You're only one's to bring you to higher levels of yourself, that exists right now, that you are not aware of and have yet to experience.
I want you now to concentrate upon your breath. Using your wonderful imagination, imagine that you become your breath. Feel the movement of your breath as you are breathing in and out, in and out, like a gentle wave in the ocean. In and out. I want you to concentrate upon your breath. On the count of three, become your breath. Feel the movement of your breath as you breathe in and out, in and out, like a gentle wave in the ocean, in and out. One, two, three [snap]. Become your breath. You are your breath, breathing in and breathing out. Keep your concentration on your breath to the exclusion of everything else. Keep your concentration on your breath, to the exclusion of everything else.
(12:18): I want you now to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of just breathing through year lungs, you are now breathing slowly through every single pore of your body, in and out. Through the void of every single pore of your body. Imagine your body becoming a sponge. You can do it easily, all you have to do is to allow yourself to imagine it. You shall notice that as you do so, you go much deeper within yourself. Intend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. Start breathing through every single pore of your body. At the count of three, you're going to be breathing slowly through the pores of your body, slowly through the pores of your body, in and out. One, two, three deep down. Breathing slowly through the pores of your body. I want you to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of breathing through your lungs, you are now breathing slowly and slowly through every single pore of your body, in and out. Imagine your body being a sponge. Imagining yourself breathing through the void of every single pore of your body. You can do it easily. All you have to do is to allow yourself to the imagine it. We shall notice that as you do so, you go much deeper within the void of yourself and tend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. In and out. In and out through every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body.
(15:37): I want you to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of just breathing through your lungs, you are now breathing slowly to every single pore of your body. In and out. Imagine your body being a sponge. Imagine yourself breathing through the void of every single pore of your body. You can do it so easily. All you have to do is to allow yourself to imagine it and you shall notice that is as you do so, you go much deeper and tend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. Keep breathing through every single pore, in and out, in and out, going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Keep breathing through every single pore of your body, in and out, going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Each time you exhale, you go deeper and the time before, 10 times deeper. Each time you exhale, you go deeper in a time before, 10 times deeper. Continue breathing to all the pores of your body, in and out. In that out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out.
(19:18): I want you to listen carefully to what I'm telling you now. Concentrate on what I'm about to tell you. Remain at a level where you can hear me. Concentrate heavily on what you're doing, experiencing, to the exclusion of everything else, to the exclusion of everything else.
(20:46): *unclear*. On the count of three, I shall snap my fingers and you shall immediately using your wonderful imagination give to your breath the quality of the light. It is so easy to do. All you have to do is to imagine that here, that you're breathing in and out and forms itself into a light. In a moment at the count of three, I shall set my fingers and you shall chromatically using your wonderful imagination give to your breath, the quality of light. It is so easy to do. All you have to do is to imagine that the air that you're breathing in and out transforms itself into light. One, two, three [snap]. Breathe the light in and out through you pores. As you keep on breathing the lights from outside, inside your body and exhaling their life from inside, outside my body, you shall soon notice that the interface of your body shall disappear in perception from your mind and that all you shall be aware of is of being light. Increasing bright light. You shall be aware of incoming light, increasing bright light. Breathe the light through your pores. Concentrate on the light, merge with your light, become the light. I am now addressing the light of yourself, your real self. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers you shall realize that the light that you are breathing in and out is extremely vibratory. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers, you shall realize that the light that you are breathing in and out is extremely vibratory. One, two, three [snap]. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations on the light of your light and make it become more vibratory using your wonderful imagination. Make it become more vibratory. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the lights, of your lights and make it become using your wonderful vibrations, even more vibratory, even more vibratory. As your light which is all you are experiencing now as your true self, becomes even more vibratory. It's intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory, much more vibratory.
(27:49): I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the light of your life. Make it become more vibratory using a wonderful imagination, even more vibratory. I want you to concentrate, the vibrations of the light of your light, make it become even more vibratory using your wonderful imagination, even more vibratory. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the light of your light and make it become vibratory, even more vibratory, as you are using your wonderful imagination to yourself. And as your light which is all you're experiencing, now, as you true self becomes more vibratory, each intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory and as your light which is all you are experiencing now, as your true self becomes more vibratory. Its intensity increases and as as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory. And as your light which is all you are experiencing now, as your true self becomes more vibratory. Its intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes very vibratory. Each time you exhale, you go deeper within depth of yourself, ten times deeper than the moment before, the light is you and you are your light. Keep on vibrating your light higher and higher, faster and faster as you're going even deeper within yourself. Keep on vibrating your light higher and higher, faster and faster as you're going even deeper within yourself, climbing deeper within the depth of yourself. Your consciousness, which is your life is vibratory and vibrating at higher and higher speeds approaching infinity and you are becoming brighter and brighter and as I am addressing your light, your light is becoming brighter and brighter and as vibrates faster and faster. You are merging in awareness totally with the light, with yourself, vibrating faster and faster, becoming more vibratory and brighter. Listen to my voice. Listen to my voice. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers, I want you to bring back your light into a concentrated small ball of light within yourself, at the point where your light originates from within yourself. Do not try to guess where it is going to go. The light knows, where it has to go. The light knows, where it has to go. That point otherwise originates from within yourself, is your center of being. Maybe in the origin of your head, solar plexus, heart or whatever, it doesn't matter.
(33:30): Allow the light to go where it wants to go by itself. It knows its way. I want you to bring your life back to a concentrated small ball of light. As you're bringing light like within yourself onto your center of energy of light you leave a ring of more vibratory like surround yourself. As you're bringing the light back within yourself onto your center of energy of light of being, you leave a ring of low vibratory light surround yourself. One, two, three [snap]. Bring back the light onto yourself having found your center of being and these sunlight on the outside of yourself. Bring back the light onto yourself having found your center of energy and leave some light on the outside of yourself. Merge with your center of energy. Put all your concentration within your center or energy to the exclusion of everything else. Use your wonderful imagination and become your center of energy. As you on your way of being this extremely vibratory light is bright shining light within yourself. Increase its vibratory level even more by using your imagination and you shall be able to connect instantly to any level within the higher or less of your mind, until you reach a point where you can connect to every single existing mind that operates in this creation. That point is the points of the universal mind of mankind.
(35:56): Merge will your centre of being, me the center of being, the only aware of being the center of being, this center of energy of being is your real self, vibrating faster and faster and as you have total control over yourself. From that center of being, you enjoy being in that center of me. That center of being gives you total control over yourself. Desire to merge and travel in perception within even higher levels of your mind. Desire to merge and travel in perceptual within even higher levels of your mind. Remain at the level where you hear me. Remain at the level where you hear me. You have reached a center of your being, the jewel of your awareness. Remain there and remember the feeling so that you can reproduce it at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. Remain within your center of being and remember the feelings so that you can reproduce at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. Remain within the centre of being and remember the things that you can reproduce at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. In the same manner, if I tell you to go to the center of you being three times, you will automatically and without thinking go there and remain there. Eventually, you shall be able to operate from the center of you being constantly, even with your eyes opened. It is very easy. You are only remembering an ability that your head as an infant but that you have forgotten at the conscious level. Every single time that you become in a world as a center of your being, you go and merge deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. Every single time that you become the center of your being, you go and wash deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. Every single time, that you become the center of your being, you go and merge deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. This is your center of energy, the source of creative power. This is your center of energy, the source of the creative power. This is the key to unlocking your infinite power. The power to connect to everything and everywhere within creation. The ability to see your most probable future. From now on and forever, your ability to visualize vividly, mentally any location and experience the thoughts of other individuals be a part of mankind or of nature and to emerge in perception with elements of the inanimate and animate world would greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being that ability is increased to a greater extent than time before. From now on and forever your ability to visualize mentally, vividly any location experience the thoughts of other individuals with a part of mankind or of nature and two merging perception without and softly inanimate and animate world will greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being your abilities increased to a greater extent than the time before. From now and forever your ability to visualize mentally vividly any location, experience the thoughts of others, be the individuals of mankind or of nature and to merge in perception with the elements of the inanimate and animate world would greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being, that abilities increased to a greater extent than the time before. Remained for a while within your center of energy, experience it and yourself as it, ask yourself questions and see how the answers appear.
(41:30): Enjoy the feeling of peace, happiness, ecstasy that you get are remaining there. Remember this is your inner Palace, the source of your being has a life form. I shall soon emerge you from the state you are in now. If you desire so you can remain in that state and you will emerge on your own when you decide so. If you want me to emerge you, I will emerge you now but you can still, if you desire to remain in that state, you can remain in that state for as long as you desire, you will emerge on your own. You shall however be able to come back rapidly to your center of energy. At first by doing the of Lights through your pores and eventually was just saying to yourself three times, I want to go to my center of energy. Each time you shall reach it faster and more cheaper with it. Each time you shall reach it faster and much deeper with it. Each time you shall reach is faster much deeper with it. In the same manner if I tell you to go to your center of your being three times, you will automatically and without thinking go to your center of being and remain there. You can do it on your own, at first by doing the breeding of lights through your pores and eventually but just saying to yourself three times, I want to go to my Center of being. On the count of three, I shall emerge you from this wonderful state. Feeling how you refreshed full of life energy for me as if you had slept eight full hours of restful sleep. If you desire so, you might remain in that state and do not need to emerge. This is your decision. You are always in control. I'm only your guide. You are always under control. I'm only your guide. You can now emerge when you decide so, by just deciding to emerge. One, emerging slowly. Two, you fill your body again. Your body is working perfect harmony with your mind. Your body shall always operate from now on in perfect harmony with your inner mind, refusing disease and seeking well-being, health, peace and happiness. Three, open your eyes. Feeling totally refreshed. Full of energy. Feeling as if you had slept 8 hours of restful sleep. You shall remember everything that happened during the prior hour. Everything, forever...
I want you now to concentrate upon your breath. Using your wonderful imagination, imagine that you become your breath. Feel the movement of your breath as you are breathing in and out, in and out, like a gentle wave in the ocean. In and out. I want you to concentrate upon your breath. On the count of three, become your breath. Feel the movement of your breath as you breathe in and out, in and out, like a gentle wave in the ocean, in and out. One, two, three [snap]. Become your breath. You are your breath, breathing in and breathing out. Keep your concentration on your breath to the exclusion of everything else. Keep your concentration on your breath, to the exclusion of everything else.
(12:18): I want you now to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of just breathing through year lungs, you are now breathing slowly through every single pore of your body, in and out. Through the void of every single pore of your body. Imagine your body becoming a sponge. You can do it easily, all you have to do is to allow yourself to imagine it. You shall notice that as you do so, you go much deeper within yourself. Intend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. Start breathing through every single pore of your body. At the count of three, you're going to be breathing slowly through the pores of your body, slowly through the pores of your body, in and out. One, two, three deep down. Breathing slowly through the pores of your body. I want you to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of breathing through your lungs, you are now breathing slowly and slowly through every single pore of your body, in and out. Imagine your body being a sponge. Imagining yourself breathing through the void of every single pore of your body. You can do it easily. All you have to do is to allow yourself to the imagine it. We shall notice that as you do so, you go much deeper within the void of yourself and tend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. In and out. In and out through every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body, every single pore of your body.
(15:37): I want you to use your wonderful imagination and imagine that instead of just breathing through your lungs, you are now breathing slowly to every single pore of your body. In and out. Imagine your body being a sponge. Imagine yourself breathing through the void of every single pore of your body. You can do it so easily. All you have to do is to allow yourself to imagine it and you shall notice that is as you do so, you go much deeper and tend to lose perception of your body as you concentrate highly upon what your mind is doing and thinking. Keep breathing through every single pore, in and out, in and out, going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Keep breathing through every single pore of your body, in and out, going deeper and deeper within the void of yourself. Each time you exhale, you go deeper and the time before, 10 times deeper. Each time you exhale, you go deeper in a time before, 10 times deeper. Continue breathing to all the pores of your body, in and out. In that out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and out.
(19:18): I want you to listen carefully to what I'm telling you now. Concentrate on what I'm about to tell you. Remain at a level where you can hear me. Concentrate heavily on what you're doing, experiencing, to the exclusion of everything else, to the exclusion of everything else.
(20:46): *unclear*. On the count of three, I shall snap my fingers and you shall immediately using your wonderful imagination give to your breath the quality of the light. It is so easy to do. All you have to do is to imagine that here, that you're breathing in and out and forms itself into a light. In a moment at the count of three, I shall set my fingers and you shall chromatically using your wonderful imagination give to your breath, the quality of light. It is so easy to do. All you have to do is to imagine that the air that you're breathing in and out transforms itself into light. One, two, three [snap]. Breathe the light in and out through you pores. As you keep on breathing the lights from outside, inside your body and exhaling their life from inside, outside my body, you shall soon notice that the interface of your body shall disappear in perception from your mind and that all you shall be aware of is of being light. Increasing bright light. You shall be aware of incoming light, increasing bright light. Breathe the light through your pores. Concentrate on the light, merge with your light, become the light. I am now addressing the light of yourself, your real self. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers you shall realize that the light that you are breathing in and out is extremely vibratory. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers, you shall realize that the light that you are breathing in and out is extremely vibratory. One, two, three [snap]. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations on the light of your light and make it become more vibratory using your wonderful imagination. Make it become more vibratory. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the lights, of your lights and make it become using your wonderful vibrations, even more vibratory, even more vibratory. As your light which is all you are experiencing now as your true self, becomes even more vibratory. It's intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory, much more vibratory.
(27:49): I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the light of your life. Make it become more vibratory using a wonderful imagination, even more vibratory. I want you to concentrate, the vibrations of the light of your light, make it become even more vibratory using your wonderful imagination, even more vibratory. I want you to concentrate on the vibrations of the light of your light and make it become vibratory, even more vibratory, as you are using your wonderful imagination to yourself. And as your light which is all you're experiencing, now, as you true self becomes more vibratory, each intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory and as your light which is all you are experiencing now, as your true self becomes more vibratory. Its intensity increases and as as its intensity increases, it becomes more vibratory. And as your light which is all you are experiencing now, as your true self becomes more vibratory. Its intensity increases and as its intensity increases, it becomes very vibratory. Each time you exhale, you go deeper within depth of yourself, ten times deeper than the moment before, the light is you and you are your light. Keep on vibrating your light higher and higher, faster and faster as you're going even deeper within yourself. Keep on vibrating your light higher and higher, faster and faster as you're going even deeper within yourself, climbing deeper within the depth of yourself. Your consciousness, which is your life is vibratory and vibrating at higher and higher speeds approaching infinity and you are becoming brighter and brighter and as I am addressing your light, your light is becoming brighter and brighter and as vibrates faster and faster. You are merging in awareness totally with the light, with yourself, vibrating faster and faster, becoming more vibratory and brighter. Listen to my voice. Listen to my voice. At the count of three, as I snap my fingers, I want you to bring back your light into a concentrated small ball of light within yourself, at the point where your light originates from within yourself. Do not try to guess where it is going to go. The light knows, where it has to go. The light knows, where it has to go. That point otherwise originates from within yourself, is your center of being. Maybe in the origin of your head, solar plexus, heart or whatever, it doesn't matter.
(33:30): Allow the light to go where it wants to go by itself. It knows its way. I want you to bring your life back to a concentrated small ball of light. As you're bringing light like within yourself onto your center of energy of light you leave a ring of more vibratory like surround yourself. As you're bringing the light back within yourself onto your center of energy of light of being, you leave a ring of low vibratory light surround yourself. One, two, three [snap]. Bring back the light onto yourself having found your center of being and these sunlight on the outside of yourself. Bring back the light onto yourself having found your center of energy and leave some light on the outside of yourself. Merge with your center of energy. Put all your concentration within your center or energy to the exclusion of everything else. Use your wonderful imagination and become your center of energy. As you on your way of being this extremely vibratory light is bright shining light within yourself. Increase its vibratory level even more by using your imagination and you shall be able to connect instantly to any level within the higher or less of your mind, until you reach a point where you can connect to every single existing mind that operates in this creation. That point is the points of the universal mind of mankind.
(35:56): Merge will your centre of being, me the center of being, the only aware of being the center of being, this center of energy of being is your real self, vibrating faster and faster and as you have total control over yourself. From that center of being, you enjoy being in that center of me. That center of being gives you total control over yourself. Desire to merge and travel in perception within even higher levels of your mind. Desire to merge and travel in perceptual within even higher levels of your mind. Remain at the level where you hear me. Remain at the level where you hear me. You have reached a center of your being, the jewel of your awareness. Remain there and remember the feeling so that you can reproduce it at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. Remain within your center of being and remember the feelings so that you can reproduce at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. Remain within the centre of being and remember the things that you can reproduce at will by saying to yourself mentally three times the words, I am going to the center of my being. In the same manner, if I tell you to go to the center of you being three times, you will automatically and without thinking go there and remain there. Eventually, you shall be able to operate from the center of you being constantly, even with your eyes opened. It is very easy. You are only remembering an ability that your head as an infant but that you have forgotten at the conscious level. Every single time that you become in a world as a center of your being, you go and merge deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. Every single time that you become the center of your being, you go and wash deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. Every single time, that you become the center of your being, you go and merge deeper with it than ever before and that merger becomes more and more permanent. This is your center of energy, the source of creative power. This is your center of energy, the source of the creative power. This is the key to unlocking your infinite power. The power to connect to everything and everywhere within creation. The ability to see your most probable future. From now on and forever, your ability to visualize vividly, mentally any location and experience the thoughts of other individuals be a part of mankind or of nature and to emerge in perception with elements of the inanimate and animate world would greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being that ability is increased to a greater extent than time before. From now on and forever your ability to visualize mentally, vividly any location experience the thoughts of other individuals with a part of mankind or of nature and two merging perception without and softly inanimate and animate world will greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being your abilities increased to a greater extent than the time before. From now and forever your ability to visualize mentally vividly any location, experience the thoughts of others, be the individuals of mankind or of nature and to merge in perception with the elements of the inanimate and animate world would greatly increase. Each time you go to your center of being, that abilities increased to a greater extent than the time before. Remained for a while within your center of energy, experience it and yourself as it, ask yourself questions and see how the answers appear.
(41:30): Enjoy the feeling of peace, happiness, ecstasy that you get are remaining there. Remember this is your inner Palace, the source of your being has a life form. I shall soon emerge you from the state you are in now. If you desire so you can remain in that state and you will emerge on your own when you decide so. If you want me to emerge you, I will emerge you now but you can still, if you desire to remain in that state, you can remain in that state for as long as you desire, you will emerge on your own. You shall however be able to come back rapidly to your center of energy. At first by doing the of Lights through your pores and eventually was just saying to yourself three times, I want to go to my center of energy. Each time you shall reach it faster and more cheaper with it. Each time you shall reach it faster and much deeper with it. Each time you shall reach is faster much deeper with it. In the same manner if I tell you to go to your center of your being three times, you will automatically and without thinking go to your center of being and remain there. You can do it on your own, at first by doing the breeding of lights through your pores and eventually but just saying to yourself three times, I want to go to my Center of being. On the count of three, I shall emerge you from this wonderful state. Feeling how you refreshed full of life energy for me as if you had slept eight full hours of restful sleep. If you desire so, you might remain in that state and do not need to emerge. This is your decision. You are always in control. I'm only your guide. You are always under control. I'm only your guide. You can now emerge when you decide so, by just deciding to emerge. One, emerging slowly. Two, you fill your body again. Your body is working perfect harmony with your mind. Your body shall always operate from now on in perfect harmony with your inner mind, refusing disease and seeking well-being, health, peace and happiness. Three, open your eyes. Feeling totally refreshed. Full of energy. Feeling as if you had slept 8 hours of restful sleep. You shall remember everything that happened during the prior hour. Everything, forever...