently I have developed a fairly constant electrical buzzing type feeling in my forehead area, almost alike I’ve got low voltage electrodes on my forehead. Also my rt. ear is ringing like tinnitus, and occasionally my left ear does this vibration like I have a bull frog stuck in my ear LOL! So my intuition tells me that this is activation of latent DNA, and/or the embodiment of higher frequencies, in which my incarnate level body is adjusting to the higher frequencies, cellular restructuring etc…What do you think? Is this a common thing?
2) I’ve been receiving images in my mind’s eye now…ie. I notice that when I get down to that deep Theta level, just on the verge of sleep, and if I don’t get “sucked” into delta sleep, I notice that I might get an incredibly vivid image of something
To let you know other things that have been happening: amazing attractions, vastly increased visualization abilities, greater sense of intuition, reading people just by first sight, a few amazing healings on people and my dog, instances of amazing subjective mind to mind communication, on and on….I’ll soon write an email that you can post in your testimonials section of the site~!
Well I have so much more to tell you, and ask you, but I’ll refrain for now. I wanted to keep this short and concise (oh well, I told I was long-winded), so I guess this is short and concise for me~! LOL! 😉
Thanks so much for this wonderful work Gerald, this is THE stuff, and I’m proud to tell you that besides myself, I’ve increased the “Army of Light” by 3 people who have bought your program now as well….
In Eternal Abiding Reverent Love, Gratitude, and Mirth,
Joel “the Violet Flame” Carter
Dr. Linda Weatley Ph.D. [email protected] wrote to us on December 8, 2006 the following comments:
Thank you!
I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities that I had before being exposed to your work especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about)
Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities.
As a result, I have become uncomfortably “sensitive” to many new physical things such as bright fluorescent lighting, loud sounds, telephones etc.
Many people have commented on the light surrounding and emanating from my being.
Thank you for this incredible work!
You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum changes!! It has been an awesome journey.
Thank you for this incredible work!
Linda Wheatley, Ph.D.,R.T.(R)(MR)
Chair, Radiologic Technology Program
Assistant Professor
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio
Mark Labbato, [email protected], a Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing combo recent trainee sent us on August 18, 2006 this appreciative testimonial.
Thank you.
Willie Macon [email protected] a recent Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee wrote us this enthusiastic testimonial on November 16, 2004:
It was my total pleasure in speaking with you this afternoon. You know I had called once before right after the hurricanes and you asked me to call back. I waited because I felt a bit unsure of myself. So I decided to call today and WOW am I glad I did. It is like that conversation with you freed me to go to my next level which can only be more spectacular than this one! I am flying so high!!! Most of the time for the last few months I feel invincible, like I can walk on water! I lack word to express my joy and gratitude to you for these courses. I am taking the combo Remote Viewing/ Remote Influencing courses. I started in early August 2004. I am on my second time through, and I must say, I have had and continue to have some incredible experiences!
Deja vu
I was a passenger in a car with friends. The gentleman was outside our car pumping gas, and I kind of zoned out going within. I saw a lady finish pumping her gas in a blue color van, and then I saw her get in and pull away! A few seconds later I saw her do the same exact thing AGAIN!!! Saturday afternoon about 3 PM in broad daylight! I wanted to tell this to my friends but they would think I am too weird! They would have had the padded truck come and take me away!! (smile) So I just jumped up and down inside myself! I really enjoyed it!
Telepathic Remote Viewing
I have on many occasions shocked my daughters by reading their minds! It freaks them out! I love it! On one occasion, my youngest called to ask me for a recipe-She said ” mom do you remember” and I finished her sentence “that hamburger one?” She said: “Woman you gotta stop freaking me out like that!!” We both laughed and I really enjoyed freaking her out–I had already done it to her about 5 times!
Well Gerald, what can I say. I listen constantly! I can’t get enough, my excitement is so great that I just must have them. I meditate with a tape every night sometimes a couple times a day. I play the Delta track each night on the CD player where we sleep-My husband asked me to leave it on so he could hear it too! I also listen to a tape while I seep with the cassette player and headphones! I thought I might be overdoing it, but I now know that I get to decide how much is enough for me- My inner self is talking and I AM LISTENING!
Gerald in the last few months my life and the lives of those I love have changed so much (Even though my children in particular kindly treat me like an escaped mental patient at times–SMILE) but I KNOW THE REAL TRUTH-and I can help them without their permission-as long it is to their benefit. MY life is so beautiful, and I am so grateful that sometimes I go down to that room in theta and I start to thank the Universal Mind and I just burst into tears of joy and gratitude! It is truly overwhelming! I go there a lot and we my guide who I call Willie Sam, since I as Willie M. I named her WSM–my initials and call her Willie Sam. She appeared in my mental lab one day in deep theta when I went there, after I went down the stairs, she was there, looking like me but perfect-we have since merged during one of my meditations, now she is with me always (I now know she always has been inside me as my higher self-but the difference is that now I KNOW it!)
Thank You again Gerald for this material-I am putting it to good use! Anyway that’s all for now. I am having great mind safaris!!
Will be in touch soon!
Willie Macon
Joe Boyer [email protected] writes to us on June 26, 2004:
Joe Boyer
Almudena Cervantes [email protected] , of Spain, writes to us this warm feedback about the RV/RI combo on March 23, 2004.
I’ve began working with the RI tapes, and I want to tell you that they’re amazing, the change of vibratory level I’ve experienced have been automatic! I’m used to different type of techniques and visualization but for the first time I can say that they are manifesting in my daily live and overall in my attitude towards the “matrix”. There’s a big step between the RV and the RI tapes, though I consider both necessary as it is much easier to enter the delta level once you have worked with the other tapes. I am more interested in my spiritual development than in searching for targets though with the RI tapes it is clear that all doors are opened easily.
Just a few questions:
As I see the most important is to work with our emotions and our fears, I see clearly how the key are in our fears as I realized right now that even though I did meditation, visualization, etc and positive thinking my fears keep going ..and have manifest in my life all the time. Connecting to the One is the key, once I experience the dissolution of myself is when I see that we all are One and then the comprehension of that we are creators of our reality arrives. But how can you empty yourself, feel the vacuity and at the same time keep the feeling of your flame within yourself- keep the feeling of a me-myself? How can I have a Will TO REMOTE influence or create a reality if the goal is to return to the One and then you don’t have to do anything? Is that when one identifies or lose the ego and enters in the ocean of the One there’s no need to do anything , as the “reality” manifest itself by the One? Or what you try to say is that in the meantime as we are still in this matrix we have to remember that we are creators in order to change and manifest another world of higher light and love as a new level to get-approach to the One?
The most incredible and beautiful of all is the connection with our mother earth and keeping the flame within our heart. Right now I try to concentrate in myself, in going within and keep this flame and love for the earth and myself instead of trying to change or remote view things as I see one leads the other.
My intuition is quite incredible right now, I can feel and hear what people think and even the feelings of the people I know that are in Madrid, though it is easier for me to feel the emotions than to visualize, but I’ll keep working on it.
Thank you for your help.
Patrick a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on December 11, 2003.
I am approaching 2 months since I started using Gerald’s audio programs, Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing combined program. I strongly feel the combined program is a must. The skills learned in one program help deepen insight into the other and vice versa. By following the outlined step by step process I have really began to notice changes within myself and the way people react to me in social setting and even as far as my presence alone.
Since starting the program during the first month I noticed blurs of changes that would become brief moments of insight. These quick glimpses of insight even though were not consciously permanent assured me that something was in fact happening, something great was happening deep within that I consciously could not always be aware of. Most recently over the last 3 weeks I have become aware of permanent changes that I am always aware of. A pure feeling of goodness has become a part of me that can only be explained as myself smiling at the world and the world smiling back at me. It is a feeling of pure bliss that washes over me and makes me happy to exist as who I am because I feel now that I truly have control over who I WANT to be. If I do not have full control I strongly feel that I will attain full control by continuing the program.
The state of pure goodness has taken away stressful feelings out of my life. I truly don’t experience stress and worry about problems no longer. Yes I do have obstacles in my life being a student with financial issues but my focus has been shifted to solving the problem and no longer focusing on it. This shift in focus has been very positive and these obstacles have become much easier to overcome when I noticed how insignificant these obstacles really are. They have become so insignificant that I truly laugh at how insignificant they are and at one point in my life caused me so much stress and worry.
Through the training many different changes have taken place then I could have really imagined. Going to school as a multimedia major creativity is very important. Through the help of this program my creativity has increased by leaps and bounds. At certain times I experience what I have personally understood it to be as an information download. This is a moment in time usually experienced during a social setting and I am engaged in a conversation that I experience a burst of information about the certain issue at hand being discussed. This is usually very exciting, as all of a sudden my knowledge about a specific issue becomes intensely broadened especially with intensified perspectives and powerful observations. My participation in lectures has become very interesting with insightful comments and at times very exciting especially after correcting the professor and sharing a very insightful detail that has left the professor rather speechless at one point or another. Just recently this has led to my professor asking me to come and join him in a discussion about some of the finer points I have made in class. He was very interested in knowing how I have come to realize these perspectives and gain such deep insight. Being 21 years of age the professor was very intrigued and had to admit that some of my comments were over his head. One of his remarks that left a deep impact within me was when he explained that my level of intellect was more of an older gentlemen’s with about 40 years of life experience.
A very interesting change within me that has taken place is the very large increase in intuition. I have become very intuitive to the point were I know who is going to win a sporting match. Usually the day before I am able to predict which team in a multitude of sports will win. On one particular day I experience an information download pertaining to five different basketball games for the same day. It was rather very exciting as my friends and I watched each prediction come true.
On another note my intuitive senses have let me know what someone will say before they say it. It is very natural and happens with no concentration. I have experienced this before the program but to no degree in frequency as I experience this now. It seems to happen at least a couple of times each day, on some days it happened many times over. Most of the time it happens with people that I spend the most time with. It’s funny because sometimes I keep saying the same comment another person is making at the same time, and this usually will happen with the same person over and over. It gets interesting by the fifth time and the person kind of looks over with a bewildered look but never speaks their mind.
Taking the intuitive aspect a little further during certain times I experience a blast of thoughts from another person. This is usually during a social occasion were people are rather relaxed. This blast of information usually is a mixture of thoughts about people along with their feelings and emotions attached to the thoughts. It is rather extraordinary to feel what someone else is feeling. It has rung true over and over when someone would look at someone and I would get a blast of information for example in one situation I understood that a certain person rather disliked another. Once the person had left the area the person that I got this information from turned to a friend and expressed their dislikes. More frequently I get this insight when someone is directing thoughts towards me. This is even more frequently the case when it is a person of the opposite sex with strong emotions towards me. : -) I have very much so noticed the opposite sex taking a much stronger interest in myself, which is definitely, a positive thing!
On a grander scale I have experience insight into rather interesting ideas of business. Business ideas that do not at this point exist through my following up on them. People spend lots of time even a lifetime coming up with a one of a kind ideas. I have experienced two true one-of-a- kind ideas that I am very excited about and I look forward to materializing these two ideas in the future.
One of the aspects that has helped me enjoy my sessions with this program is the upgrade in my listening equipment. I started out with a standard portable tape player with a auto reverse feature but when I got to the part of the training course that required an extra long session the tape player would die out on power even after using a full battery. I would have to turn it off even for a second and that would always fix the problem. These few seconds of interruption really interrupted me and took me out of a deep state. After a few times of this I got myself a duel deck Sony player. This is very great as I no longer get interrupted and the dual deck produces a much better quality of audio sound.
The experiences that I have been allowed to experience and the changes within me have inspired me to write this to allow others to know what a strong impact Gerald’s course has had on me. I am very grateful to have been allowed to receive these courses. Thank you many times over Gerald for these courses that are very needed especially at this point in time.
Thanks, your friend
Patrick Bator
Kathryn J. Perritt [email protected] writes to us on July 7, 2003 this inspirational message after having taken the combination RV/RI courses.
Listen to me all of you! The WAR is on!
I am a clairvoyant and after hearing Mr. O’Donnell course my mind and soul are charged a 100%.
His courses awaken the memory of a lot of people! We all know the secrets of the universe, but we need to unlock it.
The way to do it is through “both” courses.
We need more light workers! A lot of us are giving up even before we have even tried!
Burn your sage, cleanse your chakra’s, do the courses!
Three nights ago I was sitting on my porch when I looked up and saw three masses of negative energy, and I thought to myself “My God it’s getting closer”!
We have all been here before! Wake up and get to work!
It is not only us, but all planets and all galaxies! We need to work as a team. My hope is that soon we will not need telephones. I talk to many of my friends without one.
They want us to all be on the same level So that we will all chant but one word. Peace. We will win!
Do not let negative energy ruin your life. Go into your dream tunnel, walk down the hall, choose a room that has a lesson in it face the fear and slap it!
The dark side is gaining strength. When you are thinking negative thoughts it is not you It is the dark energies doing this.
Order the combo, study it, have fun with it! Confuse a few of your friends. Just kidding. Please start your work, order the courses and kick the dark side in the backside.
Remember my friends fear is just false evidence appearing real.
Love light and laughter,
Kathryn J. Perritt
Antje a student from Australia wrote to us in August 15, 2002 this comment:
Gerald. I wanted to thank you for resending the first package I had received the first 2 tapes and CD early July. I had wanted to contact you to let you know however I lost my email contact list with a computer failure.
In any case I now want to let you know something of my experiences. Lately I’ve only managed to listen to each of the tapes once. Since I am hearing impaired I have to listen to the tapes with headphones however this becomes very irritating to the ears quickly. However I have noticed an unusual increase in knowing… knowing what people are about to ask me. What they are going to say next. Even when it is the best time for me to make a move to catch a late running train. I arrive on the platform 30 second before the train arrives. Not something that I planned to do it just something that has been happening. I even form answers to questions before I read them. This is not all. It doesn’t feel strange and yet it does. I’m probably noticing it for this reason. Thank you for this great course.
Suzan Ocampo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on May 7, 2002.
I finally got the tapes for the first part I ordered and am working on them now. However, I just wanted to ask if these tapes are also safe for children ages 11 – 15 because I would like my children to listen to them too.
I enjoy the tapes immensely although I have not had unusual experiences with them yet. I noticed though that I seem to be more sensitive now and am even able to sometimes feel something and then it happens. Or before I answer the phone, I know who it is. As a whole, the tapes too are very relaxing and yet after I finish them, I don’t feel sleepy at all. As a matter of fact I feel fully awake and ready to take on the day ahead. I look forward to the rest of the tapes and the next course which I also ordered.
Thank you.
Matt Gray ( [email protected]) sends us this testimonial on February 5, 2002.
I am an RV trainee, and in addition, placed an order for your new Remote Influencing course . I’ve used your techniques in my everyday life. I seem to know the answers to tests that I take, know the feelings of others around me, and know the choices I should make. But my favorite pastime is traveling through time and space. I’ve got a vivid imagination which makes it even more fun. Above all I thank you for all that you are doing. I look forward to experiencing the new set of tapes.
Yours Truly,
Manuel Colin, a new trainee, [email protected] sends us this feedback on January 22, 2002.
I have been using the tape #2 for approximately 8 weeks and finally I can say that there are specific changes in my life, like knowing beforehand what people are going to say, or who is going to call. On one occasion, I was writing checks to pay my bill. It was late, and I was almost falling asleep, when I noticed that I wrote the name of a friend in one of my bills. To my surprise she called me next day, I don’t know which event caused the other! And there have been many other wonderful “coincidences!” I work using acupuncture and I have noticed that my intuition is starting to show me the way to deal with certain problems.
I sincerely thank you for your humble work as a pure channel from the essence of G-d. Lots of the information you manage is contemplated inside of the Old Kabala. Thanks again.
Manuel Colin.
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ) wrote to us on July 10, 2001 the following testimonial.
I just wanted to let you know how amazing those tapes are, not that you don’t already know it.
I moved through Tape 1 rather quickly because I spent a great amount of time reading on your webpage the info on the background of these techniques. I listened to it a few times to get accustomed listening to the tapes and relaxing, and it was very nice.
Tape 2 Side A: This was a wonderful experience! The feeling of floating around a scenery existent only in my mind was beautiful, and especially more so in the Theta Floor! The light, the imagery, and the feeling are wonderful..
I am now on Tape 1 Side B, and listened for the first time last night, and all I can say is WOW!!! I have never (at least that I can remember) felt anything like that. I have many times tried to concentrate my mind into a center of being, but the body always got in the way. I now know my center of being to be in my heart, and it was extraordinary to be completely present in my center of being and to notice that what I was hearing was above me. What I mean is that I felt like I was a tiny tiny tiny person living inside of my heart, and I could hear the sound of the tape coming through my body’s ears, located a foot or so above where I “was”. No arms, no legs, no head or anything. I really was a concentrated ball of light. This was the first time I really felt as though my body was just a vehicle for my mind. I will, though, have to stay with this tape for a while, as I feel my muscles tightening as I visualize the vibrating light, due to excitement, even though I can to!
tally feel that vibration. Like a buzz of electricity. I will stay with 2/B for a little while until I am totally relaxed and comfortable.
Also I definitely have noticed a sharp increase in my intuition already. I can tell in a packed elevator who is getting off of on what floor, and I have also tried out the “nose itch” game, where i sit in a crowded area and pick out someone. I try to imagine their nose as mine, put their head over mine, and imagine that their/my nose is really itchy, and all of a sudden they are scratching away! I have a success rate of about 85%, and if you think about it, how often do you really scratch your nose? I definitely have ruled out coincidence.
I’m still early in development, but I feel my temptation to smoke lessening, and I also feel an eagerness to eat healthier… And not to mention peace of mind.
These tapes are awesome! Thanks so much!
Dana Corvin ([email protected] ) sends us this nice “thank you” on May 29, 2001, after taking our RV course.
Dana Corvin
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ), a successful recent trainee, sent us this feedback on December 28, 1998.
You have been on my mind. The tapes are awesome. Let me tell you some of the benefits that I have derived from using these wonderful tools — the tapes almost every day and the breathing the light, well, everyday.
1. When I think of an individual, that person calls (no matter if it’s a good or bad thought.) immediately.
When I work on projects, the person with whom I’m working reads my thoughts — it’s evident from the proposals, art work and copy that comes back to me.
2. When I think or stand next to a person, I can tell how that person
perceives me. Sometimes, it’s unnerving and can put me off guard. I can also “hear” their thoughts.
3. Dreams are more vivid, more frequent, more telling.
4. I’m very close to my pets and plants and can anticipate their needs (especially when they want to come in from outdoors and they don’t make a sound).
5. Able to “see” into the next few hours and the next day part.
6. Can “hear” my beeper, when I leave it in my office and I am 50 miles away at home!
7. Can “perceive” presences in areas, when no physical person is present.
8. Though my job is quite social, I am preferring solitude more than usual, and a deep desire to “clean up my act,” and have begun with amazing results.
9. That there is so much more to my puny existence!
When I have been repeatedly telling myself: I am the light and the light is me, well, people have been saying: You’re radiating. This sentence has helped me through some mightily difficult times.
Thank you for your wonderfully affordable program. These are some of the benefits, not all though. There’s not enough space. Thanks isn’t enough.
Rose Szwed
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ) writes on Dec. 07, 1998.
Sounds stupid, but I put on my cat’s head and learned that she needed more nutrients in her food. Learned that my plants needed to be repotted. My illustrator just happened to include a job that I didn’t ask for in his presentation to me. Able to see people’s (those I don’t know) expressions. I swear to God, I can see people’s thoughts! Most of all, able to tell who is deceiving me (My slice of the business is tough!). Can find lost objects faster. Glowing. Communicating with customers at a different level. Locating needed information immediately. Spent an inordinate amount of time listening to tape 2, now I can do it on my own, even the “listen to my voice.” Getting in and getting out at different levels. I question whether or not people really die. Subtle experiences. Please be sure to update me on all of your information. The course blows my mind. My list of what I can do better and faster is endless. Thanks for making this available at an affordable price. Do you all meet somewhere? Please inform me if you do.
Rose Szwed
Elizabeth W. ([email protected] ), one of our successful RV trainees writes to us on October 23, 1998.
As a professional psychic counselor and social worker with advanced university degrees in psychology, your Remote Viewing course I was very enjoyable and beneficial. I found your course to be spiritually based. It utilizes techniques that allow each one to easily reach very deep levels of their former subconscious self: The level of the creative/imaginative mind.
It teaches self/mastery techniques and allows one to develop at one’s own pace.
Though I was clairvoyant before taking your course, your course redefined and greatly enhanced my psychic abilities. As a result, the course allowed me to gain a better understanding and control of the mechanics of my gift.
This is a wonderful tool that you have developed that enables anyone who desires it to access the universal mind. I personally highly recommend your course for the beginner and the advanced alike.
Elizabeth W.
Patrick O’Brien ( [email protected] ), one of our recent trainees, sent us on June 24, 1998 the following feedback.
I thought you may be interested in some observations after going through half your course. I have been involved with Remote Viewing for about two years, and have already completed another course in RV based in England.
Because I have been practicing RV for two years; I find it fairly easy to arrive at a state of theta. Due to this fact as well as the power of your tapes; I find myself falling asleep in the middle of a tape. In order to combat this problem I have switched to sitting in a chair rather than reclining in order to experience the tapes. Also, I find it helpful to move a finger or a toe when I feel myself slipping beyond theta into delta. One may also open and close the eyes, but this may be too distracting for a beginner.
Tape three appears to be leading towards an out-of-body experience (OOBE) with its practice of extending a part of the light-body or biophysical vehicle out of the physical body. While this may lead to an OOBE; which gives an almost “being there” clarity, it is more important to use it as a visualization practice. Even though the OOBE state gives great clarity, it also disconnects the viewer from his intuitive state. While an OOBE does give great visual clarity; it is more important to be able to receive intuitive flashes or a feeling of “knowing.”
Once the student progresses and begins to practice on actual RV targets; it is very important to target accurately. This includes targeting an accurate TIME. If the target is what is happening right now at the base of the Eiffel Tower and one doesn’t specify it as such; the information received may pertain to the date of construction or even to some time into the probable future.
Another tip about targeting in reference to gambling is to go for the general feeling. For a beginning viewer it is easier to have a feeling about whether today is a good day for winning, rather than a specific winning experience. For example, get the winning day and then feel for the winning place, followed by the winning table or slot machine. Walk around the room until a particular machine gives you that winning feeling. Then don’t be too greedy. Walk away with several small profits rather than trying for one big one.
One experience your students should be aware of is the possibility of Remote Influencing. I have found that with continued practice of RV, RI can sometimes spontaneously occur. This can be a frightening experience if not properly understood. However, one does not have to worry about unconsciously influencing someone in a negative way. The Universe does not work like that. I have experienced influencing someone unconsciously. I was thinking that I would like a glass of iced tea; when my host poured me one. I said, “Thank you,” mentally, and she said, “You’re welcome,” out loud. I have since been able to positively influence an upcoming meeting; but this only works if one influences it in a positive way for all concerned. There can be no losers.
Finally, I would like to say that your tapes are the perfect way for a beginner to experience RV. They naturally lead the student into the theta state, teaching them what that state feels like, and enabling them to ultimately achieve theta without use of the tapes. I look forward to the advanced set of tapes still to come.
If anyone would like to contact me, my e-mail is : [email protected]
Good journeys,
Patrick O’Brien
Stanley Rutherford , [email protected] a recent combination RV/RI trainee, shares with us this experience on April 08, 2008:
Hello. This is Stanley Rutherford, I am writing to let you and my fellow trainees know about a most wonderful experience. A week ago, I was working on the Combo Cds. While being in deep theta, I had an inspirational thought upon recalling the fact that as a result of working at such deep levels one could naturally heal (one’s self or someone else). At that point, I remembered that the family pet had a very bad problem with one of his eyes that had been injured. The bad eye had been that way for at least a year. I had in the past spoken with a vet who said that this type of injury would require surgery to remove dead tissue and scarring. which would be a very expensive procedure. We could sadly not afford it.
So while in deep Theta, I asked for the universal mind’s (the One) help, and began working on Max (the family pet). I was startled at first to recognize the link between myself, the universal mind, and then Max. I zeroed in on the eye injury and soon I was within it. I could see what appeared to be some sort of energy field that was vibrating out of sync. Like if something was shorting out.
When I saw this, I sent out some healing energy, and then saw in my mind the eye corrected. A couple of hours later, the formerly injured eye just went back into place. Wow!
I must say that my little friend is very happy now that his eye is completely healed.
Here is something else. A few days ago, I gave you a call with regards to telekinesis because I had something happen while in a very deep theta state. I was sitting on my bed and suddenly wanted to try to close my window blinds without touching them, using my mind alone. To my great surprise, they began to move. And so, I tried to do it again and it worked. But always very slowly. But who cares about how fast it happened! The important thing is that it happened.
I called you up and you suggested that I should then try to bend a heavy spoon. Well, I did!!
I went into deep theta, and I saw mentally the spoon that I wanted to work on. I asked the Universal Mind for advice on how to do it and got an answer. I was told to imagine that the spoon was a non-separated extension of myself alike a finger. I imagined then that the spoon was my finger. Funny as it may sound, this has to do with not willing it to happen but to understand the relationship between myself and the “material object”; that I and everything in this universe is inter-connected. I felt that the molecules of the object were mine. So, at this point, I moved the spoon mentally as if it were my own finger bending. You see, you don’t have to will strongly a finger to bend; it just follows automatically your instruction (this is how mind-matter also works).
Well, the spoon did bend!! I have repeated this and it seems to get easier all the time!!!!
The only limits one will run into are the ones that we allow ourselves or others to put in the way!
Thanks so much, Mr. O’Donnell
Lisa Samuels of the UK [email protected] send us this testimonial on October 29, 2007
It was a pleasure speaking with you today and to be honest words fail to describe what I experienced whilst listening to your courses and although I have just received your package only a few days ago I wanted to explain what is happening to me already.
I am and have always been clairvoyant with the gift of second sight and only recently started professionally to do this. Whilst listening to your CD, on the second day I went shopping with my cousin and actually predicted the exact cost of what the shopping would be. It was uncanny!
I spend a lot of time just listening to the CD’s mostly in between my other work and have noticed that my gift of forecasting is getting better and better with little or no effort and sometimes whilst listening to your CD’s. I have also noticed that the technique of switching heads in order to feel the emotions of others and what they are experiencing within their lives works extremely well and have been doing this with my readings.
I have also been to my future and seen things much more clearer and have seen future events especially with regards to technology and what life will be like within the next 15 years.
On another note, I find that my body vibrates sometimes very slow and sometimes very very fast and can feel the energy moving up and down my body like in spirals and have been short circuiting or blowing lights around me too! It is always like an adventure when I start listening to your CD and sometimes not too sure where I would end up!
I know that my journey has just started and have so much more to learn about my abilities and what I can accomplish and wanted to thank you from my very soul for sharing this knowledge with me.
Many many thanks Gerald and if you do visit the UK in January I would love to meet up with you.
John Matias [email protected] – a very serious student of our Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing combination course, sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on August 20, 2007.
Dear Mr. O’Donnell:
I have completed the courses 3x now (01/07 – now) and am beginning my 4th walk through.
In a nutshell I am physically and mentally experiencing a shifting of time, space and recently, (last 6 months or so), material objects around me are vanishing on a continual basis of which the magnitude and frequencies are rapidly expanding. Things literally disappear around me and reappear at later points of time, sometimes in totally different space (up to 50 miles away). My family and friends have been witnessing it as well and I need some feedback. Over the weekend I lost time while sitting in my car in a parking lot. The car and I vanished for 5 hours and I have no idea what happened. Again witnessed by son and wife.
Additionally, I am being physically touched by my fractal points within these outer realms, sometimes intensely—(ask me about the blood coming out of my arm when my 2nd son was with me, and identifiable marks as well}—- and it has been suggested to me that the “synchronicities” of this time present to future manifestation are a key of some sort, some higher level that I can not only interface with as we all do, but also redirect in some sort of way on a major basis.
It has become a standing “joke” that if I say something, the physical manifestation of it will appear the same day, sometimes within minutes of the conversation.
I am witnessing a “particulation” of all creation around me, almost like everything is “pixilated” and with the correct thrust of focus I am led to believe that the matter around me is totally moveable and manageable. What I witnessed in deep delta states was this matter of our space and time fluttering away, like slivers of dark matter, continually shedding off everything and everybody. It seems as if everything around us is like a huge web continually around our physical present existence looking for the focal points of creative desire and intent.
I am experiencing shifts of immense proportions and I am not sure what all this means.
To a “normal” human this all sounds like I am losing my mind. My kids and wife have seen so much of it recently it has become the family joke, “Dad is shifting again”. My co- workers who have a level of attunement see it as well and again have witnessed some of this. I feel as if I have fallen out of this time and space and keep wondering ( as I have since my earliest recollections) what and why I am doing here.
Additionally, I have a perplexing question about this “reality—where does it all go? And I do not mean “relics” left behind, where does the tender energy go?
Would love to hear from you about this message and chat a bit, maybe you can help my redirection that started in 1992 when I died (in a car nonetheless) and stood next to my prime source before I was pushed back here. Thanks to you and your superb courses I have not only been put back on the course of true enlightenment, I have been able to spread my high white light energies to all I come in contact with, helping all as it should be.
May the creator and all light shine among you and all you touch at this time, thank you for helping me.
John Matias
Greg Ledford [email protected] A Remote Influencing/Remote Viewing Combo student, sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on August 3, 2005.
I will start with Remote Influencing:
One day at my previous place of employment my friend hopped on his tow motor. He tried to crank it and it wouldn’t crank. He tried and tried but nothing. So I closed my eyes using my RI (Remote Influence) training I imagined him driving off on the tow motor to change his tank! He got off of the tow motor and went around back to remove the tank. I told him to give it one more shot. He hopped back on, turned the key and it cranked right up. He looked at me sort of puzzled and then drove off to change the tank, and he made it to his destination!
We had to work a mandatory overtime on a Saturday! I kept hearing people talk about how we were going to have to work many Saturdays for quite a while. Well along with myself and most others we did not want that to happen. So while listening to Remote Influence Tape 5, I Remote Influenced our weekends off! (LOL)! I wasn’t at work the following Monday, but when I went in on Tuesday I was told that anymore overtime would be volunteers only. I was amazed. I Remote Influenced a billion dollar company that is located not only all over the US but also in other countries. To top it off those that didn’t want to work did not have to and those that did could.
While training with RI 7A I have seen my room illuminated in a couple instances, although I couldn’t hold it for too long! I am excited about what is to come.
While training with Remote Influencing 7B an apple which had been eaten to the core took the place of the Earth while I was viewing it. Well let’s just say we can all understand what that meant!
I also requested I should be taller and weigh a little more while training with RI Tape 4 and 6A. I grew about an inch in height and gained 10lbs! It was no big deal but it worked.
Healing- I healed some animals with bodily problems, helped my mother achieve her desired weight, healed a friend of sinus infection, and more! Mostly while in my mental lab and training with RI Tape 6A which is very good for healing! Looking forward to building more and more on healing!
As for Remote Viewing, I have spent most of my time with Remote Influencing although I am beginning to spend more time with Remote Viewing (RV). While training with RV Tape 2A, I suddenly found myself floating above a city. The only thing that stood out to me was a tall building. It was all I was focused on. I thought to myself how this building stands out from all of the rest. Later that night I got on the Internet and one of the top stories was a building in I believe Spain caught fire and was feared to collapse like The World Trade Center! It stated that the building stood out from all of the rest.
Also while on Remote Viewing Tape 2A everything went black and I suddenly saw myself staring at me with a bright smile. It radiated a beautiful light. It was perfect in every way. I have a ways to go before I achieve that perfection but I am moving in the right direction with a strong foundation to boot!
I have experienced so much more than what I have written but I will keep it short.
I hope this testimonial along with all of the others will help everyONE want to Influence Reality for the better!
Gerald all you do is well appreciated!
Thanks again!
Greg Ledford
Willie Macon [email protected] a recent Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee wrote us this enthusiastic testimonial on November 16, 2004:
It was my total pleasure in speaking with you this afternoon. You know I had called once before right after the hurricanes and you asked me to call back. I waited because I felt a bit unsure of myself. So I decided to call today and WOW am I glad I did. It is like that conversation with you freed me to go to my next level which can only be more spectacular than this one! I am flying so high!!! Most of the time for the last few months I feel invincible, like I can walk on water! I lack word to express my joy and gratitude to you for these courses. I am taking the combo Remote Viewing/ Remote Influencing courses. I started in early August 2004. I am on my second time through, and I must say, I have had and continue to have some incredible experiences!
Time of no time
The very first day that I got the RI course in the mail, about a week after I got the RV course- I sat in my bedroom and read the manual while I let the CD Theta track play. I did this unknown to myself for 4 hours by the clock. I was surprised when my husband called from the airport for me to come and get him. I got up quickly and started down the stairs, and I felt woozy. I stopped and reminded myself to come back to beta. then I did my emergence. Went into my garage, started my auto and noticed that it was 10:10 pm. I still felt a little other-worldly. I backed out of my drive way about 20 feet and drove to the street about 100 feet, and then I noticed that the clock now said 10:21 pm. I was amazed, I looked back and could still see my garage, how could 11 minutes have elapsed? I proceeded to the airport which is 22 miles without traffic in dry weather, and it had been raining that night. When I arrived at the airport the clock said 10:29 pm!! How is that possible? My best time is 30 minutes to the airport! To have driven 22 miles in 9 minutes!! AMAZING!!
Deja vu
I was a passenger in a car with friends. The gentleman was outside our car pumping gas, and I kind of zoned out going within. I saw a lady finish pumping her gas in a blue color van, and then I saw her get in and pull away! A few seconds later I saw her do the same exact thing AGAIN!!! Saturday afternoon about 3 PM in broad daylight! I wanted to tell this to my friends but they would think I am too weird! They would have had the padded truck come and take me away!! (smile) So I just jumped up and down inside myself! I really enjoyed it!
Telepathic Remote Viewing
I have on many occasions shocked my daughters by reading their minds! It freaks them out! I love it! On one occasion, my youngest called to ask me for a recipe-She said ” mom do you remember” and I finished her sentence “that hamburger one?” She said: “Woman you gotta stop freaking me out like that!!” We both laughed and I really enjoyed freaking her out–I had already done it to her about 5 times!
Remote Influencing
I was able to avert a disaster involving the real estate closing transaction on our new house, which by all practical accounts we should not have been able to get, but since I knew I could create my own reality–I DID IT! And we are living in it right now: a beautiful 4 bedroom colonial in a beautiful neighborhood. Anyway, we had started looking in TN back in April- But with negotiations and etc, it took until September to close and move from Atlanta.. (My husband was getting transferred, he wanted it-I HELPED) In April when we had our credit report run (on Pins and needles) it showed all our tax liens paid which they were since 2000. BUT in September 2004 one showed mistakenly open! 1 day before the closing at 4:30 in the afternoon! It was suggested I go to the IRS field office. I rejected that. Instead I went into Theta and consulted my guide within, and asked for help. I said’ Any suggestions would be appreciated” then I emerged again as I was driving! Smile! Within seconds-It came to me as clear as day-“Go to the courthouse. When they released the lien, they sent a copy to the court house” I was shocked and amazed, but I did as I was told and in 10 minutes, and $2.00 for the copies, I had copies of ALL the release forms which I faxed to the Mortgage Co. and we closed without a hitch!!!
Now some of you might say–that is no miracle- But I did not know that information beforehand-it never occurred to me to even wonder about how they release liens etc… And It would have panicked in the past! That is before I discovered that I and the One are really one!
Out-of -body experiences
I have also had about 4 out-of-body-experiences. The first was while listening to Remote Influencing tape 5. I was half asleep and woke as it started, it was magnificent! It started as if I was being pulled up like by strings at my middle (Iwas on my side) around my hips, the my top and then my legs, then I was projected up very fast and I went through white clouds or lights with blue at the edges then they broke up into triangle shapes of the same colors, and then I was floating back down and gently lowered into my body and I felt myself settle just the way I had been lifted moments before, and I felt like my whole being went AHHHH! it was 1000 times better than the best orgasm I have ever experienced!!
I had about 3, one right after the other while I was asleep listening to tape #2 of the Remote Viewing course.
They were quick and wonderful. It was like I didn’t want to settle back in at all! (lol)
Well Gerald, what can I say. I listen constantly! I can’t get enough, my excitement is so great that I just must have them. I meditate with a tape every night sometimes a couple times a day. I play the Delta track each night on the CD player where we sleep-My husband asked me to leave it on so he could hear it too! I also listen to a tape while I seep with the cassette player and headphones! I thought I might be overdoing it, but I now know that I get to decide how much is enough for me- My inner self is talking and I AM LISTENING!
Gerald in the last few months my life and the lives of those I love have changed so much (Even though my children in particular kindly treat me like an escaped mental patient at times–SMILE) but I KNOW THE REAL TRUTH-and I can help them without their permission-as long it it is to their benefit. MY life is so beautiful, and I am so grateful that sometimes I go down to that room in theta and I start to thank the Universal Mind and I just burst into tears of joy and gratitude! It is truly overwhelming! I go there a lot and we my guide who I call Willie Sam, since I as Willie M. I named her WSM–my initials and call her Willie Sam. She appeared in my mental lab one day in deep theta when I went there, after I went down the stairs, she was there, looking like me but perfect-we have since merged during one of my meditations, now she is with me always (I now know she always has been inside me as my higher self-but the difference is that now I KNOW it!)
Thank You again Gerald for this material-I am putting it to good use! Anyway that’s all for now. I am having great mind safaris!!
Will be in touch soon!
Willie Macon
Scott Crawford of Australia [email protected] sent this testimonial on December 17, 2003.
I’ve been training with your combination course for nearly 2 months now and have experienced so many wonderful things such as:
– Using my newfound energy/light to heal me, my girlfriend, and fix inanimate objects like light bulbs
– A consistently happy, content, stress-free existence
– Stronger emotions & improved senses
– More vivid memories and imagination
– A great empowerment that comes with knowing you have all the tools to create a wonderful joyful life
I would like to take this time to thank you, like all your other students :-), for making this information available to me so that I can realize my true potential and open up a wondrous world that I never knew I could connect to.
Thanks once again Gerald, you have inspired so many people, so selflessly, to greatness, including me. You have given a gift of knowledge to me that I will never forget.
Kind Regards,
Scott Crawford
Jim Robertson Jr. [email protected] an RV/RI student, sends us this enthusiastic Email on October 3, 2003:
As a student of RV/RI for about a year now, I want to say THANK YOU for this incredible course and for trying to make the world a better place. Nothing has changed my life for the better as much as this material has. I have had many incredible experiences and would like to share a few here. It is difficult to describe how it has changed me, but I feel deeply that it has enlivened my ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’. Every day my focus is now, how I can be a better person. I feel closer to God than in any other time of my life. My wife often tells me that I am ‘humming’, which is our reference to my body when it is buzzing. I can feel the electrical pulses going through my finger tips and from one side of my body to the other. An interesting occurrence has been happening ever since I met you about one year ago. For some reason, street lights (and lights that come on automatically at night) go off when I get near them. This phenomenon has happened countless times over the past year. It has happened at airports, while driving, many parking lots, hotels, basically any place that has light sensitive, automatic lights. I am curious to know if this is happening to others. Another great thing that your course has done is increased my IQ. Recently, I took an IQ test (for fun) and did not put forth much effort. The questions seemed easy. When the test was returned, I had scored 135. I was very pleased, as the tester suggested, that such a score was in the realm of Plato and was quite happy for me. This was a huge surprise for me to say the least. (In University, I had a closer relationship with the academic probation list than the Dean’s list…) I could go on for pages about how important it is to do your course and how it effects your life in a positive way. We have had several discussions over the past year on the phone and I consider it a privilege know you.
Thank you again for all of your work in this area and for sharing with us this incredible course.
Most sincerely,
Jim Robertson Jr.
Morton [email protected] sends us this enthusiastic and important feedback on August4, 2003 after having trained with the RV/RI combination package for a year.
Words can’t do justice for what this course is capable of. Over the past few months, I have had experiences that are phenomenal, to say the least. I’ll try to sum it up as best I can.
I have only been doing these two courses for a year. In that time, I have experienced things that I had never thought possible.
My RV skills have improved dramatically with the RI course. I now get images that are as vivid as what I see in the waking world. This does not happen all of the time, but I am nonetheless baffled. In time, I am certain that it will happen consistently.
I have slight telekinetic skills. I can swing a needle on a string or move it in small circles. I am continuing to practice this.
I can dowse. This is remarkably easy to do. Some of the students may enjoy this one.
Telepathy. Again, this one is like the others, it doesn’t happen all of the time, but enough for me to know it is there. When someone near me feels a strong emotion, I feel it too, as much or more than my own, regardless of what I am feeling.
Healing. This is the most remarkable of the abilities that I have discovered so far. The results are incredible.
Another pleasant side effect is that my artistic skills have improved dramatically. I was good before, but now people that see my work remark at how incredibly lifelike it looks, almost like they could touch the animal or person being portrayed.
My personality has altered in all good ways. That in itself was worth every penny that was spent on this course. My outlook on life, the way that I deal with people, everything is changed. I think of how much money people waste going to counselors, self help seminars, etc. They rarely work, and half the time it is only temporary, like putting a band aid on a head wound. This, without a doubt, WORKS.
Your RV course was good, but the RI course is on a whole other level. You wanted me to explain my methods.
Use the Diamond Self for expanding all of your other skills. This is the core of all of your abilities. Use it and all will fall into place. This will enhance your RV skills dramatically, as well as the others. It will alter your physical appearance as well. I can’t stress how important this technique is. USE IT, or your skills will continue to stagnate.
I also experienced what you call the pulse of creation. I don’t know what to call it. I was at the beach and I laid back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sunshine. My heart began to pound, but it didn’t feel out of the ordinary. My whole body began to feel like it was pulsing, like a heart. I could feel it throbbing. It was the most amazing thing. I laid there for hours, but I thought I had only been there for about fifteen minutes. I finally opened my eyes and there were about ten people standing there staring at me. They had apparently been there the whole time watching me. I looked directly at one man and he ran. The others just continued to stare with their mouths hanging open. I looked down at my shadow and saw it growing larger and smaller. I would like to know what they saw. I have never felt ALIVE like that.
There is plenty more to say, but I will shut up for now. Just devote your training to RI, and RV will seem like child’s play, I promise.
Thank you.
Your pal,
Sherwood H.K. Finley [email protected] writes to us this very important feedback on the RV&RI combination course on June 27, 2003.
From the Remote Viewing material I had learned to observe data streams from the past and target probable futures. With Remote Influencing, I began to live them, but sometimes I felt that I was living backwards in time. I found I could fast forward to the day’s end, review and edit, insert desired outcomes and then experience the day I had designed. It became obvious to me that certain time reversals resulted from tapping into delta, especially in public settings where more input is abundant.
For instance, I was in a bookstore on Jan 7, 2003, and lived certain events in twice-instant replay. I saw a vivid vision of a man drop a book then pick it up. But two seconds later I saw it again. Trust me, this gets your attention!
Back on the street crowds looked like multi-colored clouds and I heard fragments of conversations and two seconds later heard them again. I was living in a virtual double-exposure reality!
That night in the shower while reviewing these events, I noticed that the water droplets seemed to be falling very slowly, even after repeated viewings. I found I could encircle a drop with my hand.
Four days later the drops just hung in the air, freeze-frame! Clocks have gotten into the act preferring to slow-and stop-their second hand! I first thought that they ran out of power, but new fresh batteries didn’t help. One of the local cats ran by the door, and guess what? He did it again two seconds later. I kept watching for Alice and/or the white rabbit! No luck! Nor did a voice inform me that I had entered the twilight zone!
In RV assignments I found that after having trained with the Remote Influencing course twice, I could view and retain far more data than previously, information which was verified by Mr. O’Donnell who always made sense out of my input, especially when it made no sense to me.
After incorporating sketching, page after page would come flying out. With various disasters ad crimes I found I could merge with them and emerge untouched, with no side-effects.
In working with a distance healing client, I decided to see if I could enter their dream and leave some helpful programs behind. By the way, that’s all you can do, and only win-win is possible. I found the speed of this person’s dream was beyond comprehension so I put it on hold, inserted simple instructions, e.g. :My immune system is functioning perfectly”, and then let their dream continue. Result: One of the fastest recoveries I’ve ever seen in about 20,000 distance healing sessions (Since 1986).
Finding lost objects seemed effortless and it often seemed that I had become the object, in most cases my glasses which have their own agenda!
In daily life I found that problem-solving, negotiation, communication, creativity, memory, and not getting nervous or upset quite as frequently, all improved quite wonderfully.
After over a year of training with the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course of the Academy, I can state that these experiences and states are now constant and not like a peak experience or a weekend workshop success. As you master the deeper levels of your mind there is an automatic mastery of life. It simply becomes easier.
My overall experience is that I can now help others far better discover their tremendous inner potential for changes and accomplishment. I can help them bring in healing- not just to their biology but their mind, emotional body, and spirit. All this is what the RV and RI courses show and train us to experience. With only a little bit of faith and perseverance we can all tap into this tremendous inner power just waiting to lift us back into freedom and harmony.
P.S. Unfortunately the Oneness took back Sherwood Home on January 14, 2010. He was a dear friend and the best Remote Viewer I have ever known. His Spirit always flew as an eagle High and wide, and I know that he is now a Golden Eagle Flying within the Golden Sphere of the One as one the Holy Golden Eagles. Happy Flights, my dear friend and Light-warrior. You deserve the Peace of God. Gerald O’Donnell 2012
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on May 4, 2002
Hi Gerald,
This is some of what I have experienced with the new RI course. I’m also CC’ing the grillflame group.
After only reading the first installment of Course II, (Remote Influencing Thought..) I have been having some very interesting results with the few experiments I have tried.
I have been strongly meditating on the fact that I am the creator of my reality, and all the points you stress in the first installment, and I can feel a change within, and without.. Here are some examples:
1) DRIVING UNDER THE (REMOTE) INFLUENCE. Every time I am on the road, I have a little game I play with other drivers. I look at other drivers that are to my sides. If I quickly decide that I want them to look back at me, they usually do. If I quickly decide that I don’t want them to, they usually don’t. I try this at a maximum of 90 degrees, meaning that they must be at my exact side or more in front of me (to eliminate the possibility that they can see me looking at them in the corner of their eye. These people are feeling an influence). I have had several instances of people being more diagonally to my front left, and they would look back at me. Very interesting. Not looking back because they want to pass, but just to glance at me, then they go back to the road.
2) LEG BOUNCE. On several occasions I’ve tried this one. Here is an example. While at a restaurant, waiting for my takeout order, I saw a woman directly to my left also waiting. We were both sitting. Her feet were planted firmly on the floor. I imagined, with my eyes open, her crossing her legs, right over left, and then bouncing the right foot, I also imagined being shocked that my imagination became reality. This *did* became reality within a matter of *seconds*. Her legs crossed, right over left, and the right foot started to bounce in the air. Quickly, About 10 seconds later, I imagined her foot being planted back onto the floor, also imagining me being shocked that it worked again. Again, within seconds this became reality, and I *was* shocked 🙂 I even chuckled out loud.. hehehe
3) POWER OUT. I am in a rock band that rehearses in New Jersey, and plays in NYC. We rehearse at the guitarist’s house, in the basement. This past Sunday, as I pulled up to the house, I decided to try another RI experiment. I sat there, in my car, and imagined myself going down into the basement only to find that we could not rehearse because the power was out. Drums were fine, but there was no power for the amps, and thus, no guitars or vocals. I imagined this strongly, and also imagined my shock that it happened. So I grabbed my bass guitars and headed into the house. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I walked down the stairs into the basement. Lights on, everything’s fine. I walk into the studio where we rehearse, and see the guitarist playing around with the power cable for his amp. I asked what was wrong, and he said “The power for the amps and vocals JUST went out”!!!!! The lights were on (!!!), but the power for both guitar amps and the vocals were totally out!! This is the exact scene I envisioned! He then went to check the fuse box, and found that the fuse that controls the very power outlets for the amps and vocals had simply switched off. I WAS BLOWN AWAY. Simple fix, he flipped the fuse switch back, and all was good, BUT I AM CERTAIN THAT MY MENTAL EXPERIMENT HAD AN ABSOLUTE PHYSICAL EFFECT IN REALITY. We have been rehearsing in that room in one band or another for almost 5 years, and nothing has ever happened to the power. Not once, until I *created* that reality this past Sunday.
I thought you might enjoy those little experiments..
Rob Chojnacki
Ryan Berry, [email protected] wants to share on June 27, 2000 the following experiences after training with the course for one month.
My name is Ryan Berry. I am 18 years old and started the remote viewing course about one month ago. I talked to you a couple of times and you asked me to share my experiences to the people who used your course and also to the people who are thinking about getting your course. All I have to say is, HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! These experiences thrilled me.
I would like to first share some history about myself and what got me interested in remote viewing. When I was a kid, I loved to daydream. I would fantasize about a perfect world where anything was possible. I would have dreams at night of events that would then take place in the future. I didn’t exactly know when they would take place but when the time came and I saw something I had seen in one of my dreams, I could predict the outcome of the remaining situation. This was something I was always good at but I really couldn’t channel this power anytime I wanted until I ordered the remote viewing course. After performing the theta exercises in the tapes I began to realize that any individual has the power to create his/her own reality anyway if that individual wants it. Shortly after, I began to create my new reality. I will now share with you my creations and how you to can do what I have accomplished. Some of the phenomenal experiences I have encountered have happened involuntarily. Like for example, my intuition experience. I remember going to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and that after leaving the restaurant, I started walking to my car and then, all-of-a-sudden my body flinched (the kind of flinch the person would get if something had surprised them) after hearing something loud in my mind. It was so irritating that my legs started to move rapidly toward my car and I thought to myself, “what the hell is going on in me?” Then, seconds later, a construction site that was building a building next to the restaurant dropped a big heavy pipe and boy was that thing loud!
But my body didn’t react to it that time because the event had already taken place in my mind and I had reacted to it beforehand. I’ve had other intuition experiences: for example, I could predict when the phone was going to ring and what the conversation was about. And again the event would happen inside my mind and then the reality would take place.
As another sample of my efforts, I want to talk about my psychokinetic experiences. While in deep theta I asked the universal mind how to bend a spoon and turn a light on. All these were done with my eyes open. Bending a spoon: While in my inner-mind’s workshop, I sat down on my mind’s couch and turned on my workshop’s TV. I saw myself sitting on the couch and holding a spoon in my hand and saw the same thing on the TV. screen. I asked the Universal Mind how to perform the task and It told me to be the spoon. Send the light through my neck and in my head and on the spoon. I did this exercise and began to feel energy build up in my head like a sharp pressure. Then the Universal Mind told me in order to relieve the pressure “bend your head down and the spoon’s energy will be released and bend as well.” I performed the task and started to feel a little cold, just like the spoon’s temperature. Then the spoon did what the Universal Mind told me it would do. It bent forward just as I bent my head forward.
Turning a light on:
While performing an exercise at night I wanted to try something new. I have a fish tank that has two spotlights in it; they were both off at the time and I wanted to turn one of them on, even if it were just for a split second. I went to my mental workshop and asked the Universal Mind how to perform this task. It said to me that I must imagine myself as the spotlight and in order to flash it I must blink my eyes. After this I began to imagine on my workshop’s TV. that I was looking down at the bottom of the fish tank and then my mind transferred inside the fish tank and I began to swim around in my fish tank and the water temperature felt so good. My mind then got next to the screen and looked through the glass and I saw myself as a big giant walking towards the fish tank and staring into the tiny me’s eyes. The tiny me blinked, the giant me blinked, the Ryan laying down on the bed performing the exercise blinked, and then the spotlight came on and then went off.
I have tried many other experiments to see what I could do. The results all turned out perfect. I have never had any trouble with performing my goal tasks. That is because I believe in myself and my capability to carry out the tasks. My advice is not to be skeptic and don’t analyze. Have fun and always know this: the human mind can create any reality the individual wants. My future plans are to change the world for the better and to use my powers to help my generation and the rest of mankind out. I want to help them realize that they have the potential to perform these tasks and do so much more. If your interested in remote viewing and are thinking about ordering this course, order today so you can join me and Mr. O’Donnell and discover the infinite powers of your mind that lies within all of us.
Your universal brother,
David Wilson ( [email protected]), a recent student, shares with us on February 05, 2000 these amazing experiences that he had as he undertook his initial training.
A second experience I had which is worth mentioning was my definite attempt to “travel” to Roanoke Island to see one of America’s first permanent settlements. I expected to see the general sort of things you would see on television about that time period. What I actually saw was quite astounding. I saw a native American in full head dress with beads woven into his hair and quills and feathers arranged in a row descending down his back. He was in a very low to the ground stick type hut (unlike what I would have guessed. I then traveled to the white settlement to see the sharpened logs which were tightly wound with primitive rope surrounding the log houses inside. I then moved inside one of the buildings to see of all things, primitive hand hewn children’s toys on the floor! I would have never expected this. I then looked around for evidence of where the people may have gone or what might have happened. I believe my question was partly answered when I saw what looked to be like white porcelain (?) like dishes with blood being splattered everywhere. I did not wish to view this anymore and left.
A third experience I have had, which to me was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life, happened around 3:00 a.m. I was awakened by our little girl around 3:00 a.m. and went to her room to get her back to sleep. I went to sleep on the floor beside her bed only to awaken and find I had overslept… by 6 hours! I walked into the kitchen and saw the clock very clearly reading 12:30 p.m. I then looked outside and thought to myself, “how could this have happened? I would never sleep this late. I looked at the clock again and it showed 12:30 p.m. very clearly again. It was a warm sunny day with a slight breeze blowing. Outside the pines were swaying gently in the wind. I thought to myself, “this is beyond reason”. I stepped back inside the kitchen and closed the door and decided I had better find my wife and get some answers! She was fast asleep in bed! The time “warp” had closed and it was dark again! And so that was it. But I shall never understand what I did or how I did it. I only know that it was not a dream nor like any dream I have even heard of. So these are my three special cases which I have shared. I believe with training, remote viewing can be our most powerful tool for exploration. It surely must be one of our greatest gifts. Please explore for yourself and learn to use one of God’s greatest gifts to man!
Michael Santangelo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on December 5, 2001.
The next day I went into the meeting. There were a number of people present, but one of them stood out to me. This person was an exact match of my impression of the day before. It was the very person I was trying to get a “preview” of. I was both completely amazed and matter of fact in my reaction. if this is a bit of what can be expected with practice and patience, I can hardly wait. I have found the tapes to be terrific and look forward to continuing my practice.
Thanks again for the great service you are rendering by making these powerful techniques available. I look forward to receiving the email exercises you mentioned in our phone call.
Michael Santangelo
Laurie Broad Jr. from Alaska, [email protected] , sent us on January 13, 2005 this comment on the Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing courses.
These courses have changed my life. Thank you
Laurie Broad Jr.
Patrick a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on December 11, 2003.
These courses have changed my life. Thank you
Laurie Broad Jr.
Sherwood H.K. Finley [email protected] writes to us this very important feedback on the RV&RI combination course on June 27, 2003.
From the Remote Viewing material I had learned to observe data streams from the past and target probable futures. With Remote Influencing, I began to live them, but sometimes I felt that I was living backwards in time. I found I could fast forward to the day’s end, review and edit, insert desired outcomes and then experience the day I had designed. It became obvious to me that certain time reversals resulted from tapping into delta, especially in public settings where more input is abundant.
For instance, I was in a bookstore on Jan 7, 2003, and lived certain events in twice-instant replay. I saw a vivid vision of a man drop a book then pick it up. But two seconds later I saw it again. Trust me, this gets your attention!
Back on the street crowds looked like multi-colored clouds and I heard fragments of conversations and two seconds later heard them again. I was living in a virtual double-exposure reality!
That night in the shower while reviewing these events, I noticed that the water droplets seemed to be falling very slowly, even after repeated viewings. I found I could encircle a drop with my hand.
Four days later the drops just hung in the air, freeze-frame! Clocks have gotten into the act preferring to slow-and stop-their second hand! I first thought that they ran out of power, but new fresh batteries didn’t help. One of the local cats ran by the door, and guess what? He did it again two seconds later. I kept watching for Alice and/or the white rabbit! No luck! Nor did a voice inform me that I had entered the twilight zone!
In RV assignments I found that after having trained with the Remote Influencing course twice, I could view and retain far more data than previously, information which was verified by Mr. O’Donnell who always made sense out of my input, especially when it made no sense to me.
After incorporating sketching, page after page would come flying out. With various disasters ad crimes I found I could merge with them and emerge untouched, with no side-effects.
In working with a distance healing client, I decided to see if I could enter their dream and leave some helpful programs behind. By the way, that’s all you can do, and only win-win is possible. I found the speed of this person’s dream was beyond comprehension so I put it on hold, inserted simple instructions, e.g. :My immune system is functioning perfectly”, and then let their dream continue. Result: One of the fastest recoveries I’ve ever seen in about 20,000 distance healing sessions (Since 1986).
Finding lost objects seemed effortless and it often seemed that I had become the object, in most cases my glasses which have their own agenda!
In daily life I found that problem-solving, negotiation, communication, creativity, memory, and not getting nervous or upset quite as frequently, all improved quite wonderfully.
After over a year of training with the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course of the Academy, I can state that these experiences and states are now constant and not like a peak experience or a weekend workshop success. As you master the deeper levels of your mind there is an automatic mastery of life. It simply becomes easier.
My overall experience is that I can now help others far better discover their tremendous inner potential for changes and accomplishment. I can help them bring in healing- not just to their biology but their mind, emotional body, and spirit. All this is what the RV and RI courses show and train us to experience. With only a little bit of faith and perseverance we can all tap into this tremendous inner power just waiting to lift us back into freedom and harmony.
P.S. Unfortunately the Oneness took back Sherwood Home on January 14, 2010. He was a dear friend and the best Remote Viewer I have ever known. His Spirit always flew as an eagle High and wide, and I know that he is now a Golden Eagle Flying within the Golden Sphere of the One as one the Holy Golden Eagles. Happy Flights, my dear friend and Light-warrior. You deserve the Peace of God. Gerald O’Donnell 2012
Saleem Rana ( [email protected] ) writes us this feedback on April 23 about his experiences during and after taking our Remote Viewing Course.
Dear Gerald:
I want to thank you for your course, Remote Viewing.
I have had many wonderful experiences with the 6 weeks of doing RV.
1. I used to be able to visualize poorly. Now my mental pictures can be very vivid, sometimes even more so than with actual seeing. Let me explain. When seeing something during a Remote Viewing session, the colors seem brighter, and I can zoom in and out as I please. In addition, I appear to find everything viewed in this way has a rich emotional quality to it.
2. I have correctly identified two targets posted for me. I did not know the target, but was given an alphanumeric code. I saw and experienced the targets very vividly. Currently, I have only RV’d two targets.
3. I was able to remote view the inside of a tree and the inside of a leaf in sharp detail, as if I were really inside it, experiencing the richness of the life-force.
4. I had some success with Remote Healing. The person reported that they felt better after my treatment. I was able to enter this person and do a complete scan of their health condition. I found out about 10 problems they were having.
5. The vibratory light feeling I get during RV is my Higher Self.
6. In one RV session, I saw a beach, and I had a heightened sense of acuity. Each grain of sand I focused on gave me a sense of deep pleasure, and I found the surf absolutely delightful. In another session, I was flying over this Western Town. Most of the buildings were brown and tan, and they were very old. There was also a railway station with a train pulling up. The town was very dry and dusty. There were no people around the town. I could zoom in and out of the scene, getting close-up views of the buildings and being able to view them from any direction. It was very exhilarating.
7. I am also able to sometimes RV when awake. For example, I have been able to predict things before I get to the scene. Walking to the Jacuzzi room at my health club, I projected my mind to the room before I got there. I saw a bald, corpulent man. When I got there, I was shocked to actually find such a person there. Another time, I was able to project ahead to the bus stop before I even got to the street. I saw two scenes. One, the bus waiting for me, and the other, a bus a block away pulling up to the bus sign. I was puzzled. How could I see two possibilities? Then when I got there, I found a bus waiting for me AND further down the street, about a block away, there was another bus coming up.
These are just a few of my experiences. I am having so many that I am not able to keep track of them all. I am developing PSI quite spontaneously now, and I did not have this ability before. It is as if my consciousness has suddenly expanded by visiting
Saleem Rana
Michael Santangelo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on December 5, 2001.
The next day I went into the meeting. There were a number of people present, but one of them stood out to me. This person was an exact match of my impression of the day before. It was the very person I was trying to get a “preview” of. I was both completely amazed and matter of fact in my reaction. if this is a bit of what can be expected with practice and patience, I can hardly wait. I have found the tapes to be terrific and look forward to continuing my practice.
Thanks again for the great service you are rendering by making these powerful techniques available. I look forward to receiving the email exercises you mentioned in our phone call.
Michael Santangelo
Dr. Leon O. writes to us on September 19th, 2001 ( [email protected] ).
Let me start by saying that after listening to tape 2 side A about 5 times, I have had several premonitions. The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01
I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01. I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!
Thank you for your time.
God Bless America
Dr. Leon O.
Brian McCarthy ([email protected]) sends us this very timely testimonial on September 14th, 2001.
It has been a year since I ordered your RV course. I feel that in that time, I not only have traveled the future road of many probable paths that lie ahead for me as well as the journey I have traveled within myself. The occurrence of actions on 9/11/01 in New York City almost immediately reminded me of your August 2000 web site posting. In recent months I have seen probable outcomes of what may become fact . I have seen much destruction and loss of life even in this great country of America. Time lines are never certain with RV but I have almost become fearful of the things I know could happen. The course I took from you a year ago has showed me that. However fear is not what it seems, especially while traveling the depth of the rabbit’s hole. I am so glade I took the red pill a year ago instead of the blue one, for this has been an amazing journey into the Matrix of the probable future of this person’s being. I will be ordering you 2nd edition of tapes soon. The advice I would give to others considering the course would be: yes take it, take them both. Your future may depend on it. I have so many different outcomes to my future now that I can choose the path I want to take. In ending, I would like to add that this has also been a path with a couple of monetary gains. Thank you so much Gerald.
“I’ll see you on the sky scrapper of my mind”.
Brian J.M.
David Clarke ( [email protected] ), a British trainee, sent us this testimonial on September 4th, 2001.
I have been using the Remote Viewing course for some weeks now, and although a bit skeptical that I or just anyone could learn to use it, I am now a full believer. I have successfully remote viewed on several occasions. On nearly a daily basis, I suddenly think of someone and then the phone rings and it’s that person. While watching the lottery the other day, I suddenly thought of several numbers and to my surprise they rolled in seconds later!
Even better, I was in the pub the other day, and suddenly thought of a friend I had not seen for a while, then I looked up and saw a ghostly/transparent image of my friend making his way towards me through the crowd, as he emerged, he faded away! This was shocking enough, but with in a minute the real life version of my friend walked in the door and made his way towards me through the crowd and came over and said hello and wondered why my mouth was hanging open!
Please post my experiences if you wish.
David Clarke
Michael Albright ([email protected]) sends us on February 13, 2001 this testimonial on his progress with the RV course.
I purchased the remote viewing tapes about 6 weeks ago, and I am having the time of my life using them. I had a dream last week that really made me realize how powerful these tapes are. In my dream I had a very clear picture of me taking some change from the soda machine after using it. Well, about two days later the dream came true. I needed a little pick me up, so I went to the soda machine to get a drink and reached down to get my change, and there was about $1.00 worth of quarters waiting for me! Just like in the dream! My exact change was suppose to .25 cents.
Gerald, I think that getting a look into my “Probable Future” is great, but at the same time, these tapes are making me realize that there is a connectedness between us all. Maybe I’m starting to realize on a deeper level my own divinity (Divine Love) and this Divinity, sees and recognizes the divinity in all.
Thanks again for always being there to answer all my questions.
With Many Blessings!!
R.S. ([email protected]) of Sydney, Australia sends this testimony on February 8, 2001.
I would like to elaborate a bit on the results I have had so far! I Have been practicing the tapes for about three weeks now. I just started tape 3 side B this morning. My intuition is gradually rising and I seem to be having a lot of ‘synchronous’ moments, i.e. when I know something is about to happen between 1 second and 5 seconds before it happens although I have only just started to actually register this type of stray thought as the ‘what is going to happen thought’. So the results have been great so far. I also have found my stress levels easing a whole lot and also wanted to tell you that I love the work you’ve done on your website, with the out of the matrix page and the rest. Can’t wait for an update
Anyway, thank you for helping me out,
Ryan Berry, [email protected] wants to share on June 27, 2000 the following experiences after training with the course for one month.
My name is Ryan Berry. I am 18 years old and started the remote viewing course about one month ago. I talked to you a couple of times and you asked me to share my experiences to the people who used your course and also to the people who are thinking about getting your course. All I have to say is, HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! These experiences thrilled me.
I would like to first share some history about myself and what got me interested in remote viewing. When I was a kid, I loved to daydream. I would fantasize about a perfect world where anything was possible. I would have dreams at night of events that would then take place in the future. I didn’t exactly know when they would take place but when the time came and I saw something I had seen in one of my dreams, I could predict the outcome of the remaining situation. This was something I was always good at but I really couldn’t channel this power anytime I wanted until I ordered the remote viewing course. After performing the theta exercises in the tapes I began to realize that any individual has the power to create his/her own reality anyway if that individual wants it. Shortly after, I began to create my new reality. I will now share with you my creations and how you to can do what I have accomplished. Some of the phenomenal experiences I have encountered have happened involuntarily. Like for example, my intuition experience. I remember going to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and that after leaving the restaurant, I started walking to my car and then, all-of-a-sudden my body flinched (the kind of flinch the person would get if something had surprised them) after hearing something loud in my mind. It was so irritating that my legs started to move rapidly toward my car and I thought to myself, “what the hell is going on in me?” Then, seconds later, a construction site that was building a building next to the restaurant dropped a big heavy pipe and boy was that thing loud!
But my body didn’t react to it that time because the event had already taken place in my mind and I had reacted to it beforehand. I’ve had other intuition experiences: for example, I could predict when the phone was going to ring and what the conversation was about. And again the event would happen inside my mind and then the reality would take place.
As another sample of my efforts, I want to talk about my psychokinetic experiences. While in deep theta I asked the universal mind how to bend a spoon and turn a light on. All these were done with my eyes open. Bending a spoon: While in my inner-mind’s workshop, I sat down on my mind’s couch and turned on my workshop’s TV. I saw myself sitting on the couch and holding a spoon in my hand and saw the same thing on the TV. screen. I asked the Universal Mind how to perform the task and It told me to be the spoon. Send the light through my neck and in my head and on the spoon. I did this exercise and began to feel energy build up in my head like a sharp pressure. Then the Universal Mind told me in order to relieve the pressure “bend your head down and the spoon’s energy will be released and bend as well.” I performed the task and started to feel a little cold, just like the spoon’s temperature. Then the spoon did what the Universal Mind told me it would do. It bent forward just as I bent my head forward.
Turning a light on:
While performing an exercise at night I wanted to try something new. I have a fish tank that has two spotlights in it; they were both off at the time and I wanted to turn one of them on, even if it were just for a split second. I went to my mental workshop and asked the Universal Mind how to perform this task. It said to me that I must imagine myself as the spotlight and in order to flash it I must blink my eyes. After this I began to imagine on my workshop’s TV. that I was looking down at the bottom of the fish tank and then my mind transferred inside the fish tank and I began to swim around in my fish tank and the water temperature felt so good. My mind then got next to the screen and looked through the glass and I saw myself as a big giant walking towards the fish tank and staring into the tiny me’s eyes. The tiny me blinked, the giant me blinked, the Ryan laying down on the bed performing the exercise blinked, and then the spotlight came on and then went off.
I have tried many other experiments to see what I could do. The results all turned out perfect. I have never had any trouble with performing my goal tasks. That is because I believe in myself and my capability to carry out the tasks. My advice is not to be skeptic and don’t analyze. Have fun and always know this: the human mind can create any reality the individual wants. My future plans are to change the world for the better and to use my powers to help my generation and the rest of mankind out. I want to help them realize that they have the potential to perform these tasks and do so much more. If your interested in remote viewing and are thinking about ordering this course, order today so you can join me and Mr. O’Donnell and discover the infinite powers of your mind that lies within all of us.
Your universal brother,
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ), a successful recent trainee, sent us this feedback on December 28, 1998.
You have been on my mind. The tapes are awesome. Let me tell you some of the benefits that I have derived from using these wonderful tools — the tapes almost every day and the breathing the light, well, everyday.
1. When I think of an individual, that person calls (no matter if it’s a good or bad thought.) immediately.
2. When I work on projects, the person with whom I’m working reads my thoughts — it’s evident from the proposals, art work and copy that comes back to me.
3. When I think or stand next to a person, I can tell how that person
perceives me. Sometimes, it’s unnerving and can put me off guard. I can also “hear” their thoughts.
4. Dreams are more vivid, more frequent, more telling.
5. I’m very close to my pets and plants and can anticipate their needs (especially when they want to come in from outdoors and they don’t make a sound).
6. Able to “see” into the next few hours and the next day part.
7. Can “hear” my beeper, when I leave it in my office and I am 50 miles away at home!
8. Can “perceive” presences in areas, when no physical person is present.
9. Though my job is quite social, I am preferring solitude more than usual, and a deep desire to “clean up my act,” and have begun with amazing results.
10. That there is so much more to my puny existence!
11. When I have been repeatedly telling myself: I am the light and the light is me, well, people have been saying: You’re radiating. This sentence has helped me through some mightily difficult times.
Thank you for your wonderfully affordable program. These are some of the benefits, not all though. There’s not enough space. Thanks isn’t enough.
Rose Szwed
Brenda ( [email protected] ), graciously sends us on Dec. 14, 1998 this feedback.
I have completed the first run of listening to your tapes.
You can be assured they will be practiced again and again.
I feel fortunate in that I had very vivid and memorable journeys on every tape. I went all over the world, into outer space, and all around my neighborhood. I was able to confirm my local trips. What fun!
I thought I’d mention that on several occasions, when you were about to explain something or when you were about to ask for me to see something…I saw it or did it just prior to your words. ( Like the table cloth on the table, I saw it open onto the table before you said the table had a table cloth on it! Or the orange…..it was there too.)
My trip to Tibet was especially vivid, and very beautiful.
It would be nice to go to that place and confirm what I saw, but then again, maybe I’ll just go there again tonight before I sleep!
I am curious to know your thoughts on the relationship between two people in theta state….sort of communicating there to each other. Now I mean this is taking place during the beta activities of our day. The statement I made about “theta attracting theta”. I have a friendship with a few people, where we communicate very powerfully on the theta level, but what is funny, with some, we have never discussed it in beta! Too funny. We don’t need to really.
One of those people is a famous person who recently passed away. But we still communicate. I am now thinking that when we die, we enter that delta whole, and can still cross into theta and meet our friends…or who we choose…Your thoughts?
On one interesting trip when I traveled into the future….
I ended up in the city of Denver, on a deserted street.
I looked around for a newspaper stand, and found the date to be 2080. There were no people in the entire city except me.
I would say now that I have completed this first run on your tapes…I have been successful. I find myself slipping into theta during the course of my day. Fun. My “E.S.P.” abilities are increased. My husband and I were in our car going down the road the other day, he was driving and I was gazing out the window. I suddenly saw a specific breed of Hawk, and he was sitting right over the road. In THETA. Now, I did not say anything to my husband, because I did not know how a hawk could be sitting right over the road! How silly! But I saw his belly feathers ruffle in a slight breeze, and saw his breed type very clearly, the direction he gazed.
Not one minute later….we pass a tree limb hanging out over the road…yes, with the same species hawk sitting and facing west, just as I’d seen him. Cool!
Those types of “visions” have happened to me many times before, but this time,
I was more aware of the detail.
My husband is still on tape 3 because of scheduling…
But I am waiting for him to catch up to me, so we can monitor each other.
So that is where things are here now.
What a nice letter you received from Mr. Malone!
We wish you a happy holiday!
Brenda and John
John Sharp ( [email protected] ) wrote us on October 02, 1998.
Thank you for the safari!
John Sharp
Gary L. ( [email protected] ) e-mails us this feedback on August 25, 1998.
I’ve had your course now for about 3 months and am listening to it almost daily. I have learned a lot about remote viewing. My main achievement at this point is that I do quite a bit of immediate future observing while in the theta state. Usually I see 24 to 36 hrs before hand. The other day I saw the end of an exciting Yankees game. I asked to see the future and while in Theta I saw the game ending home run. Everyone was excited. The whole scene was in different shades of gray and it was if I was looking at it from the Goodyear blimp. But I knew what I was seeing and it was exciting reading about the game and having it confirmed when it took place 2 days later.
Thank you.
Mark Wright ( [email protected] ), a recent graduate, writes to us the following comments on April 20, 1998.
I just found out that I have been accepted into Columbia State University for a Doctorate Program in Theology. Got the news this Friday!!!
I ordered your course to understand more about myself, because I already knew that my inner eye was open. I am at tape # 4, and have found that many of the things I have already experienced are on your tapes. When I told my friends that thoughts were as Pulses of White Spheres, they did not know what I was talking about. Neither when I told them that they would do an “Orbital ” around me. Being in a non-restrictive state enables one to be aware of the “Thought-pulses Transferring,” on which the earth and its frequencies are operated. Thoughts are as “Signals,” from “Transmitting and Receptive Frequencies.”, which are part of our “Transmutative State.”
I start off seeing myself as a ” Radiant White Person,” just like an ” Angel,” then I fly everywhere with the reality of being there, as in a vivid dream state.
I am already experiencing the consciousness of “deja vu,” events of the future, already happening. Precognitive thoughts come even when I am not trying to retrieve them. They happen as a totally normal function, freely, even when I am not thinking about them. I would say that we all already have these “inheritance capabilities.” And I would say that they are “inmediasres.”
By the time I get to the last tape I should be very good at this. I have realized that many of the things I was already doing with my eyes opened are what your course is all about.
I have reasoned that this is effortless. I am becoming rapidly advanced as I continue on your course. I find myself already seeing other people’s thoughts. And as a dog that was barking at me decided to come closer to me, I just stared back at him, and he immediately started running away, crying.
This light and life which I have always been part of and I am now being, has given me the cohesion to this world in which I live and the ability to achieve great heights beyond the normal personality of an intellectual identity. It is very clear that for the average person, when he is transformed into the “Essence of Divinity,” that his words and intelligence increase along with the humbleness and awareness of our Creator and the Created.
My enlightenment has already helped me contribute to the advancing of AIDS research here in the U.S. I wrote ” Overviews” on the Etiology and Pathogenesis of HIV-AIDS which I submitted to the National Institutes of Health. They welcomed my ideas. I was the first researcher to introduce the idea of Genetically Engineered Antiviral Software (GEAVS). This concept originated from the logic associated with High Level Languages found in Computer Communications. It postulates that a disease is akin to a “source program,” and that it can be decoded so that the proper solution to it can then be obtained. It has its own language associated with its Etiology and Pathogenesis.
“How wonderful,” being in the light of our ethereality and at rest with ourselves.” Realizing the hidden Light that resides in all of us, that connects us to the interatomics that is of God and of love. This spark as the life of the spirit, which abounds and knows no limits to space or time. And no limits to the “us” of the Universe, Man and God.
The experience is of that of a caterpillar who has gone through the metamorphoses, from the cocoon to the enlightened realms of pure and limitless thought of eternal peace, wholeness, and omnipresence as he now sees from the butterfly’s view. My revelations, of viewing the world from above the earth as I fly upon the wings of my own thoughts and perceptions.
We are, each one, this light as a consciousness, that is able to travel anywhere and in a moment’s notice, from around the earth to the thoughts of others and to the outer reaches of the universe. NASA has always been trying to figure out how to get man to far-away planets and galaxies. This is the way in the light. Time travel is possible, and being in this state of emancipated reality of “Pulse Thought,” is what we are really in the first place.
I find my experience as normal and effortless as a flower blooming into its splendor and awesomeness. Seeing all as this same light, and knowing that many just need to turn it on to see what they should be seeing. Beyond the wheels of the mind and our world of identities and man’s vanities of self-conceit, and self-esteem. Finding my ” Inner Peace,” in the totality, while being at a human level of our material existence. Knowing that my ethereality is my true self as this light and presence.
For, any who experience their inner light opening will become aware of the core teachings found in many religions of the world: the awakening of the spirit. And their conscious awareness of their place and position in the universe, and in God. Relationships are then elevated to the infinity of the person’s unlimited abilities in order to explore and find the mysteries of his origin, purpose and destinies.
It is similar to returning to your own first birth, back to the womb, then into a new light of eternality. With the tools of meditation, relaxation, visualization, and serene stimuli, any person should be able to contemplate his or hers awareness and focus on their inner potentiality.
This inner awareness is part of the universal consciousness that is
part of all people and all things. We really are lights in a world of darkness and this awakening can bring the person to a true and heartfelt reality that we are of one, and one with all.
When this light (Prana) emits from thy body, the individual attains “Divinity.” For Jesus said that when thy eye is open, thy body is full of light.
True enlightenment is of no effort. The universality of the Love of God is found in all, and at the core of all Religions.
The Ancients of many civilizations speak of transversing the terrestrial to the celestial home. The resting of the Spirit, into Divine Emancipation. The breaking of the Seven Seals, the Sahasrara (crown).
You don’t need to read the Bible to know and trust God.
You can already accept him and know.
Be well my friend, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. I would like to tell your students to open their hearts, and not the wheels of their minds. To be in the Light, is to be already.
To know is to see the Love of God. For even the fish has to be out of the water to know its life source to want to return. Faith and Prayer will help them also, for the Spirit of God is pouring upon this earth, and out of many loving cups, shall the waters flow freely.
Jesus said that the Lion will Lay with the Lamb, for all thoughts shall be as one. Love is the interatomic that is part of all.
God Bless You!
Mark Wright
Leena Pekkalainen [email protected] sent us this comment on the RV/RI courses on May 15, 2002.
I kept a diary all through listening the RV course and looking back I see things happening all the time. Some of the “happenings” were short ones like looking at a pool of liquid gold or falling through clouds of color. Some were more profound. Once I saw clearly stars swooshing by and ended up somewhere that felt very very far away in space. There was a cluster of lights I knew to be living, the only thing that came to mind was that they were souls. I just “knew” it. Right after that I went back to Earth and ended up in ancient Greece (I had decided beforehand I wanted to go to that particular spot, Dodona). I saw clearly two stone slabs with grass growing in between and looked at my feet – no sandals. I wanted to have sandals but could not imagine them there. I was a girl, about 15 years of age, servant to an oracle (an elderly lady). There was more to it, quite a vivid experience.
Twice (after listening to RV cassette 3b) I asked specifically to see if a terrorist attack was in store. The first time I saw a female bomber in Jerusalem, described all she did and where to my husband (saying that was nonsense, women don’t do these attacks) and exactly one week later it was on the news. The time of the day, her looks (which I saw later), that busy business street, everything. Even her emotions and motivations seemed to match the facts I learned about her later on. It really was strange to see a deja-vu on the TV screen.
The second time I saw a man preparing for a bombing in Jerusalem (again). I contacted Mr. O’Donnell later that evening and described everything to him. I had not quite finished when he said to me he just heard it on the news (there was nothing in the news about that yet). Again the time of day was right (early evening), that it was a lonely man and that it was going to happen in an Orthodox-Jewish area.
I haven’t received my RI cassettes yet – they should arrive this week. I have been reading the booklet that came first and the info there is basically describing the structure of our “matrix” and how to influence it and direct your life, contact your higher self.
But I have manifested with the RV all right. One actual manifestation was that I send a book I wrote to several publishers, targeted one specifically (trying to make them answer yes). And they contacted me, said they were very interested in what I wrote, asked me to do certain corrections to the text and send it back. Now that was really something! I don’t know yet if it will be published but then I only tried to manifest a “yes”-letter, nothing more.
I have also done some contacting to people – making them look at me, simply as a test do I connect to their minds. Often it works, especially if I manage to imitate their vibratory level first. The babies are most fun, they are so open minded. Animals also react.
I haven’t really tried to manifest physical things into my life (like jewelry, cars and such) but some minor “scratch-off”-winnings. Went to shops and tried to RV if there was a winning ticket and then took the one that gave the best feeling. I can say it works.
Also I made a strong wish in Theta of cooperating with certain people (in practicing RI). Only a few hours later they all of a sudden contacted me and asked if I would like to join their group that practices RI. The very same people!
I have had a busy spring, reading for an exam. Now it’s over and I have more time in my hands to study more RV / RI.
I know this is not a very detailed description, so if you have any specific question you’d like to ask, please do so. It is always nice to talk with people who share the same interests! Also if you decide to order the courses, I’m more than happy to share experiences.
Leena 🙂
HUGO GARCIA ([email protected] ) sent us this feedback on October 1, 2001.
I’m writing you because I heard in tape number 1 that you where going to make EEG Biofeedback Machines available trough your website…Is that true???….If so, how much do they cost??….because I’m having trouble recognizing the mental stages and I think having a EEG machine can help me recognize the feeling of the different mental stages…..
I also wanted to tell you that I think I had a dream about the terrorist attack 2 weeks before it happened….I had a dream where I saw a plane crash (I only saw 1 plane crashing) and I saw and heard people screaming, buried under the ruins of a big building (to be honest I never saw the twin WTC towers, I just saw 1 building in ruins)……This is actually the second time this has happened to me, the first one happened 1 year ago when I had a dream where I saw my Brazilian girlfriend Josie leaving on a bus without saying good bye to me, 2 or 3 weeks later I received an email from her saying that she had already left for Brazil because of some personal problems….I think I’ve had more psychic experiences but I’m not sure…….
I also wanted to ask you if by any chance you have another Latino student who would be willing to correspond in Spanish with me so that we could exchange tips……
I got to go now, Gerald, please let me know if you sell EEG machines……thanks…..HUGO.
Dr. Leon O. writes to us on September 19th, 2001 ( [email protected] ).
Let me start by saying that after listening to tape 2 side A about 5 times, I have had several premonitions. The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01
I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01. I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!
Thank you for your time.
God Bless America
Dr. Leon O.
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ), a recent trainee, wrote to us on September 13th, 2001.
Ok, main point of this email: I saw it the day before it happened.
I myself even find it hard to believe, but its true. Monday night, September 10th., I was working with tape 4B, visiting the probable future. I asked the light to show me something that would happen very soon that would be significant.
I was getting very accustomed and comfortable with being in the workshop of the mind, and asking questions of the light, and very accustomed to receiving immediate answers, which came in many forms. For me, answers can come in visions, symbols, pure thought, and also pure emotion.
I was immediately given a view of the New York City skyline, as if I was standing across the river in New Jersey. What I saw was the city completely covered in smoke. I saw smoke with the tops of buildings protruding above the smoke. I saw immense fireballs rising above the smoke, as if mass devastation were taking place.
I was given the impression through emotion that there was an incredible loss of life, and that this was an event that would be remembered throughout history. I also felt a sense of worldwide sadness.
I asked the light when this event would happen and was immediately given the answer of “tomorrow”. I saw the word “tomorrow” emblazoned over the scene like a caption, and also heard a voice say “tomorrow”.
Honestly, I did not believe it. But, without thinking to hard, I made a mental visual note of what I saw.
I then asked the light if there was anything else for me to see. I was immediately given a view of the Middle East, as if I was in space looking directly down at that area of the Earth.
In the area of Israel/Iraq, I saw what seemed to be several massive explosions. I was given the impression that there was a tremendous loss of life. I was given the impression that the explosions were of extremely tremendous energy, perhaps nuclear. There was another caption of text that blinked over this scene — “World War III”. I was given an impression that this was an event that would make the world stop. As if this was no longer a trivial matter, whatever that really means. I asked when this would happen and in the same manner as before, I saw a blink of text — “2012-2013”.
Even though the first vision of the attack on NYC came true on the very next day, some 10 hours after I had the vision, I truly hope that the second vision does not come true. I truly believe that it is, as you say, the “probable” future. It can be averted. I hope this, because the attack I saw for late February seemed to be of a much greater magnitude than the September 11th attacks.
Gerald, I will be spending much time now in sessions, sending a healing light to the world, and to the universal mind. I will send much light energy towards making this event not happen, in the same way that I have been sending healing light to the victims and loved ones involved in the 9/11 attacks.
I ask all who read this to do the same. Go to the workshop of the mind, send out a healing, loving light. Don’t fall prey to fear. Increase the vibration! Brighten the light! Send Love!
Rob C
Jon A. Lantow, [email protected] a student of ours, wrote to us this testimonial on June 28, 2009
The sirens were going and the news reporter said it was going to be catastrophic and the people of the town should go to their basements.
I took my flashlight went to the basement. While sitting there in the dark I went into a deep delta state. I focused on remote viewing the tornado and the storm. I merged into it with the sense of One. I then spoke to it through visual images and my own voice in my mind.
I told it that in the name of the One and His son Jesus that it could come to town but not cause damage. I also told it not to rain as we had gotten quite enough rain the previous week. All this was done at the level of remote viewing and influencing.
The tornado altered its predicted course and wound up just clipping the outskirts of town and that was it. The weird thing was I saw it doing this before it happened!
Within a short amount of time not only did the town not get hit, as predicted but just clipped with minor injuries. Another thing I was influencing for was no injuries. The whole thing was done in an hour to an hour and a half. Then the stars came out.
My neighbor commented on how odd it was that it thundered and there was lightning but no rain. Hmmmmm.
On my birthday the headline was that the town got lucky and was clipped but not hit head on.
I remember thinking as I was heading for the basement when the sirens are going off if there ever was a time to have remote viewing and influencing work this would be it!
Thanks Again
Jack Musick [email protected] a recent RV/RI combination trainee wrote to us this feedback on June 19, 2006
I wanted to take some time to send you some detailed feedback.
I completed the RV/RI combination training a few weeks ago, and began the series again and am about halfway through it the second time now.
I have to admit, I am very impressed with your product.
Your course is one of only a few things in life that I will truly endorse and say that it is really worth checking out.
I have been meditating for over eleven years, and in all that time, these are the most powerful techniques that I have encountered for easily enter deep states of altered consciousness. When I
began getting serious about meditation in the 90’s I frowned on guided taped meditations, and thought that they were foolish. The RV/RI course has shown me how wrong I was all those years ago. The Academy provides a very effective tool, and I am very happy that I took a chance and ordered your product. I have made the techniques a part of my daily routine by going to
the park each day and doing and RV/RI session.
I also wanted to share a brief incident with you, feel free to edit this however you wish if you want to share it on the website.
I had an experience of what was mentioned in Tip 4 of the RV instructions, “You sense events in advance”.
I had called my Dad for Father’s Day, and when speaking to my Mom I had told her, “I want to go to the park and meditate and work out, but I really don’t want to drive there.” ( I am really good about biking almost everywhere, only drive when I really have to: just to the store, or to do laundry, and sometimes to the park when I take my workout equipment, if I don’t take that
stuff I can bike.) Later I left the house to drive to the park.
On the way I was driving West on 6th street. At one point I had to change from the left lane to the right lane because there was a line of cars turning left. Once in the right lane my ‘Spidey Sense’ told me to be alert, and I actually thought to myself, “Do I want to be in this lane?”
Instead of switching back, I stayed in the lane, but alert. Then a few moments later a car pulled out right in front of me, they were making a left turn. I noticed the car pulling out, and when I saw that they were not going to stop, I swerved into the left lane, completely missing them by only a small distance. I was aware of my surroundings, and I knew that there was nobody
in the left lane or following close behind me and it would be safe to swerve. It was total Mad Max School of Defensive Driving. Swerved and missed the other car completely (but not by much at all, very close to making contact, inches). And they were pulled out completely in front of me.
I could have hit them head on, I was wearing my seatbelt of course, but the driver and passenger in the other car were not, and at 35 mph they could have very easily been killed or injured, and without a doubt my car would have been totaled. There was a pickup pulling a horse trailer about 75meters behind me, and they saw everything, but were not close enough to be affected.
After it was over my heartbeat jumped up greatly, that adrenaline rush of avoiding a big calamity, the same rush I used to get after I made a rescue as a lifeguard. It all took place in a few seconds, and when it was over I clasped my hands and thanked the One for protecting me. I then looked at my clock and saw that it was 4:27 PM. I felt that the people in the other car were under the influence of alcohol or another drug, but I was not mad at them, I only wished for them to be happy, wealthy and healthy.
That was the whole incident. I might have some more feedback to share at some point. Right now I am practicing the techniques every day and all my questions seem to be answering themselves. But I do have some deeper questions that I might address in a future letter.
Brother Jack Musick
Lawrence, Kansas
David Bernstein [email protected] , a former Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee sent us this interesting comment on September 1, 2005
Thank you for your mailing…I appreciate it very much…
I find this whole hurricane thing VERY interesting…I had several friends who were going to go to New Orleans for the week…starting on 8/31 thru Labor Day…STRANGE things occurred in each of their lives…and they all cancelled a week ago…Two mothers got sick…one guy’s niece was killed in a freak boating accident…and the parents are in critical condition…And what’s even MORE interesting…They were all supposed to fly on the same plane…My friend, Dorian, said it was just too many coincidences for him to go so he cancelled…
We talked about it…and I told him that it may not be that the plane would crash…but perhaps something will happen in New Orleans…This was BEFORE I even heard about the hurricane coming to the area…So I guess your tapes HAVE helped me…
Well…that’s about it…Thanks again…Take care…David…
Nicolaos Giannakopoulos [email protected] a trainee from Athens, Greece, wrote to us on November 23, 2002
I am so glad you are around and glad for what you create.
I just received the Remote Influencing course. Thanks. Looking forward to the contents.
The other day while driving I received through my usual instinct info (developed through the RV course) to slow down AND also to change to the fast lane (contradicting all logic). I did so, since all the information I get is always useful. As I immediately started to slow down I thought that a car would come from the first crossroad suddenly without the driver checking for crossing traffic (the above has happened several times and has saved my life!). By the way, it was raining heavily. Guess what happened? It wasn’t because of the car that I was getting this time instructions to slow down, but it was because of a bus stop with several people with lots of water on a patch right in front of them . I WAS SO HAPPY to realize that they stayed dry by me listening to my inner voice.
PS: I get so many inspirational AHA’s, so much INFO!
Thank you so much.
Brian McCarthy ([email protected]) sends us this very timely testimonial on September 14th, 2001.
It has been a year since I ordered your RV course. I feel that in that time, I not only have traveled the future road of many probable paths that lie ahead for me as well as the journey I have traveled within myself.
The occurrence of actions on 9/11/01 in New York City almost immediately reminded me of your August 2000 web site posting. In recent months I have seen probable outcomes of what may become fact . I have seen much destruction and loss of life even in this great country of America. Time lines are never certain with RV but I have almost become fearful of the things I know could happen. The course I took from you a year ago has showed me that. However fear is not what it seems, especially while traveling the depth of the rabbit’s hole. I am so glad I took the red pill a year ago instead of the blue one, for this has been an amazing journey into the Matrix of the probable future of this person’s being. I will be ordering you 2nd edition of tapes soon.
The advice I would give to others considering the course would be: yes take it, take them both. Your future may depend on it. I have so many different outcomes to my future now that I can choose the path I want to take. In ending, I would like to add that this has also been a path with a couple of monetary gains.
Thank you so much Gerald.
“I’ll see you on the sky scraper of my mind”.
Brian J.M.
© 1997-2018 Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved.
Peter [email protected] sent us this feedback on May 1, 2012
Hello Gerald,
Hope your days are wonderful recently.
I wanted to say that after I completed most of your course (when I finally decided last year in 2010 to go through it, but unable to finish it), i started having extremely powerful intuitions.
I started to “feel” the gut feeling – when you are putting yourself in the direction of a negative situation, you feel that twisting anxiety within the gut.
Thanks for the efficiency of your courses and how much guidance you received in creating them. This intuition is constant, and helps me in almost any task I am doing, but sometimes I am not always sure what the feeling is telling me, and other times I have wonders if my conscious mind is influencing certain thoughts, which sometimes it does. Thus, I am learning how to tell which are real and which are not, and I think that I actually know, I just like to be sure it isn’t warning me of something important. I am always listening, now, to my inner guidance.
Thanks so much for what you have gifted to the world.
Much Love and Light,
Nathan LaBrake
Nathan LaBrake [email protected] writes to us on January 8, 2012
- Exponentially increase constant intuition developed by training with our combo program.
Since I have awakened, the one favorite voice I love to hear is Gerald. As in his interviews the wisdom real comes through . Since he is the only one channeling the One, his silence over the past few months has me yearning for updates. His interview with Nick I use as a base reference for all my research as I learn to understand the lattices of reality and the players behind the scenes as they play the roles of the duality lessons. I am working on my significance energy’s as I climb up and down the ladder of my own consciousness but still have a block not letting me out of my body and only glimpses of astral projection.
My intuition is clear as a bell, and lots of synchronistic events are happening for me. There has been talk of DNA activation which I believe is happening to many right now, including me, thanks to ARVARI.
So If it is possible to get another interview with Nick posted I sure you have plenty of juicy new stuff to talk about .
Thank you sincerely, my prayers are with you all !
Love Peter
Munjal Patel, [email protected] , a dear student from India, sent us this very nice and enlightening feedback on November 22, 2011
- Opening the doors to The One
- The door of pure Joy into ecstasy
- The infinite powers of pure Love
- How to do global healing of the planet’s consciousness
- Manifesting and attracting all that is sought with the Infinite Force of Love.
- Healing negativityEasily Reading the thoughts and emotions of others
- Easily and accurately Remote Viewing the stock markets
- Raising the vibrations of others as we encounter them etc…
My deep love and gratitude for bring up such courses. Words are not enough to express my Love and gratitude for you because you have opened the doors to Infinity for me. Your courses have helped me to realize my own Self, my own nature, which is infinite joy ever increasing and never ending ecstasy, and out of the Divine ecstasy arises incredible Love oceans full of Infinite Love.
That is what we are all are and this is our mission to feel Infinite Love and ecstasy.
By mastering your courses we can easily achieve this feat. We just need the intention and the rest is taken care of.
I know from the bottom of my heart that you are channeling The One and Only One that IS God. This is very serious because through the medium of Gerald The One has given us, humanity, these RI and RV courses which are the key to liberation.
I simply love RV/RI and practice them religiously everyday. It is my routine now. It is like if I don’t meditate thrice daily then something is missing in my day; the day is not complete… When I have time I meditate with CDs, and when time is short I meditate without the CDs.
The amount of Joy that I feel is indescribable. This is what we are after, all of humanity. We want joy only. We run after money, women and all other worldly things because by getting them we feel joy. There is nothing wrong with it, but that type of joy is limited, and the joy we can get in meditation which is made effortless by your RV/RI courses is Infinite and ever increasing and never ending. That is it.
My Life has completely changed. Now I live for this Joy and Love and everything is taken care by The One. I spend my day healing Mother Earth and the whole human consciousness. I feel so much Love for Mother Earth. It is our common responsibility to heal Her. I am going to give everything I have to heal Her.
RV/RI has given me incredible powers but these are powers of Love and Joy. Love is the most powerful powerful force in the universe.
I will give you an examples of the practical uses of the RV/RI course:
1- Even though I did not RI my family members, their behavior and the overall vibratory atmosphere of my house has changed because of my meditation sessions. It has become very peaceful and joyful. When you come in my room you can literally feel the Divine Presence because I do all my RV/RI in my room.
2- All the things that I think about come true and manifest in my life. It happens in such a way that I have to marvel at the Infinite Intelligence of The One.
3- I have made it a habit to heal instantly all the negative thoughts that I feel. EG , one of my friends, is very negative but I give healing to him and in my presence he becomes very cheerful and completely different.
4-All my vehicles work like magic. I feel that they also have consciousness and I can love them. My motorbike, even though not used for a long time would start on second kick. It works on battery and for that battery to remain charged it has to be used regularly, but magic happens!
5- I can read others’ thoughts, feelings and emotions, even of animals and plants. It is just a knowing.
6- While merged deeply with the One, at the level of now, where everything happens simultaneously, parallel thoughts and realities, I was given the message of healing the Earth Mother and humanity in daily life, being as much filled with ecstasy as possible because joy literally heals the wounds and it has a very deep effect on the environment.
7- I can easily Remote View the stock market very very accurately. It is freaky. I just do it to sharpen the edges of my mental concentration.
8- I can easily raise the vibrations of another person by RI and it happens in REAL TIME. When the RI starts you can literally see the change in that person behavior and emotions.
I can go on and on. It is a very long story and I don’t want to blow my horn but this is possible for EVERYONE. all of us are the children of Infinity. We have the power to feel Infinite Joy, Love, and Light and now is the time to get it.
In the end I just want to say that Gerald is amazing and very very humble, helpful, and lovable human being who has dedicated his life for the work of The One. I consider myself extremely lucky to have met this amazing master.
All my love and blessing form the deepest core of my heart to my friend. He is an inspiration to me for dedicating my life for The One. Really it is our intention that matters. if you just intend and trust on The One, everything will be taken care of.
We are lucky to have Gerald. The One tells me that I and all of us have to learn a lot from Gerald. Gerald, we request you for more courses and teachings, and to start the web based video training of the different technique of RV/RI that you were personally going to teach us. Please consider my request.
All my Love to you.
Dr. Lizzy Boros [email protected] of the U.K. shared this testimonial with us after a few weeks of training on June 2, 2010
- Increased levels of visualization
- Encountering Beings and guides and using effectively our protective measures to counter negative ones.
- Increased event intuition
1. 3D visualization with normal movements in, as like when I am watching TV, with beautiful colors and sometimes with voices and smells together.
2. Holographic visualization (this was just few times)
3. Pictures (standing), sometimes with ugly figures, but I1ve used the “small” word…, and they disappeared:-). Sometimes this figures want to say something, but I do not understand yet their signs.
4. This is the most interesting I think, because sometimes I see things, events in shady and I just think that this is from the future…?
My problem is that I see a lot of things, but I do not understand yet the meanings, the places, I do not know that peoples, and I would like to know… Could you help me in that please, how can I know more? I tried to write after the session, but even if I am remembering everything I can not draw the meanings. And I do not have to be in meditation, a lot of time I see things, events when I am going to sleep, and sometimes daytime, when I am working or doing something else…
I can sense events before they is happening…,
Thank you for your attention and for this life-changing possibility. I am sorry that my language (I am Hungarian), is not enough good to say everything that I have inside…
With respect,
Maria Jaber [email protected] sent us this feedback on October 19, 2009
Dear Gerald O’Donnell,
I have purchased your complete remote viewing training system few months ago. Thank you for the knowledge and techniques of the Remote Viewing.
I wish I have discovered this program sooner.
My investments somehow are improving. I am working on my relationship with my family. I have become more intuitive, even to the point that I perceive future situations, events. Mostly what happens is like I carry on conversation in my head between other people involved away from me and then when someone tell me about it? I say to myself “don’t I already know that “. Do you know what I mean?
Thank you,
Maria Jaber
Janet Fitzgerald [email protected] a 70 years young student of ours sent us this testimonial on April 16, 2009
- Foreseeing a “future event”
- Increased intuitive knowing
- Improved memory
I have been interested in Remote Viewing for many years but did not know of your website. I saw an upcoming interview of Michel Jura’s and listened. I saw your courses and immediately ordered. This was the first interview with you though that I had seen.
Although I am 70 years old, I continue to learn new things. I started the RV CDs thru disk 5. I listened to disk 5 twice. That night just before going to sleep, I saw this outline of what looked like a waterway of some sort and how it divided into 2 around a land mass. I thought I was imagining it.
2 days later, I was traveling on Highway 200 In Idaho beside the Pend d’Oreille river and saw a sign along the road with a black and white picture of the river. It was the exact same image of what I saw, except mine was in color. It just reinforced for me that I was on the correct path.
I am following the RV and RI lesson plan and have just heard RI Disk 7 yesterday for the first time. A very good friend saw me later that day and couldn’t get over how light and happy I looked and acted. I felt (and still feel) full of joy. I have utilized my intuition especially in the business world and it served me well. But now, I know when the phone will ring and who it is. It is like I know what is going to happen in a general way and it does. My memory has improved tremendously.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience with the world.
Lila Petersen [email protected] of New Zealand, a beautiful soul bent on exploring the Loving Mind, writes to us on February 15, 2009 (She wrote some stunningly inspired poetry as she was taking our courses and connecting to the One that I would love to share with you some day).
Dear Gerald,
I have come down to the planet again to vacuum and dust the house, and get my head around a new ability that I wasn’t actually looking for when I started Mr. Gerald O’Donnell’s RV course.
I can feel people’s minds from a distance in a whole new way. And I can instantly tell if I’m being lied to.
It shocked me at first.
When I realized that an old friend was lying for what seemed a stupid reason I thought, ‘Oh, why bother?’
And in another case, ‘Be careful, do you not know what comes after pride?’
Then I had to check my own footing!
The world is full of it: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.
In the past I always thought I had insight but now it is getting clearer and at first it shocked me.
I pray to be more loving. It seems to be the better way to go.
The danger comes from me. I have so much growing to do.
Thank you for being here,
Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman [email protected] sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on February 2, 2009.
Hello Gerald:
I am a new user and I have just completed the RI/RV COURSE February 1, 2009. I did this in 24 days as you requested.
Today, I sit here sharing my experiences with you in a state of surreal and disjointed reality. I feel strangely both disconnected and absolutely calm.
I have been exposed to everything from multiple religions, new age, ancient schools, and gurus from sea to shining sea; never being satisfied with what I was learning or hearing. I have read everything from Chopra, Dyer, India’s Gurus, American Gurus, old out of print books like the Power of Concentration, Thought Vibrations, etc. Though good to a point, I never was able to execute successfully or permanently any transformation in my reality.
This has always been my goal, to transform my reality at will, by thought alone. No one and no thing had ever met this mental intent/knowing I have had all of my life but YOUR COURSE the RI/RV COMBO COURSE!
I am now taking FULL responsibility for all of my good, bad, or ugly situations in my entire sphere of reality, past, future or NOW! Your course has vibrated off every shred of foolish, ignorant and self-sabotaging thought patterns and behaviors. This is why I feel completely disjointed/disconnected but WIDE AWARE.
1. A church member came to me after church one day to ask for prayer for her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was undergoing test to determine the course of action the doctors would take. I looked intently at her and remote viewed the picture she had painted and changed it right then. I said to her; “Mrs. McGee, your husband does not have PROSTATE CANCER, he only has some mild discomfort in his back that can be relieved by a good nights’ rest and a couple of aspirin.”
The next Sunday, she came to church and reported that her husband did not have prostate cancer and that he only had a mild infection that required rest, and he was back at work, even about to get a new job with UPS as a truck driver.
2. My daughter was given a full academic scholarship for 4 years in the middle of the school year from the university she is attending. The letter came out of the blue January 7, 2009. It is unheard of to receive a full academic scholarship in the second semester and after they were all given out by September 2008.
3. It takes no effort to heal anyone now. I simply look intently at the person before me, see, the picture I desire, then I speak to them what I see. I always use the cobalt blue energy from your course to do this. Even when I touch someone asking for help they respond immediately with shock or joy to my touch. This pleases me to see and feel the restoration of their bodies.
4. My body is completely healed of the stiffness of arthritis, and varicose veins; and I no longer have sinus infections. My nasal passageways are the clearest they’ve been in 25 years, my hair is now completely black, my stamina is that of a 25 year old, and people and animals are attracted to me like bees to honey, but little children are especially attracted and they speak in baby/god talk to me all the time.
5. KNOWINGNESS/ESP has increased 100 fold resulting in a rock solid calmness of peace. I recognized the Dark Matrix’s ploys and plot quickly and I have great difficulty in believing in the traumas and dramas they present. What is boredom a sign of?
6. MIND READING- I was already operating in this arena before your COMBO course but it was infant sized compared to the full blown God size ability I now have. I know when people are lying, being truthful and even know the things they are into. It seems I scan their energy fields without thinking about it and the packets of info come quickly, in a twinkling of an eye. I have learned to stay detached and non-committal about what I see.
7. Lastly, the internal joy, love, peace, and assuredness radiating within me in so powerful and intense that I change the atmosphere in a room at will from confusion to calm by going to deep Delta with my eyes open and cover the room with the intense purple of that level.
Today, is February 2, 2009, and I an starting the course from the beginning a second time and I am taking your advice and will perform the techniques without the CD’s TO QUANTUM JUMP MY ABILITIES AND EVOLUTION INTO HIGHER REALMS QUICKLY!
I have the HIGHEST REGARDS for you and your knowledge to accelerate us all into higher and more harmonious realms of life. Thank you for your brilliant work and integrity.
Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman
[email protected]
Dennis Buffy [email protected] sent us this testimonial on November 26, 2008
- Benefits of taking the courses together with his wife as a team
- His wife has an OBE (out of body experience ) after listening to the RV course for the first time.
- The two then start becoming telepathically attuned.
- Getting inner guidance warning messages form His Higher Self and finding out why.
Here is our testimony from our husband and wife team:
I had purchased Gerald O’Donnell’s older cassette version (version 1) in the year 2003. Within 2-3 days I had 4 out of body experiences but later that month our tape player went bad and we were hard up financially. The course sat in our entertainment center for 5 years. Little did I know providence played an unique hand with this: about a week ago my wife was doing some cleaning and ran across these same cassettes. She asked me “are you going to use these or do I throw them out?” I told her no, they were hardly used, “let’s keep them for awhile.”
Late that night my wife asked if she could play tape 2 side “A” I told her: “sure, go ahead.” I forgot to tell her to put it in the port that does not use continuous play. She laid down with the cassette in the “continuous” side and ended up listening to both sides before going to sleep. That morning around 5:30 AM she woke me up and said honey you got to listen what happened to me this morning I finally woke up and she began to tell me what had happened to her. She told me she found herself sitting on my left side in her astral body and could see her own physical body lying next to mine.
She then told me that she spoke to me in her Astral Self but she could not remember what she had said. During that time out she saw a very strong “white light” bubbled over me. While all this was going on she also said that from her body’s perspective she could see her astral self sitting beside me talking to me. I believe they call this bi-location for a lack of a better term. Then she stated that she began to rise in a arc over me and she laid back down in the fetal position back in her physical self. Then she suddenly woke up.
Note: I want to say that my wife is from the Philippines and she was raised to be open minded about things with some superstition attached. I did not tell her or even suggest she would have a OBE of any kind but she did anyway.
The second thing that happened to her in the last 4 days was spurts of telepathic communication with me all day long. When I was about to tell her something she finished it and visa versa with myself. Her dreams have become quite vivid and meaningful and her intuition has smartly increased. She is so excited to listen one hour everyday her goal is the same I share. She and I want to do the course for 15 1/2 months.
I just received the New CD Combination course four days ago. The only thing I listened to for 3 out of the 4 days was the RI (Theta and Delta) CD. I wanted to get used to those states before starting the RV and RI combination course. After the first night of listening I reach theta state quite easily.
The other thing that happened beside the telepathic ping pong with my wife I was on my way to work and I went through this small town as I always do on my way to work it is 30 mph. I decided I need to hurry and I increase my speed to over 40 mph. Right then a strong feeling or intuition told me slow down! I immediately put on the break trying to figure out why this is happening I looked up in the rear view mirror after applying the breaks was a policeman clocking my speed hidden behind the feed meal!!
What surprise me or should I say what shocked me was that my wife who is a big supporter in what I do wants to become an ARVARI graduate herself! Imagine a husband and wife team! We are going to talk with Gerald about getting her an updated CD set he is now offering on his site as soon as I pay this off so she can keep up with me. But it is my sneaky suspicion that she will excel with much speed over me due to my wife’s emotionally charging her training which is a wonderful thing. Sorry Mr. O’Donnell this was so long but if there are other married couples out there and they want to feel closer than ever before this is the thing to do sharing the course together and above all sharing the “ONE” together with love as the foundation of your training. Thank you Mr. O’Donnell for all your help on the phone and your support God bless you.
Michael Constantino [email protected] sends us this testimonial on August 13, 2008
- Sudden shift upon going over our training again when Michael was suddenly able to read all the thought of the people in a restaurant and even know their past histories. This quantum leap often happens upon repeating our program.
Your combined program is extraordinary. The testimonies are right, one needs to go over the material again and again. I experienced enhanced intuition today — to the level where I knew exactly what everyone was thinking in a Subway restaurant and receiving the expression of past knowledge from each person. This was at first by looking at the persons, but then a moment later just by sensing.
Sure, absolutely you can use this testimony. You can use this E-mail address. What was amazing about the experience was how spontaneous it was. At one moment I was thinking about what I was going to order and the next moment I turned to the various people entering the restaurant and bam! I could see and sense their histories. I will keep you updated of serious breakthroughs, which I am sure there will be many.
I have listened to the RI audio book twice now, and the second time there was a significant shift that took place.
I am very appreciative, and commend your program. The information is very purposeful and deep, not to mention incredibly spiritual.
Michael Constantino
Dr. Stavros Elphtheriou, DMD, [email protected] from Cyprus sent us this nice testimonial on June 19, 2008
- Increased Inner peace. Better manifestation and greater intuition after 3 weeks of training.
I have started my RV & RI training since 3 weeks ago; I prefer to take it slowly and repeat at least once each session in order to give myself time to absorb as much as possible. I have started seeing and feeling the impact on my life. I feel so relaxed, knowing that there is a way to reach the One and become co-creator!!! The stress is much less, my dreams are more vivid. I catch myself turning my head, looking at my mobile phone milliseconds before it rings!!! I am not worried about everyday small (or even bigger) things because I now know and believe that I just need to ask and it will happen!
Thank you so much.
Kind regards,
Dr Stavros Eleftheriou, DMD, FIACS
Maxillofacial & Oral Surgeon
Cosmetic Facial Surgeon
Lisa Samuels of the UK [email protected] send us this testimonial on October 29, 2007
- Increased forecasting and psychic reading accuracy after taking our training.
It was a pleasure speaking with you today and to be honest words fail to describe what I experienced whilst listening to your courses and although I have just received your package only a few days ago I wanted to explain what is happening to me already.
I am and have always been clairvoyant with the gift of second sight and only recently started professionally to do this. Whilst listening to your CD, on the second day I went shopping with my cousin and actually predicted the exact cost of what the shopping would be. It was uncanny!
I spend a lot of time just listening to the CD’s mostly in between my other work and have noticed that my gift of forecasting is getting better and better with little or no effort and sometimes whilst listening to your CD’s. I have also noticed that the technique of switching heads in order to feel the emotions of others and what they are experiencing within their lives works extremely well and have been doing this with my readings.
I have also been to my future and seen things much more clearer and have seen future events especially with regards to technology and what life will be like within the next 15 years.
On another note, I find that my body vibrates sometimes very slow and sometimes very very fast and can feel the energy moving up and down my body like in spirals and have been short circuiting or blowing lights around me too! It is always like an adventure when I start listening to your CD and sometimes not too sure where I would end up!
I know that my journey has just started and have so much more to learn about my abilities and what I can accomplish and wanted to thank you from my very soul for sharing this knowledge with me.
Many many thanks Gerald and if you do visit the UK in January I would love to meet up with you.
Hiro Ikizake [email protected] , a Japanese trainee of our Academy, wrote to us on September 13, 2007 this message
- Increased Intuition
- Appreciation for the material in the E-book “secrets of Remote Influencing”
Hello Mr. O’Donnell,
Several things happened in the past 3 weeks, and I know for certain that my intuition has particularly been enhanced by listening to the Cds.
My short temper is weakening to gain more profound calmness in daily life. Since I am not a native speaker of English (I am a Japanese man),
I thought, at first, that there would be less effect than other native speakers listening to the tapes. I do not know the difference, but it probably does not matter.
I have already read “Out of The Matrix” four times and will read it more.
The book is really amazing and enlightening to me. It helped me get answers to the questions about life and the universe I have been asking to myself in my life.
I appreciate your great works and your being “there” for us to help human beings know and experience the truth in this challenging time on the planet.
Best regards,
Hiro Ikizake
Joel Carter [email protected] sent us this feedback on January 25, 2007
- Experiencing physical symptoms showing a High Vibratory connection, activation of Higher DNA strands and Connection to Higher
- Levels of Beingness, all arising from taking our Combination RV/RI courses and repeating them twice
- Magnetizing situations and people
- Increase visualization abilities
- Greatly increased intuition
- “Reading” people at first sight
- Successful healings on people and his pet
- Thought-to-thought communication
I’ve been holding out on writing you, actually I’d love to speak with you….a short intro: My name is Joel Carter, I was referred to you by Toby Alexander, as I had been working with him, and he told me to get your tapes, as a structured and progressive way to learn to hold the Theta state and beyond, however now that I’ve gone through the set 2x’s, I can say that holding the Theta state is about 5% of what I’ve developed from your tapes…actually I put Toby on hold as I was about to do his Advanced Coaching and training with him, when I realized the logic and depth of understanding, and ancient wisdom in these tapes of yours, I saw that it was in my best interest to postpone the other training while I immersed in your tapes, then return to Toby subsequently to do the training with him, which I will do in the spring ’07.
So I wanted to tell you that, my abilities are definitely opening up, and I have a couple questions to ask you, and I will keep them concise (as I can be rather long-winded 😉
1) Recently I have developed a fairly constant electrical buzzing type feeling in my forehead area, almost alike I’ve got low voltage electrodes on my forehead. Also my rt. ear is ringing like tinnitus, and occasionally my left ear does this vibration like I have a bull frog stuck in my ear LOL! So my intuition tells me that this is activation of latent DNA, and/or the embodiment of higher frequencies, in which my incarnate level body is adjusting to the higher frequencies, cellular restructuring etc…What do you think? Is this a common thing?
2) I’ve been receiving images in my mind’s eye now…ie. I notice that when I get down to that deep Theta level, just on the verge of sleep, and if I don’t get “sucked” into delta sleep, I notice that I might get an incredibly vivid image of something
To let you know other things that have been happening: amazing attractions, vastly increased visualization abilities, greater sense of intuition, reading people just by first sight, a few amazing healings on people and my dog, instances of amazing subjective mind to mind communication, on and on….I’ll soon write an email that you can post in your testimonials section of the site~!
Well I have so much more to tell you, and ask you, but I’ll refrain for now. I wanted to keep this short and concise (oh well, I told I was long-winded), so I guess this is short and concise for me~! LOL! 😉
Thanks so much for this wonderful work Gerald, this is THE stuff, and I’m proud to tell you that besides myself, I’ve increased the “Army of Light” by 3 people who have bought your program now as well….
In Eternal Abiding Reverent Love, Gratitude, and Mirth,
Joel “the Violet Flame” Carter
Dr. Linda Weatley Ph.D. [email protected] wrote to us on December 8, 2006 the following comments:
- Increased abilities to manifest realities
- How your own inner Light becomes perceived by others
- How a second time through the combination RI/RV program usually causes a quantum leap in awareness.
Thank you!
I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities that I had before being exposed to your work especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about)
Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities.
As a result, I have become uncomfortably “sensitive” to many new physical things such as bright fluorescent lighting, loud sounds, telephones etc.
Many people have commented on the light surrounding and emanating from my being.
Thank you for this incredible work!
You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum changes!! It has been an awesome journey.
Thank you for this incredible work!
Linda Wheatley, Ph.D.,R.T.(R)(MR)
Chair, Radiologic Technology Program
Assistant Professor
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio
Mark Labbato, [email protected], a Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing combo recent trainee sent us on August 18, 2006 this appreciative testimonial.
- Feeling happier, balanced, at peace, and loving after taking our courses.
- Experiencing an “out-of-body” experience
- Increased intuition, synchronicities, and “deja vu” moments. Living in the “flow.”
Thank you.
Willie Macon [email protected] a recent Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee wrote us this enthusiastic testimonial on November 16, 2004:
- Experiencing a Deja Vu. Seeing reality first from the Higher Self perspective and then from the lower Self one
- Telepathic Remote Viewing
- Remote Influencing
It was my total pleasure in speaking with you this afternoon. You know I had called once before right after the hurricanes and you asked me to call back. I waited because I felt a bit unsure of myself. So I decided to call today and WOW am I glad I did. It is like that conversation with you freed me to go to my next level which can only be more spectacular than this one! I am flying so high!!! Most of the time for the last few months I feel invincible, like I can walk on water! I lack word to express my joy and gratitude to you for these courses. I am taking the combo Remote Viewing/ Remote Influencing courses. I started in early August 2004. I am on my second time through, and I must say, I have had and continue to have some incredible experiences!
Deja vu
I was a passenger in a car with friends. The gentleman was outside our car pumping gas, and I kind of zoned out going within. I saw a lady finish pumping her gas in a blue color van, and then I saw her get in and pull away! A few seconds later I saw her do the same exact thing AGAIN!!! Saturday afternoon about 3 PM in broad daylight! I wanted to tell this to my friends but they would think I am too weird! They would have had the padded truck come and take me away!! (smile) So I just jumped up and down inside myself! I really enjoyed it!
Telepathic Remote Viewing
I have on many occasions shocked my daughters by reading their minds! It freaks them out! I love it! On one occasion, my youngest called to ask me for a recipe-She said ” mom do you remember” and I finished her sentence “that hamburger one?” She said: “Woman you gotta stop freaking me out like that!!” We both laughed and I really enjoyed freaking her out–I had already done it to her about 5 times!
Well Gerald, what can I say. I listen constantly! I can’t get enough, my excitement is so great that I just must have them. I meditate with a tape every night sometimes a couple times a day. I play the Delta track each night on the CD player where we sleep-My husband asked me to leave it on so he could hear it too! I also listen to a tape while I seep with the cassette player and headphones! I thought I might be overdoing it, but I now know that I get to decide how much is enough for me- My inner self is talking and I AM LISTENING!
Gerald in the last few months my life and the lives of those I love have changed so much (Even though my children in particular kindly treat me like an escaped mental patient at times–SMILE) but I KNOW THE REAL TRUTH-and I can help them without their permission-as long it is to their benefit. MY life is so beautiful, and I am so grateful that sometimes I go down to that room in theta and I start to thank the Universal Mind and I just burst into tears of joy and gratitude! It is truly overwhelming! I go there a lot and we my guide who I call Willie Sam, since I as Willie M. I named her WSM–my initials and call her Willie Sam. She appeared in my mental lab one day in deep theta when I went there, after I went down the stairs, she was there, looking like me but perfect-we have since merged during one of my meditations, now she is with me always (I now know she always has been inside me as my higher self-but the difference is that now I KNOW it!)
Thank You again Gerald for this material-I am putting it to good use! Anyway that’s all for now. I am having great mind safaris!!
Will be in touch soon!
Willie Macon
Joe Boyer [email protected] writes to us on June 26, 2004:
- Life changing aspects of the Combo course.
- Telepathic deep loving connection
Joe Boyer
Almudena Cervantes [email protected] , of Spain, writes to us this warm feedback about the RV/RI combo on March 23, 2004.
- Immediate change in vibratory level
- Heightened intuition, telepathy, and empathy.
- Dissolving fears.
I’ve began working with the RI tapes, and I want to tell you that they’re amazing, the change of vibratory level I’ve experienced have been automatic! I’m used to different type of techniques and visualization but for the first time I can say that they are manifesting in my daily live and overall in my attitude towards the “matrix”. There’s a big step between the RV and the RI tapes, though I consider both necessary as it is much easier to enter the delta level once you have worked with the other tapes. I am more interested in my spiritual development than in searching for targets though with the RI tapes it is clear that all doors are opened easily.
Just a few questions:
As I see the most important is to work with our emotions and our fears, I see clearly how the key are in our fears as I realized right now that even though I did meditation, visualization, etc and positive thinking my fears keep going ..and have manifest in my life all the time. Connecting to the One is the key, once I experience the dissolution of myself is when I see that we all are One and then the comprehension of that we are creators of our reality arrives. But how can you empty yourself, feel the vacuity and at the same time keep the feeling of your flame within yourself- keep the feeling of a me-myself? How can I have a Will TO REMOTE influence or create a reality if the goal is to return to the One and then you don’t have to do anything? Is that when one identifies or lose the ego and enters in the ocean of the One there’s no need to do anything , as the “reality” manifest itself by the One? Or what you try to say is that in the meantime as we are still in this matrix we have to remember that we are creators in order to change and manifest another world of higher light and love as a new level to get-approach to the One?
The most incredible and beautiful of all is the connection with our mother earth and keeping the flame within our heart. Right now I try to concentrate in myself, in going within and keep this flame and love for the earth and myself instead of trying to change or remote view things as I see one leads the other.
My intuition is quite incredible right now, I can feel and hear what people think and even the feelings of the people I know that are in Madrid, though it is easier for me to feel the emotions than to visualize, but I’ll keep working on it.
Thank you for your help.
Patrick a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on December 11, 2003.
- Inner permanent changes of peace, goodness, bliss and joy while training with the RV/RI combo.
- Increased IQ and download of information while attending university classes.
- Increased intuition. Predicting sports results in advance.
- “Reading” people’s thoughts and emotions.
- Increased attention from the opposite sex.
- Getting innovative business ideas.
I am approaching 2 months since I started using Gerald’s audio programs, Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing combined program. I strongly feel the combined program is a must. The skills learned in one program help deepen insight into the other and vice versa. By following the outlined step by step process I have really began to notice changes within myself and the way people react to me in social setting and even as far as my presence alone.
Since starting the program during the first month I noticed blurs of changes that would become brief moments of insight. These quick glimpses of insight even though were not consciously permanent assured me that something was in fact happening, something great was happening deep within that I consciously could not always be aware of. Most recently over the last 3 weeks I have become aware of permanent changes that I am always aware of. A pure feeling of goodness has become a part of me that can only be explained as myself smiling at the world and the world smiling back at me. It is a feeling of pure bliss that washes over me and makes me happy to exist as who I am because I feel now that I truly have control over who I WANT to be. If I do not have full control I strongly feel that I will attain full control by continuing the program.
The state of pure goodness has taken away stressful feelings out of my life. I truly don’t experience stress and worry about problems no longer. Yes I do have obstacles in my life being a student with financial issues but my focus has been shifted to solving the problem and no longer focusing on it. This shift in focus has been very positive and these obstacles have become much easier to overcome when I noticed how insignificant these obstacles really are. They have become so insignificant that I truly laugh at how insignificant they are and at one point in my life caused me so much stress and worry.
Through the training many different changes have taken place then I could have really imagined. Going to school as a multimedia major creativity is very important. Through the help of this program my creativity has increased by leaps and bounds. At certain times I experience what I have personally understood it to be as an information download. This is a moment in time usually experienced during a social setting and I am engaged in a conversation that I experience a burst of information about the certain issue at hand being discussed. This is usually very exciting, as all of a sudden my knowledge about a specific issue becomes intensely broadened especially with intensified perspectives and powerful observations. My participation in lectures has become very interesting with insightful comments and at times very exciting especially after correcting the professor and sharing a very insightful detail that has left the professor rather speechless at one point or another. Just recently this has led to my professor asking me to come and join him in a discussion about some of the finer points I have made in class. He was very interested in knowing how I have come to realize these perspectives and gain such deep insight. Being 21 years of age the professor was very intrigued and had to admit that some of my comments were over his head. One of his remarks that left a deep impact within me was when he explained that my level of intellect was more of an older gentlemen’s with about 40 years of life experience.
A very interesting change within me that has taken place is the very large increase in intuition. I have become very intuitive to the point were I know who is going to win a sporting match. Usually the day before I am able to predict which team in a multitude of sports will win. On one particular day I experience an information download pertaining to five different basketball games for the same day. It was rather very exciting as my friends and I watched each prediction come true.
On another note my intuitive senses have let me know what someone will say before they say it. It is very natural and happens with no concentration. I have experienced this before the program but to no degree in frequency as I experience this now. It seems to happen at least a couple of times each day, on some days it happened many times over. Most of the time it happens with people that I spend the most time with. It’s funny because sometimes I keep saying the same comment another person is making at the same time, and this usually will happen with the same person over and over. It gets interesting by the fifth time and the person kind of looks over with a bewildered look but never speaks their mind.
Taking the intuitive aspect a little further during certain times I experience a blast of thoughts from another person. This is usually during a social occasion were people are rather relaxed. This blast of information usually is a mixture of thoughts about people along with their feelings and emotions attached to the thoughts. It is rather extraordinary to feel what someone else is feeling. It has rung true over and over when someone would look at someone and I would get a blast of information for example in one situation I understood that a certain person rather disliked another. Once the person had left the area the person that I got this information from turned to a friend and expressed their dislikes. More frequently I get this insight when someone is directing thoughts towards me. This is even more frequently the case when it is a person of the opposite sex with strong emotions towards me. : -) I have very much so noticed the opposite sex taking a much stronger interest in myself, which is definitely, a positive thing!
On a grander scale I have experience insight into rather interesting ideas of business. Business ideas that do not at this point exist through my following up on them. People spend lots of time even a lifetime coming up with a one of a kind ideas. I have experienced two true one-of-a- kind ideas that I am very excited about and I look forward to materializing these two ideas in the future.
One of the aspects that has helped me enjoy my sessions with this program is the upgrade in my listening equipment. I started out with a standard portable tape player with a auto reverse feature but when I got to the part of the training course that required an extra long session the tape player would die out on power even after using a full battery. I would have to turn it off even for a second and that would always fix the problem. These few seconds of interruption really interrupted me and took me out of a deep state. After a few times of this I got myself a duel deck Sony player. This is very great as I no longer get interrupted and the dual deck produces a much better quality of audio sound.
The experiences that I have been allowed to experience and the changes within me have inspired me to write this to allow others to know what a strong impact Gerald’s course has had on me. I am very grateful to have been allowed to receive these courses. Thank you many times over Gerald for these courses that are very needed especially at this point in time.
Thanks, your friend
Patrick Bator
Kathryn J. Perritt [email protected] writes to us on July 7, 2003 this inspirational message after having taken the combination RV/RI courses.
Listen to me all of you! The WAR is on!
I am a clairvoyant and after hearing Mr. O’Donnell course my mind and soul are charged a 100%.
His courses awaken the memory of a lot of people! We all know the secrets of the universe, but we need to unlock it.
The way to do it is through “both” courses.
We need more light workers! A lot of us are giving up even before we have even tried!
Burn your sage, cleanse your chakra’s, do the courses!
Three nights ago I was sitting on my porch when I looked up and saw three masses of negative energy, and I thought to myself “My God it’s getting closer”!
We have all been here before! Wake up and get to work!
It is not only us, but all planets and all galaxies! We need to work as a team. My hope is that soon we will not need telephones. I talk to many of my friends without one.
They want us to all be on the same level So that we will all chant but one word. Peace. We will win!
Do not let negative energy ruin your life. Go into your dream tunnel, walk down the hall, choose a room that has a lesson in it face the fear and slap it!
The dark side is gaining strength. When you are thinking negative thoughts it is not you It is the dark energies doing this.
Order the combo, study it, have fun with it! Confuse a few of your friends. Just kidding. Please start your work, order the courses and kick the dark side in the backside.
Remember my friends fear is just false evidence appearing real.
Love light and laughter,
Kathryn J. Perritt
Antje a student from Australia wrote to us in August 15, 2002 this comment:
Gerald. I wanted to thank you for resending the first package I had received the first 2 tapes and CD early July. I had wanted to contact you to let you know however I lost my email contact list with a computer failure.
In any case I now want to let you know something of my experiences. Lately I’ve only managed to listen to each of the tapes once. Since I am hearing impaired I have to listen to the tapes with headphones however this becomes very irritating to the ears quickly. However I have noticed an unusual increase in knowing… knowing what people are about to ask me. What they are going to say next. Even when it is the best time for me to make a move to catch a late running train. I arrive on the platform 30 second before the train arrives. Not something that I planned to do it just something that has been happening. I even form answers to questions before I read them. This is not all. It doesn’t feel strange and yet it does. I’m probably noticing it for this reason. Thank you for this great course.
Suzan Ocampo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on May 7, 2002.
- Increased intuition while training with the RV course.
I finally got the tapes for the first part I ordered and am working on them now. However, I just wanted to ask if these tapes are also safe for children ages 11 – 15 because I would like my children to listen to them too.
I enjoy the tapes immensely although I have not had unusual experiences with them yet. I noticed though that I seem to be more sensitive now and am even able to sometimes feel something and then it happens. Or before I answer the phone, I know who it is. As a whole, the tapes too are very relaxing and yet after I finish them, I don’t feel sleepy at all. As a matter of fact I feel fully awake and ready to take on the day ahead. I look forward to the rest of the tapes and the next course which I also ordered.
Thank you.
Matt Gray ( [email protected]) sends us this testimonial on February 5, 2002.
- Knowing, in advance, the answers to tests that he takes. Reading peoples feelings, and traveling through time and space.
I am an RV trainee, and in addition, placed an order for your new Remote Influencing course . I’ve used your techniques in my everyday life. I seem to know the answers to tests that I take, know the feelings of others around me, and know the choices I should make. But my favorite pastime is traveling through time and space. I’ve got a vivid imagination which makes it even more fun. Above all I thank you for all that you are doing. I look forward to experiencing the new set of tapes.
Yours Truly,
Manuel Colin, a new trainee, [email protected] sends us this feedback on January 22, 2002.
- Heightened intuition and better healing skills after listening to only 2 tapes.
I have been using the tape #2 for approximately 8 weeks and finally I can say that there are specific changes in my life, like knowing beforehand what people are going to say, or who is going to call. On one occasion, I was writing checks to pay my bill. It was late, and I was almost falling asleep, when I noticed that I wrote the name of a friend in one of my bills. To my surprise she called me next day, I don’t know which event caused the other! And there have been many other wonderful “coincidences!” I work using acupuncture and I have noticed that my intuition is starting to show me the way to deal with certain problems.
I sincerely thank you for your humble work as a pure channel from the essence of G-d. Lots of the information you manage is contemplated inside of the Old Kabala. Thanks again.
Manuel Colin.
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ) wrote to us on July 10, 2001 the following testimonial.
- Experiencing being pure light, pure consciousness, and increase intuitive abilities.
I just wanted to let you know how amazing those tapes are, not that you don’t already know it.
I moved through Tape 1 rather quickly because I spent a great amount of time reading on your webpage the info on the background of these techniques. I listened to it a few times to get accustomed listening to the tapes and relaxing, and it was very nice.
Tape 2 Side A: This was a wonderful experience! The feeling of floating around a scenery existent only in my mind was beautiful, and especially more so in the Theta Floor! The light, the imagery, and the feeling are wonderful..
I am now on Tape 1 Side B, and listened for the first time last night, and all I can say is WOW!!! I have never (at least that I can remember) felt anything like that. I have many times tried to concentrate my mind into a center of being, but the body always got in the way. I now know my center of being to be in my heart, and it was extraordinary to be completely present in my center of being and to notice that what I was hearing was above me. What I mean is that I felt like I was a tiny tiny tiny person living inside of my heart, and I could hear the sound of the tape coming through my body’s ears, located a foot or so above where I “was”. No arms, no legs, no head or anything. I really was a concentrated ball of light. This was the first time I really felt as though my body was just a vehicle for my mind. I will, though, have to stay with this tape for a while, as I feel my muscles tightening as I visualize the vibrating light, due to excitement, even though I can to!
tally feel that vibration. Like a buzz of electricity. I will stay with 2/B for a little while until I am totally relaxed and comfortable.
Also I definitely have noticed a sharp increase in my intuition already. I can tell in a packed elevator who is getting off of on what floor, and I have also tried out the “nose itch” game, where i sit in a crowded area and pick out someone. I try to imagine their nose as mine, put their head over mine, and imagine that their/my nose is really itchy, and all of a sudden they are scratching away! I have a success rate of about 85%, and if you think about it, how often do you really scratch your nose? I definitely have ruled out coincidence.
I’m still early in development, but I feel my temptation to smoke lessening, and I also feel an eagerness to eat healthier… And not to mention peace of mind.
These tapes are awesome! Thanks so much!
Dana Corvin ([email protected] ) sends us this nice “thank you” on May 29, 2001, after taking our RV course.
- Heightened intuition, great stress release, mental travel and connection.
- Freedom of leaving the “old constraints of the matrix.”
Dana Corvin
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ), a successful recent trainee, sent us this feedback on December 28, 1998.
- Powerful Results obtained through taking our RV course.
You have been on my mind. The tapes are awesome. Let me tell you some of the benefits that I have derived from using these wonderful tools — the tapes almost every day and the breathing the light, well, everyday.
1. When I think of an individual, that person calls (no matter if it’s a good or bad thought.) immediately.
When I work on projects, the person with whom I’m working reads my thoughts — it’s evident from the proposals, art work and copy that comes back to me.
2. When I think or stand next to a person, I can tell how that person
perceives me. Sometimes, it’s unnerving and can put me off guard. I can also “hear” their thoughts.
3. Dreams are more vivid, more frequent, more telling.
4. I’m very close to my pets and plants and can anticipate their needs (especially when they want to come in from outdoors and they don’t make a sound).
5. Able to “see” into the next few hours and the next day part.
6. Can “hear” my beeper, when I leave it in my office and I am 50 miles away at home!
7. Can “perceive” presences in areas, when no physical person is present.
8. Though my job is quite social, I am preferring solitude more than usual, and a deep desire to “clean up my act,” and have begun with amazing results.
9. That there is so much more to my puny existence!
When I have been repeatedly telling myself: I am the light and the light is me, well, people have been saying: You’re radiating. This sentence has helped me through some mightily difficult times.
Thank you for your wonderfully affordable program. These are some of the benefits, not all though. There’s not enough space. Thanks isn’t enough.
Rose Szwed
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ) writes on Dec. 07, 1998.
- Benefits of our RV course.
Sounds stupid, but I put on my cat’s head and learned that she needed more nutrients in her food. Learned that my plants needed to be repotted. My illustrator just happened to include a job that I didn’t ask for in his presentation to me. Able to see people’s (those I don’t know) expressions. I swear to God, I can see people’s thoughts! Most of all, able to tell who is deceiving me (My slice of the business is tough!). Can find lost objects faster. Glowing. Communicating with customers at a different level. Locating needed information immediately. Spent an inordinate amount of time listening to tape 2, now I can do it on my own, even the “listen to my voice.” Getting in and getting out at different levels. I question whether or not people really die. Subtle experiences. Please be sure to update me on all of your information. The course blows my mind. My list of what I can do better and faster is endless. Thanks for making this available at an affordable price. Do you all meet somewhere? Please inform me if you do.
Rose Szwed
Elizabeth W. ([email protected] ), one of our successful RV trainees writes to us on October 23, 1998.
- Enhancing her professional psychological and psychic counseling career and efficiency through having undertaken our RV training.
As a professional psychic counselor and social worker with advanced university degrees in psychology, your Remote Viewing course I was very enjoyable and beneficial. I found your course to be spiritually based. It utilizes techniques that allow each one to easily reach very deep levels of their former subconscious self: The level of the creative/imaginative mind.
It teaches self/mastery techniques and allows one to develop at one’s own pace.
Though I was clairvoyant before taking your course, your course redefined and greatly enhanced my psychic abilities. As a result, the course allowed me to gain a better understanding and control of the mechanics of my gift.
This is a wonderful tool that you have developed that enables anyone who desires it to access the universal mind. I personally highly recommend your course for the beginner and the advanced alike.
Elizabeth W.
Patrick O’Brien ( [email protected] ), one of our recent trainees, sent us on June 24, 1998 the following feedback.
- Tasking, gambling, OOBE, remote influencing, deep theta.
I thought you may be interested in some observations after going through half your course. I have been involved with Remote Viewing for about two years, and have already completed another course in RV based in England.
Because I have been practicing RV for two years; I find it fairly easy to arrive at a state of theta. Due to this fact as well as the power of your tapes; I find myself falling asleep in the middle of a tape. In order to combat this problem I have switched to sitting in a chair rather than reclining in order to experience the tapes. Also, I find it helpful to move a finger or a toe when I feel myself slipping beyond theta into delta. One may also open and close the eyes, but this may be too distracting for a beginner.
Tape three appears to be leading towards an out-of-body experience (OOBE) with its practice of extending a part of the light-body or biophysical vehicle out of the physical body. While this may lead to an OOBE; which gives an almost “being there” clarity, it is more important to use it as a visualization practice. Even though the OOBE state gives great clarity, it also disconnects the viewer from his intuitive state. While an OOBE does give great visual clarity; it is more important to be able to receive intuitive flashes or a feeling of “knowing.”
Once the student progresses and begins to practice on actual RV targets; it is very important to target accurately. This includes targeting an accurate TIME. If the target is what is happening right now at the base of the Eiffel Tower and one doesn’t specify it as such; the information received may pertain to the date of construction or even to some time into the probable future.
Another tip about targeting in reference to gambling is to go for the general feeling. For a beginning viewer it is easier to have a feeling about whether today is a good day for winning, rather than a specific winning experience. For example, get the winning day and then feel for the winning place, followed by the winning table or slot machine. Walk around the room until a particular machine gives you that winning feeling. Then don’t be too greedy. Walk away with several small profits rather than trying for one big one.
One experience your students should be aware of is the possibility of Remote Influencing. I have found that with continued practice of RV, RI can sometimes spontaneously occur. This can be a frightening experience if not properly understood. However, one does not have to worry about unconsciously influencing someone in a negative way. The Universe does not work like that. I have experienced influencing someone unconsciously. I was thinking that I would like a glass of iced tea; when my host poured me one. I said, “Thank you,” mentally, and she said, “You’re welcome,” out loud. I have since been able to positively influence an upcoming meeting; but this only works if one influences it in a positive way for all concerned. There can be no losers.
Finally, I would like to say that your tapes are the perfect way for a beginner to experience RV. They naturally lead the student into the theta state, teaching them what that state feels like, and enabling them to ultimately achieve theta without use of the tapes. I look forward to the advanced set of tapes still to come.
If anyone would like to contact me, my e-mail is : [email protected]
Good journeys,
Patrick O’Brien
Stanley Rutherford , [email protected] a recent combination RV/RI trainee, shares with us this experience on April 08, 2008:
- “Miraculous” healing of his pet with the help of the universal mind while operating from deep Theta.
- Moving matter and bending spoons through mind power alone
Hello. This is Stanley Rutherford, I am writing to let you and my fellow trainees know about a most wonderful experience. A week ago, I was working on the Combo Cds. While being in deep theta, I had an inspirational thought upon recalling the fact that as a result of working at such deep levels one could naturally heal (one’s self or someone else). At that point, I remembered that the family pet had a very bad problem with one of his eyes that had been injured. The bad eye had been that way for at least a year. I had in the past spoken with a vet who said that this type of injury would require surgery to remove dead tissue and scarring. which would be a very expensive procedure. We could sadly not afford it.
So while in deep Theta, I asked for the universal mind’s (the One) help, and began working on Max (the family pet). I was startled at first to recognize the link between myself, the universal mind, and then Max. I zeroed in on the eye injury and soon I was within it. I could see what appeared to be some sort of energy field that was vibrating out of sync. Like if something was shorting out.
When I saw this, I sent out some healing energy, and then saw in my mind the eye corrected. A couple of hours later, the formerly injured eye just went back into place. Wow!
I must say that my little friend is very happy now that his eye is completely healed.
Here is something else. A few days ago, I gave you a call with regards to telekinesis because I had something happen while in a very deep theta state. I was sitting on my bed and suddenly wanted to try to close my window blinds without touching them, using my mind alone. To my great surprise, they began to move. And so, I tried to do it again and it worked. But always very slowly. But who cares about how fast it happened! The important thing is that it happened.
I called you up and you suggested that I should then try to bend a heavy spoon. Well, I did!!
I went into deep theta, and I saw mentally the spoon that I wanted to work on. I asked the Universal Mind for advice on how to do it and got an answer. I was told to imagine that the spoon was a non-separated extension of myself alike a finger. I imagined then that the spoon was my finger. Funny as it may sound, this has to do with not willing it to happen but to understand the relationship between myself and the “material object”; that I and everything in this universe is inter-connected. I felt that the molecules of the object were mine. So, at this point, I moved the spoon mentally as if it were my own finger bending. You see, you don’t have to will strongly a finger to bend; it just follows automatically your instruction (this is how mind-matter also works).
Well, the spoon did bend!! I have repeated this and it seems to get easier all the time!!!!
The only limits one will run into are the ones that we allow ourselves or others to put in the way!
Thanks so much, Mr. O’Donnell
Lisa Samuels of the UK [email protected] send us this testimonial on October 29, 2007
- Increased forecasting and psychic reading accuracy after taking our training.
It was a pleasure speaking with you today and to be honest words fail to describe what I experienced whilst listening to your courses and although I have just received your package only a few days ago I wanted to explain what is happening to me already.
I am and have always been clairvoyant with the gift of second sight and only recently started professionally to do this. Whilst listening to your CD, on the second day I went shopping with my cousin and actually predicted the exact cost of what the shopping would be. It was uncanny!
I spend a lot of time just listening to the CD’s mostly in between my other work and have noticed that my gift of forecasting is getting better and better with little or no effort and sometimes whilst listening to your CD’s. I have also noticed that the technique of switching heads in order to feel the emotions of others and what they are experiencing within their lives works extremely well and have been doing this with my readings.
I have also been to my future and seen things much more clearer and have seen future events especially with regards to technology and what life will be like within the next 15 years.
On another note, I find that my body vibrates sometimes very slow and sometimes very very fast and can feel the energy moving up and down my body like in spirals and have been short circuiting or blowing lights around me too! It is always like an adventure when I start listening to your CD and sometimes not too sure where I would end up!
I know that my journey has just started and have so much more to learn about my abilities and what I can accomplish and wanted to thank you from my very soul for sharing this knowledge with me.
Many many thanks Gerald and if you do visit the UK in January I would love to meet up with you.
John Matias [email protected] – a very serious student of our Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing combination course, sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on August 20, 2007.
- Very advanced manifestation powers over “reality” emerging after repeating our Combo course for the 4th time. He is finally “molding” reality powerfully and rapidly to his liking. Please read below.
Dear Mr. O’Donnell:
I have completed the courses 3x now (01/07 – now) and am beginning my 4th walk through.
In a nutshell I am physically and mentally experiencing a shifting of time, space and recently, (last 6 months or so), material objects around me are vanishing on a continual basis of which the magnitude and frequencies are rapidly expanding. Things literally disappear around me and reappear at later points of time, sometimes in totally different space (up to 50 miles away). My family and friends have been witnessing it as well and I need some feedback. Over the weekend I lost time while sitting in my car in a parking lot. The car and I vanished for 5 hours and I have no idea what happened. Again witnessed by son and wife.
Additionally, I am being physically touched by my fractal points within these outer realms, sometimes intensely—(ask me about the blood coming out of my arm when my 2nd son was with me, and identifiable marks as well}—- and it has been suggested to me that the “synchronicities” of this time present to future manifestation are a key of some sort, some higher level that I can not only interface with as we all do, but also redirect in some sort of way on a major basis.
It has become a standing “joke” that if I say something, the physical manifestation of it will appear the same day, sometimes within minutes of the conversation.
I am witnessing a “particulation” of all creation around me, almost like everything is “pixilated” and with the correct thrust of focus I am led to believe that the matter around me is totally moveable and manageable. What I witnessed in deep delta states was this matter of our space and time fluttering away, like slivers of dark matter, continually shedding off everything and everybody. It seems as if everything around us is like a huge web continually around our physical present existence looking for the focal points of creative desire and intent.
I am experiencing shifts of immense proportions and I am not sure what all this means.
To a “normal” human this all sounds like I am losing my mind. My kids and wife have seen so much of it recently it has become the family joke, “Dad is shifting again”. My co- workers who have a level of attunement see it as well and again have witnessed some of this. I feel as if I have fallen out of this time and space and keep wondering ( as I have since my earliest recollections) what and why I am doing here.
Additionally, I have a perplexing question about this “reality—where does it all go? And I do not mean “relics” left behind, where does the tender energy go?
Would love to hear from you about this message and chat a bit, maybe you can help my redirection that started in 1992 when I died (in a car nonetheless) and stood next to my prime source before I was pushed back here. Thanks to you and your superb courses I have not only been put back on the course of true enlightenment, I have been able to spread my high white light energies to all I come in contact with, helping all as it should be.
May the creator and all light shine among you and all you touch at this time, thank you for helping me.
John Matias
Greg Ledford [email protected] A Remote Influencing/Remote Viewing Combo student, sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on August 3, 2005.
- Successfully Remote Influencing a mechanical device to function again.
- Perceptually Remote Influencing a decision from a major corporation.
- While training, his room got illuminated
- Metaphorical vision of the sad state of our planet while listening to the RI course.
- Using Remote Influencing to heal pets, helping his mother achieve her desired weight, increasing his own height by one inch, and more!
- Remote Viewing experiences.
- Seeing the One Self smiling back at him.
I will start with Remote Influencing:
One day at my previous place of employment my friend hopped on his tow motor. He tried to crank it and it wouldn’t crank. He tried and tried but nothing. So I closed my eyes using my RI (Remote Influence) training I imagined him driving off on the tow motor to change his tank! He got off of the tow motor and went around back to remove the tank. I told him to give it one more shot. He hopped back on, turned the key and it cranked right up. He looked at me sort of puzzled and then drove off to change the tank, and he made it to his destination!
We had to work a mandatory overtime on a Saturday! I kept hearing people talk about how we were going to have to work many Saturdays for quite a while. Well along with myself and most others we did not want that to happen. So while listening to Remote Influence Tape 5, I Remote Influenced our weekends off! (LOL)! I wasn’t at work the following Monday, but when I went in on Tuesday I was told that anymore overtime would be volunteers only. I was amazed. I Remote Influenced a billion dollar company that is located not only all over the US but also in other countries. To top it off those that didn’t want to work did not have to and those that did could.
While training with RI 7A I have seen my room illuminated in a couple instances, although I couldn’t hold it for too long! I am excited about what is to come.
While training with Remote Influencing 7B an apple which had been eaten to the core took the place of the Earth while I was viewing it. Well let’s just say we can all understand what that meant!
I also requested I should be taller and weigh a little more while training with RI Tape 4 and 6A. I grew about an inch in height and gained 10lbs! It was no big deal but it worked.
Healing- I healed some animals with bodily problems, helped my mother achieve her desired weight, healed a friend of sinus infection, and more! Mostly while in my mental lab and training with RI Tape 6A which is very good for healing! Looking forward to building more and more on healing!
As for Remote Viewing, I have spent most of my time with Remote Influencing although I am beginning to spend more time with Remote Viewing (RV). While training with RV Tape 2A, I suddenly found myself floating above a city. The only thing that stood out to me was a tall building. It was all I was focused on. I thought to myself how this building stands out from all of the rest. Later that night I got on the Internet and one of the top stories was a building in I believe Spain caught fire and was feared to collapse like The World Trade Center! It stated that the building stood out from all of the rest.
Also while on Remote Viewing Tape 2A everything went black and I suddenly saw myself staring at me with a bright smile. It radiated a beautiful light. It was perfect in every way. I have a ways to go before I achieve that perfection but I am moving in the right direction with a strong foundation to boot!
I have experienced so much more than what I have written but I will keep it short.
I hope this testimonial along with all of the others will help everyONE want to Influence Reality for the better!
Gerald all you do is well appreciated!
Thanks again!
Greg Ledford
Willie Macon [email protected] a recent Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee wrote us this enthusiastic testimonial on November 16, 2004:
- Time of no Time
- Experiencing a Deja Vu. Seeing reality first from the Higher Self perspective and then from the lower Self one
- Telepathic Remote Viewing
- Remote Influencing
- Out-of-body experiences
It was my total pleasure in speaking with you this afternoon. You know I had called once before right after the hurricanes and you asked me to call back. I waited because I felt a bit unsure of myself. So I decided to call today and WOW am I glad I did. It is like that conversation with you freed me to go to my next level which can only be more spectacular than this one! I am flying so high!!! Most of the time for the last few months I feel invincible, like I can walk on water! I lack word to express my joy and gratitude to you for these courses. I am taking the combo Remote Viewing/ Remote Influencing courses. I started in early August 2004. I am on my second time through, and I must say, I have had and continue to have some incredible experiences!
Time of no time
The very first day that I got the RI course in the mail, about a week after I got the RV course- I sat in my bedroom and read the manual while I let the CD Theta track play. I did this unknown to myself for 4 hours by the clock. I was surprised when my husband called from the airport for me to come and get him. I got up quickly and started down the stairs, and I felt woozy. I stopped and reminded myself to come back to beta. then I did my emergence. Went into my garage, started my auto and noticed that it was 10:10 pm. I still felt a little other-worldly. I backed out of my drive way about 20 feet and drove to the street about 100 feet, and then I noticed that the clock now said 10:21 pm. I was amazed, I looked back and could still see my garage, how could 11 minutes have elapsed? I proceeded to the airport which is 22 miles without traffic in dry weather, and it had been raining that night. When I arrived at the airport the clock said 10:29 pm!! How is that possible? My best time is 30 minutes to the airport! To have driven 22 miles in 9 minutes!! AMAZING!!
Deja vu
I was a passenger in a car with friends. The gentleman was outside our car pumping gas, and I kind of zoned out going within. I saw a lady finish pumping her gas in a blue color van, and then I saw her get in and pull away! A few seconds later I saw her do the same exact thing AGAIN!!! Saturday afternoon about 3 PM in broad daylight! I wanted to tell this to my friends but they would think I am too weird! They would have had the padded truck come and take me away!! (smile) So I just jumped up and down inside myself! I really enjoyed it!
Telepathic Remote Viewing
I have on many occasions shocked my daughters by reading their minds! It freaks them out! I love it! On one occasion, my youngest called to ask me for a recipe-She said ” mom do you remember” and I finished her sentence “that hamburger one?” She said: “Woman you gotta stop freaking me out like that!!” We both laughed and I really enjoyed freaking her out–I had already done it to her about 5 times!
Remote Influencing
I was able to avert a disaster involving the real estate closing transaction on our new house, which by all practical accounts we should not have been able to get, but since I knew I could create my own reality–I DID IT! And we are living in it right now: a beautiful 4 bedroom colonial in a beautiful neighborhood. Anyway, we had started looking in TN back in April- But with negotiations and etc, it took until September to close and move from Atlanta.. (My husband was getting transferred, he wanted it-I HELPED) In April when we had our credit report run (on Pins and needles) it showed all our tax liens paid which they were since 2000. BUT in September 2004 one showed mistakenly open! 1 day before the closing at 4:30 in the afternoon! It was suggested I go to the IRS field office. I rejected that. Instead I went into Theta and consulted my guide within, and asked for help. I said’ Any suggestions would be appreciated” then I emerged again as I was driving! Smile! Within seconds-It came to me as clear as day-“Go to the courthouse. When they released the lien, they sent a copy to the court house” I was shocked and amazed, but I did as I was told and in 10 minutes, and $2.00 for the copies, I had copies of ALL the release forms which I faxed to the Mortgage Co. and we closed without a hitch!!!
Now some of you might say–that is no miracle- But I did not know that information beforehand-it never occurred to me to even wonder about how they release liens etc… And It would have panicked in the past! That is before I discovered that I and the One are really one!
Out-of -body experiences
I have also had about 4 out-of-body-experiences. The first was while listening to Remote Influencing tape 5. I was half asleep and woke as it started, it was magnificent! It started as if I was being pulled up like by strings at my middle (Iwas on my side) around my hips, the my top and then my legs, then I was projected up very fast and I went through white clouds or lights with blue at the edges then they broke up into triangle shapes of the same colors, and then I was floating back down and gently lowered into my body and I felt myself settle just the way I had been lifted moments before, and I felt like my whole being went AHHHH! it was 1000 times better than the best orgasm I have ever experienced!!
I had about 3, one right after the other while I was asleep listening to tape #2 of the Remote Viewing course.
They were quick and wonderful. It was like I didn’t want to settle back in at all! (lol)
Well Gerald, what can I say. I listen constantly! I can’t get enough, my excitement is so great that I just must have them. I meditate with a tape every night sometimes a couple times a day. I play the Delta track each night on the CD player where we sleep-My husband asked me to leave it on so he could hear it too! I also listen to a tape while I seep with the cassette player and headphones! I thought I might be overdoing it, but I now know that I get to decide how much is enough for me- My inner self is talking and I AM LISTENING!
Gerald in the last few months my life and the lives of those I love have changed so much (Even though my children in particular kindly treat me like an escaped mental patient at times–SMILE) but I KNOW THE REAL TRUTH-and I can help them without their permission-as long it it is to their benefit. MY life is so beautiful, and I am so grateful that sometimes I go down to that room in theta and I start to thank the Universal Mind and I just burst into tears of joy and gratitude! It is truly overwhelming! I go there a lot and we my guide who I call Willie Sam, since I as Willie M. I named her WSM–my initials and call her Willie Sam. She appeared in my mental lab one day in deep theta when I went there, after I went down the stairs, she was there, looking like me but perfect-we have since merged during one of my meditations, now she is with me always (I now know she always has been inside me as my higher self-but the difference is that now I KNOW it!)
Thank You again Gerald for this material-I am putting it to good use! Anyway that’s all for now. I am having great mind safaris!!
Will be in touch soon!
Willie Macon
Scott Crawford of Australia [email protected] sent this testimonial on December 17, 2003.
- Life-changing positive effects after training for two months with the RV/RI combo course.
I’ve been training with your combination course for nearly 2 months now and have experienced so many wonderful things such as:
– Using my newfound energy/light to heal me, my girlfriend, and fix inanimate objects like light bulbs
– A consistently happy, content, stress-free existence
– Stronger emotions & improved senses
– More vivid memories and imagination
– A great empowerment that comes with knowing you have all the tools to create a wonderful joyful life
I would like to take this time to thank you, like all your other students :-), for making this information available to me so that I can realize my true potential and open up a wondrous world that I never knew I could connect to.
Thanks once again Gerald, you have inspired so many people, so selflessly, to greatness, including me. You have given a gift of knowledge to me that I will never forget.
Kind Regards,
Scott Crawford
Jim Robertson Jr. [email protected] an RV/RI student, sends us this enthusiastic Email on October 3, 2003:
- Getting a higher vibratory biology and feeling closer to “The One”
- Having a “blackout effect” on electric lighting.
- Most importantly, dramatically increasing his IQ!
As a student of RV/RI for about a year now, I want to say THANK YOU for this incredible course and for trying to make the world a better place. Nothing has changed my life for the better as much as this material has. I have had many incredible experiences and would like to share a few here. It is difficult to describe how it has changed me, but I feel deeply that it has enlivened my ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’. Every day my focus is now, how I can be a better person. I feel closer to God than in any other time of my life. My wife often tells me that I am ‘humming’, which is our reference to my body when it is buzzing. I can feel the electrical pulses going through my finger tips and from one side of my body to the other. An interesting occurrence has been happening ever since I met you about one year ago. For some reason, street lights (and lights that come on automatically at night) go off when I get near them. This phenomenon has happened countless times over the past year. It has happened at airports, while driving, many parking lots, hotels, basically any place that has light sensitive, automatic lights. I am curious to know if this is happening to others. Another great thing that your course has done is increased my IQ. Recently, I took an IQ test (for fun) and did not put forth much effort. The questions seemed easy. When the test was returned, I had scored 135. I was very pleased, as the tester suggested, that such a score was in the realm of Plato and was quite happy for me. This was a huge surprise for me to say the least. (In University, I had a closer relationship with the academic probation list than the Dean’s list…) I could go on for pages about how important it is to do your course and how it effects your life in a positive way. We have had several discussions over the past year on the phone and I consider it a privilege know you.
Thank you again for all of your work in this area and for sharing with us this incredible course.
Most sincerely,
Jim Robertson Jr.
Morton [email protected] sends us this enthusiastic and important feedback on August4, 2003 after having trained with the RV/RI combination package for a year.
- RV skills improved with taking the RI course;
- Acquired telekinetic skills, dowsing, telepathy, and energy healing abilities.
- Improved artistic talent.
- Power of the diamond self technique in changing psychological and physical makeup.
- Experiencing and unifying with the “pulse of Creation.”
Words can’t do justice for what this course is capable of. Over the past few months, I have had experiences that are phenomenal, to say the least. I’ll try to sum it up as best I can.
I have only been doing these two courses for a year. In that time, I have experienced things that I had never thought possible.
My RV skills have improved dramatically with the RI course. I now get images that are as vivid as what I see in the waking world. This does not happen all of the time, but I am nonetheless baffled. In time, I am certain that it will happen consistently.
I have slight telekinetic skills. I can swing a needle on a string or move it in small circles. I am continuing to practice this.
I can dowse. This is remarkably easy to do. Some of the students may enjoy this one.
Telepathy. Again, this one is like the others, it doesn’t happen all of the time, but enough for me to know it is there. When someone near me feels a strong emotion, I feel it too, as much or more than my own, regardless of what I am feeling.
Healing. This is the most remarkable of the abilities that I have discovered so far. The results are incredible.
Another pleasant side effect is that my artistic skills have improved dramatically. I was good before, but now people that see my work remark at how incredibly lifelike it looks, almost like they could touch the animal or person being portrayed.
My personality has altered in all good ways. That in itself was worth every penny that was spent on this course. My outlook on life, the way that I deal with people, everything is changed. I think of how much money people waste going to counselors, self help seminars, etc. They rarely work, and half the time it is only temporary, like putting a band aid on a head wound. This, without a doubt, WORKS.
Your RV course was good, but the RI course is on a whole other level. You wanted me to explain my methods.
Use the Diamond Self for expanding all of your other skills. This is the core of all of your abilities. Use it and all will fall into place. This will enhance your RV skills dramatically, as well as the others. It will alter your physical appearance as well. I can’t stress how important this technique is. USE IT, or your skills will continue to stagnate.
I also experienced what you call the pulse of creation. I don’t know what to call it. I was at the beach and I laid back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sunshine. My heart began to pound, but it didn’t feel out of the ordinary. My whole body began to feel like it was pulsing, like a heart. I could feel it throbbing. It was the most amazing thing. I laid there for hours, but I thought I had only been there for about fifteen minutes. I finally opened my eyes and there were about ten people standing there staring at me. They had apparently been there the whole time watching me. I looked directly at one man and he ran. The others just continued to stare with their mouths hanging open. I looked down at my shadow and saw it growing larger and smaller. I would like to know what they saw. I have never felt ALIVE like that.
There is plenty more to say, but I will shut up for now. Just devote your training to RI, and RV will seem like child’s play, I promise.
Thank you.
Your pal,
Sherwood H.K. Finley [email protected] writes to us this very important feedback on the RV&RI combination course on June 27, 2003.
- Becoming a “Precog” as shown in the movie “Minority Report.” Creating with full awareness one’s reality.
- Stopping “time” and operating in the gap between linear “time” at the level of real Mind in order to Remote Influence.
- Witnessing reality twice: Once from the HS perspective and then again from the “lower self perspective.” This comment will form the basis of a new page titled “In between worlds” explaining the secret of Holographic Creation (projection), the real “Matrix of Life (Universal Lattice) and how to master (control) it by learning to be in the “gap.” All this coming to you free, on this website: The Channel of the One.
From the Remote Viewing material I had learned to observe data streams from the past and target probable futures. With Remote Influencing, I began to live them, but sometimes I felt that I was living backwards in time. I found I could fast forward to the day’s end, review and edit, insert desired outcomes and then experience the day I had designed. It became obvious to me that certain time reversals resulted from tapping into delta, especially in public settings where more input is abundant.
For instance, I was in a bookstore on Jan 7, 2003, and lived certain events in twice-instant replay. I saw a vivid vision of a man drop a book then pick it up. But two seconds later I saw it again. Trust me, this gets your attention!
Back on the street crowds looked like multi-colored clouds and I heard fragments of conversations and two seconds later heard them again. I was living in a virtual double-exposure reality!
That night in the shower while reviewing these events, I noticed that the water droplets seemed to be falling very slowly, even after repeated viewings. I found I could encircle a drop with my hand.
Four days later the drops just hung in the air, freeze-frame! Clocks have gotten into the act preferring to slow-and stop-their second hand! I first thought that they ran out of power, but new fresh batteries didn’t help. One of the local cats ran by the door, and guess what? He did it again two seconds later. I kept watching for Alice and/or the white rabbit! No luck! Nor did a voice inform me that I had entered the twilight zone!
In RV assignments I found that after having trained with the Remote Influencing course twice, I could view and retain far more data than previously, information which was verified by Mr. O’Donnell who always made sense out of my input, especially when it made no sense to me.
After incorporating sketching, page after page would come flying out. With various disasters ad crimes I found I could merge with them and emerge untouched, with no side-effects.
In working with a distance healing client, I decided to see if I could enter their dream and leave some helpful programs behind. By the way, that’s all you can do, and only win-win is possible. I found the speed of this person’s dream was beyond comprehension so I put it on hold, inserted simple instructions, e.g. :My immune system is functioning perfectly”, and then let their dream continue. Result: One of the fastest recoveries I’ve ever seen in about 20,000 distance healing sessions (Since 1986).
Finding lost objects seemed effortless and it often seemed that I had become the object, in most cases my glasses which have their own agenda!
In daily life I found that problem-solving, negotiation, communication, creativity, memory, and not getting nervous or upset quite as frequently, all improved quite wonderfully.
After over a year of training with the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course of the Academy, I can state that these experiences and states are now constant and not like a peak experience or a weekend workshop success. As you master the deeper levels of your mind there is an automatic mastery of life. It simply becomes easier.
My overall experience is that I can now help others far better discover their tremendous inner potential for changes and accomplishment. I can help them bring in healing- not just to their biology but their mind, emotional body, and spirit. All this is what the RV and RI courses show and train us to experience. With only a little bit of faith and perseverance we can all tap into this tremendous inner power just waiting to lift us back into freedom and harmony.
P.S. Unfortunately the Oneness took back Sherwood Home on January 14, 2010. He was a dear friend and the best Remote Viewer I have ever known. His Spirit always flew as an eagle High and wide, and I know that he is now a Golden Eagle Flying within the Golden Sphere of the One as one the Holy Golden Eagles. Happy Flights, my dear friend and Light-warrior. You deserve the Peace of God. Gerald O’Donnell 2012
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on May 4, 2002
Hi Gerald,
This is some of what I have experienced with the new RI course. I’m also CC’ing the grillflame group.
After only reading the first installment of Course II, (Remote Influencing Thought..) I have been having some very interesting results with the few experiments I have tried.
I have been strongly meditating on the fact that I am the creator of my reality, and all the points you stress in the first installment, and I can feel a change within, and without.. Here are some examples:
1) DRIVING UNDER THE (REMOTE) INFLUENCE. Every time I am on the road, I have a little game I play with other drivers. I look at other drivers that are to my sides. If I quickly decide that I want them to look back at me, they usually do. If I quickly decide that I don’t want them to, they usually don’t. I try this at a maximum of 90 degrees, meaning that they must be at my exact side or more in front of me (to eliminate the possibility that they can see me looking at them in the corner of their eye. These people are feeling an influence). I have had several instances of people being more diagonally to my front left, and they would look back at me. Very interesting. Not looking back because they want to pass, but just to glance at me, then they go back to the road.
2) LEG BOUNCE. On several occasions I’ve tried this one. Here is an example. While at a restaurant, waiting for my takeout order, I saw a woman directly to my left also waiting. We were both sitting. Her feet were planted firmly on the floor. I imagined, with my eyes open, her crossing her legs, right over left, and then bouncing the right foot, I also imagined being shocked that my imagination became reality. This *did* became reality within a matter of *seconds*. Her legs crossed, right over left, and the right foot started to bounce in the air. Quickly, About 10 seconds later, I imagined her foot being planted back onto the floor, also imagining me being shocked that it worked again. Again, within seconds this became reality, and I *was* shocked 🙂 I even chuckled out loud.. hehehe
3) POWER OUT. I am in a rock band that rehearses in New Jersey, and plays in NYC. We rehearse at the guitarist’s house, in the basement. This past Sunday, as I pulled up to the house, I decided to try another RI experiment. I sat there, in my car, and imagined myself going down into the basement only to find that we could not rehearse because the power was out. Drums were fine, but there was no power for the amps, and thus, no guitars or vocals. I imagined this strongly, and also imagined my shock that it happened. So I grabbed my bass guitars and headed into the house. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I walked down the stairs into the basement. Lights on, everything’s fine. I walk into the studio where we rehearse, and see the guitarist playing around with the power cable for his amp. I asked what was wrong, and he said “The power for the amps and vocals JUST went out”!!!!! The lights were on (!!!), but the power for both guitar amps and the vocals were totally out!! This is the exact scene I envisioned! He then went to check the fuse box, and found that the fuse that controls the very power outlets for the amps and vocals had simply switched off. I WAS BLOWN AWAY. Simple fix, he flipped the fuse switch back, and all was good, BUT I AM CERTAIN THAT MY MENTAL EXPERIMENT HAD AN ABSOLUTE PHYSICAL EFFECT IN REALITY. We have been rehearsing in that room in one band or another for almost 5 years, and nothing has ever happened to the power. Not once, until I *created* that reality this past Sunday.
I thought you might enjoy those little experiments..
Rob Chojnacki
Ryan Berry, [email protected] wants to share on June 27, 2000 the following experiences after training with the course for one month.
- Great increase in Intuition.
- Mind-bending of a spoon and switching an electric spotlight with only the use of the mind.
My name is Ryan Berry. I am 18 years old and started the remote viewing course about one month ago. I talked to you a couple of times and you asked me to share my experiences to the people who used your course and also to the people who are thinking about getting your course. All I have to say is, HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! These experiences thrilled me.
I would like to first share some history about myself and what got me interested in remote viewing. When I was a kid, I loved to daydream. I would fantasize about a perfect world where anything was possible. I would have dreams at night of events that would then take place in the future. I didn’t exactly know when they would take place but when the time came and I saw something I had seen in one of my dreams, I could predict the outcome of the remaining situation. This was something I was always good at but I really couldn’t channel this power anytime I wanted until I ordered the remote viewing course. After performing the theta exercises in the tapes I began to realize that any individual has the power to create his/her own reality anyway if that individual wants it. Shortly after, I began to create my new reality. I will now share with you my creations and how you to can do what I have accomplished. Some of the phenomenal experiences I have encountered have happened involuntarily. Like for example, my intuition experience. I remember going to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and that after leaving the restaurant, I started walking to my car and then, all-of-a-sudden my body flinched (the kind of flinch the person would get if something had surprised them) after hearing something loud in my mind. It was so irritating that my legs started to move rapidly toward my car and I thought to myself, “what the hell is going on in me?” Then, seconds later, a construction site that was building a building next to the restaurant dropped a big heavy pipe and boy was that thing loud!
But my body didn’t react to it that time because the event had already taken place in my mind and I had reacted to it beforehand. I’ve had other intuition experiences: for example, I could predict when the phone was going to ring and what the conversation was about. And again the event would happen inside my mind and then the reality would take place.
As another sample of my efforts, I want to talk about my psychokinetic experiences. While in deep theta I asked the universal mind how to bend a spoon and turn a light on. All these were done with my eyes open. Bending a spoon: While in my inner-mind’s workshop, I sat down on my mind’s couch and turned on my workshop’s TV. I saw myself sitting on the couch and holding a spoon in my hand and saw the same thing on the TV. screen. I asked the Universal Mind how to perform the task and It told me to be the spoon. Send the light through my neck and in my head and on the spoon. I did this exercise and began to feel energy build up in my head like a sharp pressure. Then the Universal Mind told me in order to relieve the pressure “bend your head down and the spoon’s energy will be released and bend as well.” I performed the task and started to feel a little cold, just like the spoon’s temperature. Then the spoon did what the Universal Mind told me it would do. It bent forward just as I bent my head forward.
Turning a light on:
While performing an exercise at night I wanted to try something new. I have a fish tank that has two spotlights in it; they were both off at the time and I wanted to turn one of them on, even if it were just for a split second. I went to my mental workshop and asked the Universal Mind how to perform this task. It said to me that I must imagine myself as the spotlight and in order to flash it I must blink my eyes. After this I began to imagine on my workshop’s TV. that I was looking down at the bottom of the fish tank and then my mind transferred inside the fish tank and I began to swim around in my fish tank and the water temperature felt so good. My mind then got next to the screen and looked through the glass and I saw myself as a big giant walking towards the fish tank and staring into the tiny me’s eyes. The tiny me blinked, the giant me blinked, the Ryan laying down on the bed performing the exercise blinked, and then the spotlight came on and then went off.
I have tried many other experiments to see what I could do. The results all turned out perfect. I have never had any trouble with performing my goal tasks. That is because I believe in myself and my capability to carry out the tasks. My advice is not to be skeptic and don’t analyze. Have fun and always know this: the human mind can create any reality the individual wants. My future plans are to change the world for the better and to use my powers to help my generation and the rest of mankind out. I want to help them realize that they have the potential to perform these tasks and do so much more. If your interested in remote viewing and are thinking about ordering this course, order today so you can join me and Mr. O’Donnell and discover the infinite powers of your mind that lies within all of us.
Your universal brother,
David Wilson ( [email protected]), a recent student, shares with us on February 05, 2000 these amazing experiences that he had as he undertook his initial training.
- Traveling trough space and time, and experiencing through a “time warp” a “parallel world”!
A second experience I had which is worth mentioning was my definite attempt to “travel” to Roanoke Island to see one of America’s first permanent settlements. I expected to see the general sort of things you would see on television about that time period. What I actually saw was quite astounding. I saw a native American in full head dress with beads woven into his hair and quills and feathers arranged in a row descending down his back. He was in a very low to the ground stick type hut (unlike what I would have guessed. I then traveled to the white settlement to see the sharpened logs which were tightly wound with primitive rope surrounding the log houses inside. I then moved inside one of the buildings to see of all things, primitive hand hewn children’s toys on the floor! I would have never expected this. I then looked around for evidence of where the people may have gone or what might have happened. I believe my question was partly answered when I saw what looked to be like white porcelain (?) like dishes with blood being splattered everywhere. I did not wish to view this anymore and left.
A third experience I have had, which to me was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life, happened around 3:00 a.m. I was awakened by our little girl around 3:00 a.m. and went to her room to get her back to sleep. I went to sleep on the floor beside her bed only to awaken and find I had overslept… by 6 hours! I walked into the kitchen and saw the clock very clearly reading 12:30 p.m. I then looked outside and thought to myself, “how could this have happened? I would never sleep this late. I looked at the clock again and it showed 12:30 p.m. very clearly again. It was a warm sunny day with a slight breeze blowing. Outside the pines were swaying gently in the wind. I thought to myself, “this is beyond reason”. I stepped back inside the kitchen and closed the door and decided I had better find my wife and get some answers! She was fast asleep in bed! The time “warp” had closed and it was dark again! And so that was it. But I shall never understand what I did or how I did it. I only know that it was not a dream nor like any dream I have even heard of. So these are my three special cases which I have shared. I believe with training, remote viewing can be our most powerful tool for exploration. It surely must be one of our greatest gifts. Please explore for yourself and learn to use one of God’s greatest gifts to man!
Michael Santangelo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on December 5, 2001.
- Precognitive viewing of the Probable Future after taking our RV course.
The next day I went into the meeting. There were a number of people present, but one of them stood out to me. This person was an exact match of my impression of the day before. It was the very person I was trying to get a “preview” of. I was both completely amazed and matter of fact in my reaction. if this is a bit of what can be expected with practice and patience, I can hardly wait. I have found the tapes to be terrific and look forward to continuing my practice.
Thanks again for the great service you are rendering by making these powerful techniques available. I look forward to receiving the email exercises you mentioned in our phone call.
Michael Santangelo
Laurie Broad Jr. from Alaska, [email protected] , sent us on January 13, 2005 this comment on the Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing courses.
- Clearer mind
- Better Memory
- Greatest stress reliever on earth
- Precognition of events before they happen
These courses have changed my life. Thank you
Laurie Broad Jr.
Patrick a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on December 11, 2003.
- Inner permanent changes of peace, goodness, bliss and joy while training with the RV/RI combo.
- Increased IQ and download of information while attending university classes.
- Increased intuition. Predicting sports results in advance.
- “Reading” people’s thoughts and emotions.
- Increased attention from the opposite sex.
- Getting innovative business ideas.
These courses have changed my life. Thank you
Laurie Broad Jr.
Sherwood H.K. Finley [email protected] writes to us this very important feedback on the RV&RI combination course on June 27, 2003.
- Becoming a “Precog” as shown in the movie “Minority Report.” Creating with full awareness one’s reality. Stopping “time” and operating in the gap between linear “time” at the level of real Mind in order to Remote Influence. Witnessing reality twice: Once from the HS perspective and then again from the “lower self perspective.” This comment will form the basis of a new page titled “In between worlds” explaining the secret of Holographic Creation (projection), the real “Matrix of Life (Universal Lattice) and how to master (control) it by learning to be in the “gap.” All this coming to you free, on this website: The Channel of the One. Sherwood Finley is an American living now in India.
From the Remote Viewing material I had learned to observe data streams from the past and target probable futures. With Remote Influencing, I began to live them, but sometimes I felt that I was living backwards in time. I found I could fast forward to the day’s end, review and edit, insert desired outcomes and then experience the day I had designed. It became obvious to me that certain time reversals resulted from tapping into delta, especially in public settings where more input is abundant.
For instance, I was in a bookstore on Jan 7, 2003, and lived certain events in twice-instant replay. I saw a vivid vision of a man drop a book then pick it up. But two seconds later I saw it again. Trust me, this gets your attention!
Back on the street crowds looked like multi-colored clouds and I heard fragments of conversations and two seconds later heard them again. I was living in a virtual double-exposure reality!
That night in the shower while reviewing these events, I noticed that the water droplets seemed to be falling very slowly, even after repeated viewings. I found I could encircle a drop with my hand.
Four days later the drops just hung in the air, freeze-frame! Clocks have gotten into the act preferring to slow-and stop-their second hand! I first thought that they ran out of power, but new fresh batteries didn’t help. One of the local cats ran by the door, and guess what? He did it again two seconds later. I kept watching for Alice and/or the white rabbit! No luck! Nor did a voice inform me that I had entered the twilight zone!
In RV assignments I found that after having trained with the Remote Influencing course twice, I could view and retain far more data than previously, information which was verified by Mr. O’Donnell who always made sense out of my input, especially when it made no sense to me.
After incorporating sketching, page after page would come flying out. With various disasters ad crimes I found I could merge with them and emerge untouched, with no side-effects.
In working with a distance healing client, I decided to see if I could enter their dream and leave some helpful programs behind. By the way, that’s all you can do, and only win-win is possible. I found the speed of this person’s dream was beyond comprehension so I put it on hold, inserted simple instructions, e.g. :My immune system is functioning perfectly”, and then let their dream continue. Result: One of the fastest recoveries I’ve ever seen in about 20,000 distance healing sessions (Since 1986).
Finding lost objects seemed effortless and it often seemed that I had become the object, in most cases my glasses which have their own agenda!
In daily life I found that problem-solving, negotiation, communication, creativity, memory, and not getting nervous or upset quite as frequently, all improved quite wonderfully.
After over a year of training with the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course of the Academy, I can state that these experiences and states are now constant and not like a peak experience or a weekend workshop success. As you master the deeper levels of your mind there is an automatic mastery of life. It simply becomes easier.
My overall experience is that I can now help others far better discover their tremendous inner potential for changes and accomplishment. I can help them bring in healing- not just to their biology but their mind, emotional body, and spirit. All this is what the RV and RI courses show and train us to experience. With only a little bit of faith and perseverance we can all tap into this tremendous inner power just waiting to lift us back into freedom and harmony.
P.S. Unfortunately the Oneness took back Sherwood Home on January 14, 2010. He was a dear friend and the best Remote Viewer I have ever known. His Spirit always flew as an eagle High and wide, and I know that he is now a Golden Eagle Flying within the Golden Sphere of the One as one the Holy Golden Eagles. Happy Flights, my dear friend and Light-warrior. You deserve the Peace of God. Gerald O’Donnell 2012
Saleem Rana ( [email protected] ) writes us this feedback on April 23 about his experiences during and after taking our Remote Viewing Course.
Dear Gerald:
I want to thank you for your course, Remote Viewing.
I have had many wonderful experiences with the 6 weeks of doing RV.
1. I used to be able to visualize poorly. Now my mental pictures can be very vivid, sometimes even more so than with actual seeing. Let me explain. When seeing something during a Remote Viewing session, the colors seem brighter, and I can zoom in and out as I please. In addition, I appear to find everything viewed in this way has a rich emotional quality to it.
2. I have correctly identified two targets posted for me. I did not know the target, but was given an alphanumeric code. I saw and experienced the targets very vividly. Currently, I have only RV’d two targets.
3. I was able to remote view the inside of a tree and the inside of a leaf in sharp detail, as if I were really inside it, experiencing the richness of the life-force.
4. I had some success with Remote Healing. The person reported that they felt better after my treatment. I was able to enter this person and do a complete scan of their health condition. I found out about 10 problems they were having.
5. The vibratory light feeling I get during RV is my Higher Self.
6. In one RV session, I saw a beach, and I had a heightened sense of acuity. Each grain of sand I focused on gave me a sense of deep pleasure, and I found the surf absolutely delightful. In another session, I was flying over this Western Town. Most of the buildings were brown and tan, and they were very old. There was also a railway station with a train pulling up. The town was very dry and dusty. There were no people around the town. I could zoom in and out of the scene, getting close-up views of the buildings and being able to view them from any direction. It was very exhilarating.
7. I am also able to sometimes RV when awake. For example, I have been able to predict things before I get to the scene. Walking to the Jacuzzi room at my health club, I projected my mind to the room before I got there. I saw a bald, corpulent man. When I got there, I was shocked to actually find such a person there. Another time, I was able to project ahead to the bus stop before I even got to the street. I saw two scenes. One, the bus waiting for me, and the other, a bus a block away pulling up to the bus sign. I was puzzled. How could I see two possibilities? Then when I got there, I found a bus waiting for me AND further down the street, about a block away, there was another bus coming up.
These are just a few of my experiences. I am having so many that I am not able to keep track of them all. I am developing PSI quite spontaneously now, and I did not have this ability before. It is as if my consciousness has suddenly expanded by visiting
Saleem Rana
Michael Santangelo ( [email protected] ) sent us this feedback on December 5, 2001.
- Precognitive viewing of the Probable Future after taking our RV course.
The next day I went into the meeting. There were a number of people present, but one of them stood out to me. This person was an exact match of my impression of the day before. It was the very person I was trying to get a “preview” of. I was both completely amazed and matter of fact in my reaction. if this is a bit of what can be expected with practice and patience, I can hardly wait. I have found the tapes to be terrific and look forward to continuing my practice.
Thanks again for the great service you are rendering by making these powerful techniques available. I look forward to receiving the email exercises you mentioned in our phone call.
Michael Santangelo
Dr. Leon O. writes to us on September 19th, 2001 ( [email protected] ).
- Premonition on bear market acted upon on 9/10/01.
Let me start by saying that after listening to tape 2 side A about 5 times, I have had several premonitions. The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01
I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01. I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!
Thank you for your time.
God Bless America
Dr. Leon O.
Brian McCarthy ([email protected]) sends us this very timely testimonial on September 14th, 2001.
- The potential life saving gift of training with our RV and RI courses, in order to avoid locations and situations where terrorists may strike and other threats to oneself and/or to one’s loved ones. Choosing better realities amongst many probable futures.
It has been a year since I ordered your RV course. I feel that in that time, I not only have traveled the future road of many probable paths that lie ahead for me as well as the journey I have traveled within myself. The occurrence of actions on 9/11/01 in New York City almost immediately reminded me of your August 2000 web site posting. In recent months I have seen probable outcomes of what may become fact . I have seen much destruction and loss of life even in this great country of America. Time lines are never certain with RV but I have almost become fearful of the things I know could happen. The course I took from you a year ago has showed me that. However fear is not what it seems, especially while traveling the depth of the rabbit’s hole. I am so glade I took the red pill a year ago instead of the blue one, for this has been an amazing journey into the Matrix of the probable future of this person’s being. I will be ordering you 2nd edition of tapes soon. The advice I would give to others considering the course would be: yes take it, take them both. Your future may depend on it. I have so many different outcomes to my future now that I can choose the path I want to take. In ending, I would like to add that this has also been a path with a couple of monetary gains. Thank you so much Gerald.
“I’ll see you on the sky scrapper of my mind”.
Brian J.M.
David Clarke ( [email protected] ), a British trainee, sent us this testimonial on September 4th, 2001.
- Great success with our training.
I have been using the Remote Viewing course for some weeks now, and although a bit skeptical that I or just anyone could learn to use it, I am now a full believer. I have successfully remote viewed on several occasions. On nearly a daily basis, I suddenly think of someone and then the phone rings and it’s that person. While watching the lottery the other day, I suddenly thought of several numbers and to my surprise they rolled in seconds later!
Even better, I was in the pub the other day, and suddenly thought of a friend I had not seen for a while, then I looked up and saw a ghostly/transparent image of my friend making his way towards me through the crowd, as he emerged, he faded away! This was shocking enough, but with in a minute the real life version of my friend walked in the door and made his way towards me through the crowd and came over and said hello and wondered why my mouth was hanging open!
Please post my experiences if you wish.
David Clarke
Michael Albright ([email protected]) sends us on February 13, 2001 this testimonial on his progress with the RV course.
- Dreaming the probable future and recognizing the One within.
I purchased the remote viewing tapes about 6 weeks ago, and I am having the time of my life using them. I had a dream last week that really made me realize how powerful these tapes are. In my dream I had a very clear picture of me taking some change from the soda machine after using it. Well, about two days later the dream came true. I needed a little pick me up, so I went to the soda machine to get a drink and reached down to get my change, and there was about $1.00 worth of quarters waiting for me! Just like in the dream! My exact change was suppose to .25 cents.
Gerald, I think that getting a look into my “Probable Future” is great, but at the same time, these tapes are making me realize that there is a connectedness between us all. Maybe I’m starting to realize on a deeper level my own divinity (Divine Love) and this Divinity, sees and recognizes the divinity in all.
Thanks again for always being there to answer all my questions.
With Many Blessings!!
R.S. ([email protected]) of Sydney, Australia sends this testimony on February 8, 2001.
- Increased intuition. Sensing events just before they are about to happen. Decreased stress levels.
I would like to elaborate a bit on the results I have had so far! I Have been practicing the tapes for about three weeks now. I just started tape 3 side B this morning. My intuition is gradually rising and I seem to be having a lot of ‘synchronous’ moments, i.e. when I know something is about to happen between 1 second and 5 seconds before it happens although I have only just started to actually register this type of stray thought as the ‘what is going to happen thought’. So the results have been great so far. I also have found my stress levels easing a whole lot and also wanted to tell you that I love the work you’ve done on your website, with the out of the matrix page and the rest. Can’t wait for an update
Anyway, thank you for helping me out,
Ryan Berry, [email protected] wants to share on June 27, 2000 the following experiences after training with the course for one month.
- Great increase in Intuition.
- Mind-bending of a spoon and switching an electric spotlight with only the use of the mind.
My name is Ryan Berry. I am 18 years old and started the remote viewing course about one month ago. I talked to you a couple of times and you asked me to share my experiences to the people who used your course and also to the people who are thinking about getting your course. All I have to say is, HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! These experiences thrilled me.
I would like to first share some history about myself and what got me interested in remote viewing. When I was a kid, I loved to daydream. I would fantasize about a perfect world where anything was possible. I would have dreams at night of events that would then take place in the future. I didn’t exactly know when they would take place but when the time came and I saw something I had seen in one of my dreams, I could predict the outcome of the remaining situation. This was something I was always good at but I really couldn’t channel this power anytime I wanted until I ordered the remote viewing course. After performing the theta exercises in the tapes I began to realize that any individual has the power to create his/her own reality anyway if that individual wants it. Shortly after, I began to create my new reality. I will now share with you my creations and how you to can do what I have accomplished. Some of the phenomenal experiences I have encountered have happened involuntarily. Like for example, my intuition experience. I remember going to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and that after leaving the restaurant, I started walking to my car and then, all-of-a-sudden my body flinched (the kind of flinch the person would get if something had surprised them) after hearing something loud in my mind. It was so irritating that my legs started to move rapidly toward my car and I thought to myself, “what the hell is going on in me?” Then, seconds later, a construction site that was building a building next to the restaurant dropped a big heavy pipe and boy was that thing loud!
But my body didn’t react to it that time because the event had already taken place in my mind and I had reacted to it beforehand. I’ve had other intuition experiences: for example, I could predict when the phone was going to ring and what the conversation was about. And again the event would happen inside my mind and then the reality would take place.
As another sample of my efforts, I want to talk about my psychokinetic experiences. While in deep theta I asked the universal mind how to bend a spoon and turn a light on. All these were done with my eyes open. Bending a spoon: While in my inner-mind’s workshop, I sat down on my mind’s couch and turned on my workshop’s TV. I saw myself sitting on the couch and holding a spoon in my hand and saw the same thing on the TV. screen. I asked the Universal Mind how to perform the task and It told me to be the spoon. Send the light through my neck and in my head and on the spoon. I did this exercise and began to feel energy build up in my head like a sharp pressure. Then the Universal Mind told me in order to relieve the pressure “bend your head down and the spoon’s energy will be released and bend as well.” I performed the task and started to feel a little cold, just like the spoon’s temperature. Then the spoon did what the Universal Mind told me it would do. It bent forward just as I bent my head forward.
Turning a light on:
While performing an exercise at night I wanted to try something new. I have a fish tank that has two spotlights in it; they were both off at the time and I wanted to turn one of them on, even if it were just for a split second. I went to my mental workshop and asked the Universal Mind how to perform this task. It said to me that I must imagine myself as the spotlight and in order to flash it I must blink my eyes. After this I began to imagine on my workshop’s TV. that I was looking down at the bottom of the fish tank and then my mind transferred inside the fish tank and I began to swim around in my fish tank and the water temperature felt so good. My mind then got next to the screen and looked through the glass and I saw myself as a big giant walking towards the fish tank and staring into the tiny me’s eyes. The tiny me blinked, the giant me blinked, the Ryan laying down on the bed performing the exercise blinked, and then the spotlight came on and then went off.
I have tried many other experiments to see what I could do. The results all turned out perfect. I have never had any trouble with performing my goal tasks. That is because I believe in myself and my capability to carry out the tasks. My advice is not to be skeptic and don’t analyze. Have fun and always know this: the human mind can create any reality the individual wants. My future plans are to change the world for the better and to use my powers to help my generation and the rest of mankind out. I want to help them realize that they have the potential to perform these tasks and do so much more. If your interested in remote viewing and are thinking about ordering this course, order today so you can join me and Mr. O’Donnell and discover the infinite powers of your mind that lies within all of us.
Your universal brother,
Rose Szwed ( [email protected] ), a successful recent trainee, sent us this feedback on December 28, 1998.
- Powerful Results obtained through taking our RV course.
You have been on my mind. The tapes are awesome. Let me tell you some of the benefits that I have derived from using these wonderful tools — the tapes almost every day and the breathing the light, well, everyday.
1. When I think of an individual, that person calls (no matter if it’s a good or bad thought.) immediately.
2. When I work on projects, the person with whom I’m working reads my thoughts — it’s evident from the proposals, art work and copy that comes back to me.
3. When I think or stand next to a person, I can tell how that person
perceives me. Sometimes, it’s unnerving and can put me off guard. I can also “hear” their thoughts.
4. Dreams are more vivid, more frequent, more telling.
5. I’m very close to my pets and plants and can anticipate their needs (especially when they want to come in from outdoors and they don’t make a sound).
6. Able to “see” into the next few hours and the next day part.
7. Can “hear” my beeper, when I leave it in my office and I am 50 miles away at home!
8. Can “perceive” presences in areas, when no physical person is present.
9. Though my job is quite social, I am preferring solitude more than usual, and a deep desire to “clean up my act,” and have begun with amazing results.
10. That there is so much more to my puny existence!
11. When I have been repeatedly telling myself: I am the light and the light is me, well, people have been saying: You’re radiating. This sentence has helped me through some mightily difficult times.
Thank you for your wonderfully affordable program. These are some of the benefits, not all though. There’s not enough space. Thanks isn’t enough.
Rose Szwed
Brenda ( [email protected] ), graciously sends us on Dec. 14, 1998 this feedback.
- Some of her experiences while taking our RV course and thoughts on mind-to-mind communication in the Theta state.
I have completed the first run of listening to your tapes.
You can be assured they will be practiced again and again.
I feel fortunate in that I had very vivid and memorable journeys on every tape. I went all over the world, into outer space, and all around my neighborhood. I was able to confirm my local trips. What fun!
I thought I’d mention that on several occasions, when you were about to explain something or when you were about to ask for me to see something…I saw it or did it just prior to your words. ( Like the table cloth on the table, I saw it open onto the table before you said the table had a table cloth on it! Or the orange…..it was there too.)
My trip to Tibet was especially vivid, and very beautiful.
It would be nice to go to that place and confirm what I saw, but then again, maybe I’ll just go there again tonight before I sleep!
I am curious to know your thoughts on the relationship between two people in theta state….sort of communicating there to each other. Now I mean this is taking place during the beta activities of our day. The statement I made about “theta attracting theta”. I have a friendship with a few people, where we communicate very powerfully on the theta level, but what is funny, with some, we have never discussed it in beta! Too funny. We don’t need to really.
One of those people is a famous person who recently passed away. But we still communicate. I am now thinking that when we die, we enter that delta whole, and can still cross into theta and meet our friends…or who we choose…Your thoughts?
On one interesting trip when I traveled into the future….
I ended up in the city of Denver, on a deserted street.
I looked around for a newspaper stand, and found the date to be 2080. There were no people in the entire city except me.
I would say now that I have completed this first run on your tapes…I have been successful. I find myself slipping into theta during the course of my day. Fun. My “E.S.P.” abilities are increased. My husband and I were in our car going down the road the other day, he was driving and I was gazing out the window. I suddenly saw a specific breed of Hawk, and he was sitting right over the road. In THETA. Now, I did not say anything to my husband, because I did not know how a hawk could be sitting right over the road! How silly! But I saw his belly feathers ruffle in a slight breeze, and saw his breed type very clearly, the direction he gazed.
Not one minute later….we pass a tree limb hanging out over the road…yes, with the same species hawk sitting and facing west, just as I’d seen him. Cool!
Those types of “visions” have happened to me many times before, but this time,
I was more aware of the detail.
My husband is still on tape 3 because of scheduling…
But I am waiting for him to catch up to me, so we can monitor each other.
So that is where things are here now.
What a nice letter you received from Mr. Malone!
We wish you a happy holiday!
Brenda and John
John Sharp ( [email protected] ) wrote us on October 02, 1998.
- Effect of RV course.
Thank you for the safari!
John Sharp
Gary L. ( [email protected] ) e-mails us this feedback on August 25, 1998.
- Remote viewing 48 hrs into the future a baseball game.
I’ve had your course now for about 3 months and am listening to it almost daily. I have learned a lot about remote viewing. My main achievement at this point is that I do quite a bit of immediate future observing while in the theta state. Usually I see 24 to 36 hrs before hand. The other day I saw the end of an exciting Yankees game. I asked to see the future and while in Theta I saw the game ending home run. Everyone was excited. The whole scene was in different shades of gray and it was if I was looking at it from the Goodyear blimp. But I knew what I was seeing and it was exciting reading about the game and having it confirmed when it took place 2 days later.
Thank you.
Mark Wright ( [email protected] ), a recent graduate, writes to us the following comments on April 20, 1998.
- The wonderful experience and effects of connecting to High Consciousness: precognitive thoughts, thought reading, mind expansion, and especially the experience of Oneness and enlightenment.
- Getting information from the One Mind about the Aetiology and Pathogenesis of the AIDS virus. His research paper is accepted and published by the N.I.H.
I just found out that I have been accepted into Columbia State University for a Doctorate Program in Theology. Got the news this Friday!!!
I ordered your course to understand more about myself, because I already knew that my inner eye was open. I am at tape # 4, and have found that many of the things I have already experienced are on your tapes. When I told my friends that thoughts were as Pulses of White Spheres, they did not know what I was talking about. Neither when I told them that they would do an “Orbital ” around me. Being in a non-restrictive state enables one to be aware of the “Thought-pulses Transferring,” on which the earth and its frequencies are operated. Thoughts are as “Signals,” from “Transmitting and Receptive Frequencies.”, which are part of our “Transmutative State.”
I start off seeing myself as a ” Radiant White Person,” just like an ” Angel,” then I fly everywhere with the reality of being there, as in a vivid dream state.
I am already experiencing the consciousness of “deja vu,” events of the future, already happening. Precognitive thoughts come even when I am not trying to retrieve them. They happen as a totally normal function, freely, even when I am not thinking about them. I would say that we all already have these “inheritance capabilities.” And I would say that they are “inmediasres.”
By the time I get to the last tape I should be very good at this. I have realized that many of the things I was already doing with my eyes opened are what your course is all about.
I have reasoned that this is effortless. I am becoming rapidly advanced as I continue on your course. I find myself already seeing other people’s thoughts. And as a dog that was barking at me decided to come closer to me, I just stared back at him, and he immediately started running away, crying.
This light and life which I have always been part of and I am now being, has given me the cohesion to this world in which I live and the ability to achieve great heights beyond the normal personality of an intellectual identity. It is very clear that for the average person, when he is transformed into the “Essence of Divinity,” that his words and intelligence increase along with the humbleness and awareness of our Creator and the Created.
My enlightenment has already helped me contribute to the advancing of AIDS research here in the U.S. I wrote ” Overviews” on the Etiology and Pathogenesis of HIV-AIDS which I submitted to the National Institutes of Health. They welcomed my ideas. I was the first researcher to introduce the idea of Genetically Engineered Antiviral Software (GEAVS). This concept originated from the logic associated with High Level Languages found in Computer Communications. It postulates that a disease is akin to a “source program,” and that it can be decoded so that the proper solution to it can then be obtained. It has its own language associated with its Etiology and Pathogenesis.
“How wonderful,” being in the light of our ethereality and at rest with ourselves.” Realizing the hidden Light that resides in all of us, that connects us to the interatomics that is of God and of love. This spark as the life of the spirit, which abounds and knows no limits to space or time. And no limits to the “us” of the Universe, Man and God.
The experience is of that of a caterpillar who has gone through the metamorphoses, from the cocoon to the enlightened realms of pure and limitless thought of eternal peace, wholeness, and omnipresence as he now sees from the butterfly’s view. My revelations, of viewing the world from above the earth as I fly upon the wings of my own thoughts and perceptions.
We are, each one, this light as a consciousness, that is able to travel anywhere and in a moment’s notice, from around the earth to the thoughts of others and to the outer reaches of the universe. NASA has always been trying to figure out how to get man to far-away planets and galaxies. This is the way in the light. Time travel is possible, and being in this state of emancipated reality of “Pulse Thought,” is what we are really in the first place.
I find my experience as normal and effortless as a flower blooming into its splendor and awesomeness. Seeing all as this same light, and knowing that many just need to turn it on to see what they should be seeing. Beyond the wheels of the mind and our world of identities and man’s vanities of self-conceit, and self-esteem. Finding my ” Inner Peace,” in the totality, while being at a human level of our material existence. Knowing that my ethereality is my true self as this light and presence.
For, any who experience their inner light opening will become aware of the core teachings found in many religions of the world: the awakening of the spirit. And their conscious awareness of their place and position in the universe, and in God. Relationships are then elevated to the infinity of the person’s unlimited abilities in order to explore and find the mysteries of his origin, purpose and destinies.
It is similar to returning to your own first birth, back to the womb, then into a new light of eternality. With the tools of meditation, relaxation, visualization, and serene stimuli, any person should be able to contemplate his or hers awareness and focus on their inner potentiality.
This inner awareness is part of the universal consciousness that is
part of all people and all things. We really are lights in a world of darkness and this awakening can bring the person to a true and heartfelt reality that we are of one, and one with all.
When this light (Prana) emits from thy body, the individual attains “Divinity.” For Jesus said that when thy eye is open, thy body is full of light.
True enlightenment is of no effort. The universality of the Love of God is found in all, and at the core of all Religions.
The Ancients of many civilizations speak of transversing the terrestrial to the celestial home. The resting of the Spirit, into Divine Emancipation. The breaking of the Seven Seals, the Sahasrara (crown).
You don’t need to read the Bible to know and trust God.
You can already accept him and know.
Be well my friend, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand. I would like to tell your students to open their hearts, and not the wheels of their minds. To be in the Light, is to be already.
To know is to see the Love of God. For even the fish has to be out of the water to know its life source to want to return. Faith and Prayer will help them also, for the Spirit of God is pouring upon this earth, and out of many loving cups, shall the waters flow freely.
Jesus said that the Lion will Lay with the Lamb, for all thoughts shall be as one. Love is the interatomic that is part of all.
God Bless You!
Mark Wright
Leena Pekkalainen [email protected] sent us this comment on the RV/RI courses on May 15, 2002.
- Remote Viewing several terrorist attacks in advance, and experiences in Remote Influencing
I kept a diary all through listening the RV course and looking back I see things happening all the time. Some of the “happenings” were short ones like looking at a pool of liquid gold or falling through clouds of color. Some were more profound. Once I saw clearly stars swooshing by and ended up somewhere that felt very very far away in space. There was a cluster of lights I knew to be living, the only thing that came to mind was that they were souls. I just “knew” it. Right after that I went back to Earth and ended up in ancient Greece (I had decided beforehand I wanted to go to that particular spot, Dodona). I saw clearly two stone slabs with grass growing in between and looked at my feet – no sandals. I wanted to have sandals but could not imagine them there. I was a girl, about 15 years of age, servant to an oracle (an elderly lady). There was more to it, quite a vivid experience.
Twice (after listening to RV cassette 3b) I asked specifically to see if a terrorist attack was in store. The first time I saw a female bomber in Jerusalem, described all she did and where to my husband (saying that was nonsense, women don’t do these attacks) and exactly one week later it was on the news. The time of the day, her looks (which I saw later), that busy business street, everything. Even her emotions and motivations seemed to match the facts I learned about her later on. It really was strange to see a deja-vu on the TV screen.
The second time I saw a man preparing for a bombing in Jerusalem (again). I contacted Mr. O’Donnell later that evening and described everything to him. I had not quite finished when he said to me he just heard it on the news (there was nothing in the news about that yet). Again the time of day was right (early evening), that it was a lonely man and that it was going to happen in an Orthodox-Jewish area.
I haven’t received my RI cassettes yet – they should arrive this week. I have been reading the booklet that came first and the info there is basically describing the structure of our “matrix” and how to influence it and direct your life, contact your higher self.
But I have manifested with the RV all right. One actual manifestation was that I send a book I wrote to several publishers, targeted one specifically (trying to make them answer yes). And they contacted me, said they were very interested in what I wrote, asked me to do certain corrections to the text and send it back. Now that was really something! I don’t know yet if it will be published but then I only tried to manifest a “yes”-letter, nothing more.
I have also done some contacting to people – making them look at me, simply as a test do I connect to their minds. Often it works, especially if I manage to imitate their vibratory level first. The babies are most fun, they are so open minded. Animals also react.
I haven’t really tried to manifest physical things into my life (like jewelry, cars and such) but some minor “scratch-off”-winnings. Went to shops and tried to RV if there was a winning ticket and then took the one that gave the best feeling. I can say it works.
Also I made a strong wish in Theta of cooperating with certain people (in practicing RI). Only a few hours later they all of a sudden contacted me and asked if I would like to join their group that practices RI. The very same people!
I have had a busy spring, reading for an exam. Now it’s over and I have more time in my hands to study more RV / RI.
I know this is not a very detailed description, so if you have any specific question you’d like to ask, please do so. It is always nice to talk with people who share the same interests! Also if you decide to order the courses, I’m more than happy to share experiences.
Leena 🙂
HUGO GARCIA ([email protected] ) sent us this feedback on October 1, 2001.
- Vision of 9/11 two weeks before the tragedy.
I’m writing you because I heard in tape number 1 that you where going to make EEG Biofeedback Machines available trough your website…Is that true???….If so, how much do they cost??….because I’m having trouble recognizing the mental stages and I think having a EEG machine can help me recognize the feeling of the different mental stages…..
I also wanted to tell you that I think I had a dream about the terrorist attack 2 weeks before it happened….I had a dream where I saw a plane crash (I only saw 1 plane crashing) and I saw and heard people screaming, buried under the ruins of a big building (to be honest I never saw the twin WTC towers, I just saw 1 building in ruins)……This is actually the second time this has happened to me, the first one happened 1 year ago when I had a dream where I saw my Brazilian girlfriend Josie leaving on a bus without saying good bye to me, 2 or 3 weeks later I received an email from her saying that she had already left for Brazil because of some personal problems….I think I’ve had more psychic experiences but I’m not sure…….
I also wanted to ask you if by any chance you have another Latino student who would be willing to correspond in Spanish with me so that we could exchange tips……
I got to go now, Gerald, please let me know if you sell EEG machines……thanks…..HUGO.
Dr. Leon O. writes to us on September 19th, 2001 ( [email protected] ).
- Premonition on bear market acted upon on 9/10/01.
Let me start by saying that after listening to tape 2 side A about 5 times, I have had several premonitions. The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01
I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01. I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!
Thank you for your time.
God Bless America
Dr. Leon O.
Rob Chojnacki ( [email protected] ), a recent trainee, wrote to us on September 13th, 2001.
- Remote Viewing the terrorist outrage in NYC, ONE day before its actual happening, and Remote Viewing subsequent tragic probable future world events that might seriously affect our lives and this Creation if we do not veer rapidly our course of thought/behavior and unite, reforming the Oneness.
Ok, main point of this email: I saw it the day before it happened.
I myself even find it hard to believe, but its true. Monday night, September 10th., I was working with tape 4B, visiting the probable future. I asked the light to show me something that would happen very soon that would be significant.
I was getting very accustomed and comfortable with being in the workshop of the mind, and asking questions of the light, and very accustomed to receiving immediate answers, which came in many forms. For me, answers can come in visions, symbols, pure thought, and also pure emotion.
I was immediately given a view of the New York City skyline, as if I was standing across the river in New Jersey. What I saw was the city completely covered in smoke. I saw smoke with the tops of buildings protruding above the smoke. I saw immense fireballs rising above the smoke, as if mass devastation were taking place.
I was given the impression through emotion that there was an incredible loss of life, and that this was an event that would be remembered throughout history. I also felt a sense of worldwide sadness.
I asked the light when this event would happen and was immediately given the answer of “tomorrow”. I saw the word “tomorrow” emblazoned over the scene like a caption, and also heard a voice say “tomorrow”.
Honestly, I did not believe it. But, without thinking to hard, I made a mental visual note of what I saw.
I then asked the light if there was anything else for me to see. I was immediately given a view of the Middle East, as if I was in space looking directly down at that area of the Earth.
In the area of Israel/Iraq, I saw what seemed to be several massive explosions. I was given the impression that there was a tremendous loss of life. I was given the impression that the explosions were of extremely tremendous energy, perhaps nuclear. There was another caption of text that blinked over this scene — “World War III”. I was given an impression that this was an event that would make the world stop. As if this was no longer a trivial matter, whatever that really means. I asked when this would happen and in the same manner as before, I saw a blink of text — “2012-2013”.
Even though the first vision of the attack on NYC came true on the very next day, some 10 hours after I had the vision, I truly hope that the second vision does not come true. I truly believe that it is, as you say, the “probable” future. It can be averted. I hope this, because the attack I saw for late February seemed to be of a much greater magnitude than the September 11th attacks.
Gerald, I will be spending much time now in sessions, sending a healing light to the world, and to the universal mind. I will send much light energy towards making this event not happen, in the same way that I have been sending healing light to the victims and loved ones involved in the 9/11 attacks.
I ask all who read this to do the same. Go to the workshop of the mind, send out a healing, loving light. Don’t fall prey to fear. Increase the vibration! Brighten the light! Send Love!
Rob C
Jon A. Lantow, [email protected] a student of ours, wrote to us this testimonial on June 28, 2009
- Deflecting a tornado’s path using RV and RI and the power of One. No injuries reported.
The sirens were going and the news reporter said it was going to be catastrophic and the people of the town should go to their basements.
I took my flashlight went to the basement. While sitting there in the dark I went into a deep delta state. I focused on remote viewing the tornado and the storm. I merged into it with the sense of One. I then spoke to it through visual images and my own voice in my mind.
I told it that in the name of the One and His son Jesus that it could come to town but not cause damage. I also told it not to rain as we had gotten quite enough rain the previous week. All this was done at the level of remote viewing and influencing.
The tornado altered its predicted course and wound up just clipping the outskirts of town and that was it. The weird thing was I saw it doing this before it happened!
Within a short amount of time not only did the town not get hit, as predicted but just clipped with minor injuries. Another thing I was influencing for was no injuries. The whole thing was done in an hour to an hour and a half. Then the stars came out.
My neighbor commented on how odd it was that it thundered and there was lightning but no rain. Hmmmmm.
On my birthday the headline was that the town got lucky and was clipped but not hit head on.
I remember thinking as I was heading for the basement when the sirens are going off if there ever was a time to have remote viewing and influencing work this would be it!
Thanks Again
Jack Musick [email protected] a recent RV/RI combination trainee wrote to us this feedback on June 19, 2006
- Finding our Academy’s courses to be the most powerful mind-expansion and deep consciousness states techniques that he has trained with in 11 years, after having experienced many other systems of deep awareness.
- Getting an strong “intuitive flash” while driving, which saved him form potential serious automobile crash that could have caused him great injury or even death.
I wanted to take some time to send you some detailed feedback.
I completed the RV/RI combination training a few weeks ago, and began the series again and am about halfway through it the second time now.
I have to admit, I am very impressed with your product.
Your course is one of only a few things in life that I will truly endorse and say that it is really worth checking out.
I have been meditating for over eleven years, and in all that time, these are the most powerful techniques that I have encountered for easily enter deep states of altered consciousness. When I
began getting serious about meditation in the 90’s I frowned on guided taped meditations, and thought that they were foolish. The RV/RI course has shown me how wrong I was all those years ago. The Academy provides a very effective tool, and I am very happy that I took a chance and ordered your product. I have made the techniques a part of my daily routine by going to
the park each day and doing and RV/RI session.
I also wanted to share a brief incident with you, feel free to edit this however you wish if you want to share it on the website.
I had an experience of what was mentioned in Tip 4 of the RV instructions, “You sense events in advance”.
I had called my Dad for Father’s Day, and when speaking to my Mom I had told her, “I want to go to the park and meditate and work out, but I really don’t want to drive there.” ( I am really good about biking almost everywhere, only drive when I really have to: just to the store, or to do laundry, and sometimes to the park when I take my workout equipment, if I don’t take that
stuff I can bike.) Later I left the house to drive to the park.
On the way I was driving West on 6th street. At one point I had to change from the left lane to the right lane because there was a line of cars turning left. Once in the right lane my ‘Spidey Sense’ told me to be alert, and I actually thought to myself, “Do I want to be in this lane?”
Instead of switching back, I stayed in the lane, but alert. Then a few moments later a car pulled out right in front of me, they were making a left turn. I noticed the car pulling out, and when I saw that they were not going to stop, I swerved into the left lane, completely missing them by only a small distance. I was aware of my surroundings, and I knew that there was nobody
in the left lane or following close behind me and it would be safe to swerve. It was total Mad Max School of Defensive Driving. Swerved and missed the other car completely (but not by much at all, very close to making contact, inches). And they were pulled out completely in front of me.
I could have hit them head on, I was wearing my seatbelt of course, but the driver and passenger in the other car were not, and at 35 mph they could have very easily been killed or injured, and without a doubt my car would have been totaled. There was a pickup pulling a horse trailer about 75meters behind me, and they saw everything, but were not close enough to be affected.
After it was over my heartbeat jumped up greatly, that adrenaline rush of avoiding a big calamity, the same rush I used to get after I made a rescue as a lifeguard. It all took place in a few seconds, and when it was over I clasped my hands and thanked the One for protecting me. I then looked at my clock and saw that it was 4:27 PM. I felt that the people in the other car were under the influence of alcohol or another drug, but I was not mad at them, I only wished for them to be happy, wealthy and healthy.
That was the whole incident. I might have some more feedback to share at some point. Right now I am practicing the techniques every day and all my questions seem to be answering themselves. But I do have some deeper questions that I might address in a future letter.
Brother Jack Musick
Lawrence, Kansas
David Bernstein [email protected] , a former Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing trainee sent us this interesting comment on September 1, 2005
- Strange events before Katrina save lives. Premonition about New Orleans
Thank you for your mailing…I appreciate it very much…
I find this whole hurricane thing VERY interesting…I had several friends who were going to go to New Orleans for the week…starting on 8/31 thru Labor Day…STRANGE things occurred in each of their lives…and they all cancelled a week ago…Two mothers got sick…one guy’s niece was killed in a freak boating accident…and the parents are in critical condition…And what’s even MORE interesting…They were all supposed to fly on the same plane…My friend, Dorian, said it was just too many coincidences for him to go so he cancelled…
We talked about it…and I told him that it may not be that the plane would crash…but perhaps something will happen in New Orleans…This was BEFORE I even heard about the hurricane coming to the area…So I guess your tapes HAVE helped me…
Well…that’s about it…Thanks again…Take care…David…
Nicolaos Giannakopoulos [email protected] a trainee from Athens, Greece, wrote to us on November 23, 2002
- How the powerful heightened intuition he developed through the RV course saved him from many potentially serious driving accidents, and even from harming innocent pedestrians. This avoidance of dangerous situation which is a result of the acute intuitive 6th sense that our students develop easily, is probably one of the most important reasons for training with the RV and RI courses during these turbulent times.
I am so glad you are around and glad for what you create.
I just received the Remote Influencing course. Thanks. Looking forward to the contents.
The other day while driving I received through my usual instinct info (developed through the RV course) to slow down AND also to change to the fast lane (contradicting all logic). I did so, since all the information I get is always useful. As I immediately started to slow down I thought that a car would come from the first crossroad suddenly without the driver checking for crossing traffic (the above has happened several times and has saved my life!). By the way, it was raining heavily. Guess what happened? It wasn’t because of the car that I was getting this time instructions to slow down, but it was because of a bus stop with several people with lots of water on a patch right in front of them . I WAS SO HAPPY to realize that they stayed dry by me listening to my inner voice.
PS: I get so many inspirational AHA’s, so much INFO!
Thank you so much.
Brian McCarthy ([email protected]) sends us this very timely testimonial on September 14th, 2001.
- The potential life saving gift of training with our RV and RI courses, in order to avoid locations and situations where terrorists may strike and other threats to oneself and/or to one’s loved ones. Choosing better realities amongst many probable futures.
It has been a year since I ordered your RV course. I feel that in that time, I not only have traveled the future road of many probable paths that lie ahead for me as well as the journey I have traveled within myself.
The occurrence of actions on 9/11/01 in New York City almost immediately reminded me of your August 2000 web site posting. In recent months I have seen probable outcomes of what may become fact . I have seen much destruction and loss of life even in this great country of America. Time lines are never certain with RV but I have almost become fearful of the things I know could happen. The course I took from you a year ago has showed me that. However fear is not what it seems, especially while traveling the depth of the rabbit’s hole. I am so glad I took the red pill a year ago instead of the blue one, for this has been an amazing journey into the Matrix of the probable future of this person’s being. I will be ordering you 2nd edition of tapes soon.
The advice I would give to others considering the course would be: yes take it, take them both. Your future may depend on it. I have so many different outcomes to my future now that I can choose the path I want to take. In ending, I would like to add that this has also been a path with a couple of monetary gains.
Thank you so much Gerald.
“I’ll see you on the sky scraper of my mind”.
Brian J.M.
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