- My name is Gene and along with many others I have met along my way am here for one reason alone; to help you with your process, live in Divine health, and create the life that you always dreamed of by finding your passion.
- I have a wealth of experience to help you with that, including 43 years in business and 32 years in being a bonafide father of five home-schooled children.
- I have been on a 60+ year journey. Many many stories, and from my current awareness, all good and PERFECT. Nothing in your life is bad, it's all good...we just have to look at all things from that angle. Thru this time I have accumulated a TEAM, developed trainings, that can help you in all areas of your life.
- Inside (YOUR INNER KINGDOM) you have all the tools, ideas, and knowledge to accomplish your destiny in your time here. I am here to show you how to ascend and access all of your gifts. I have no generic teachings. No ten step program, or course that is the same for all. Its your life I just guide you to allow you to develop at your own pace. ITS YOUR JOURNEY TO BE ENJOYED. I have over 150 teaching modules most mine but some are the best I have accumulated from some others throughout my life
- MY PASSION? Is to help you produce yours. It's all about LOVE. So may your day be transformed in miraculous ways by living mindfully in the present moment as you Ascend.
“If You Want to Find The Secrets of The Universe, Close Your Eyes and Look Within...Your Inner Kingdom” ― GENE
Our ASCENSION COURSE teaches you that if you go within into your INNER KINGDOM you will have the power to do anything your heart can imagine. The entire course can take you 3-6 months to complete. When you are done you will have all the knowledge and a process to accomplish anything your heart can dream of. All you have to do then is PRACTICE...Step by step.
SPIRIT: Centered Around Teaching You How to Operate Your Life From Your Spirit/Higher Self a Higher Vibration Which Operates in The NOW or I AM. Instead of Running it From Your Brain/Mind Which it Was Never Designed to do. This Allows You to be The Best Producer, Director, Writer, And Main Actor in Your Life Which is Your Movie. Every Scene Every Detail of Your Life/Movie You Are 100% Responsible For. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VICTIMS or VICTIM MENTALITY. Thats The Beauty of Life...if You Don't Like Something You Have The Full Power to Change it. It Begins With METANOIA.
SOUL: I believe Your Soul
BODY: When You Begin to Operate From Spirit and a Higher Vibration Your Diet Becomes Very Important to Allow Your Body to Cleanse Itself From All The Old Programmings. If You Want to Lose Weight Change Your Mind
Metanoia Means To Repent or Change Our Consciousness From Operating From A Lower Beta State To Our Higher Self/Spirit. Our Brain Operates At Different Frequencies, Affecting Our Consciousness, Creativity, And Connection With Our Spirit/Higher Self. To Achieve Greater Manifestation And Fulfillment In Our Life's Movie, We Must Be In Tune With Our Spirit, Which Operates At 4-7Hz, To Relay Higher Messages To Our Brain. Here are the Four States:
SPIRIT: Centered Around Teaching You How to Operate Your Life From Your Spirit/Higher Self a Higher Vibration Which Operates in The NOW or I AM. Instead of Running it From Your Brain/Mind Which it Was Never Designed to do. This Allows You to be The Best Producer, Director, Writer, And Main Actor in Your Life Which is Your Movie. Every Scene Every Detail of Your Life/Movie You Are 100% Responsible For. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VICTIMS or VICTIM MENTALITY. Thats The Beauty of Life...if You Don't Like Something You Have The Full Power to Change it. It Begins With METANOIA.
SOUL: I believe Your Soul
BODY: When You Begin to Operate From Spirit and a Higher Vibration Your Diet Becomes Very Important to Allow Your Body to Cleanse Itself From All The Old Programmings. If You Want to Lose Weight Change Your Mind
Metanoia Means To Repent or Change Our Consciousness From Operating From A Lower Beta State To Our Higher Self/Spirit. Our Brain Operates At Different Frequencies, Affecting Our Consciousness, Creativity, And Connection With Our Spirit/Higher Self. To Achieve Greater Manifestation And Fulfillment In Our Life's Movie, We Must Be In Tune With Our Spirit, Which Operates At 4-7Hz, To Relay Higher Messages To Our Brain. Here are the Four States:
- KINGDOM INFLUENCING: A method Gene Created using techniques he has learned over the last 30 years. Techniques include "Quantum Physics", 2,000 year old ancient Ascension mind techniques, Remote Viewing techniques, Kingdom Influencing Techniques, & a Unique Notebook Release System for self release of your past.
- IT IS WRITTEN: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". When you close your eyes you open yourself up to the only REAL REALITY there is...YOUR INNER KINGDOM. That kingdom is infinite and eternal. According to Quantum Physics there is actually no time, matter, or space...so you have access to it all.
- YOUR REALITY: When you open your eyes the reality you see mirrors your INNER KINGDOM thoughts its your movie.
- MANIFESTING: Will be second nature to you whether its today's meal or winning the lottery.
- HEALTH & WEIGHT: Your health and your weight are 100% Consciousness. Period. Get the right consciousness, release the past, and the weight will drop off with or without dieting.
- PASSION: You were created for a reason and what you are supposed to do is already downloaded into your being. Everything that has happened to you has taught you what you need to fulfill it. We teach you how to graduate from your job into your Work/Passion.
- THIS COURSE HAS THREE PARTS: YOUR MIND; YOUR DIET & BODY; YOUR PASSION/WORK. It can be taken one section at a time or all three at the same time. Each course can be done at your own pace. The Full Course will take you 6-12 Months.