Heres what we discussed on the call Tuesday night it was good speaking to you again. Below is an overview of diet, Delta & Theta files to download, and doing the meditations 3 times a day.
Heres what we discussed on the call Tuesday night it was good speaking to you again. Below is an overview of diet, Delta & Theta files to download, and doing the meditations 3 times a day.
- A method taught to John directly from Jesus and handed down to an order of Monks called the Asayas until this day teaches us to close our eyes for at least 20 minutes three times a day, and relax down inside. This teaching is all over the Old Testament and its what got the Prophet Daniel put in Prison because he refused to stop.
- This is an Extremely important part of this course and your Ascension.
- Take 20 Minutes every Morning & 20 Minutes anytime in the afternoon. You will be reminded by your higher self when to do these everyday so Obey immediately when you are reminded.
- Turn off your cellphone.
- Set the alarm on your cellphone for at least 20 minutes.
- Sit quietly with your eyes closed and initially listen to the Theta Module-1 audio below with headphones on.
- Take 20+ Minutes at night before bed. This is a good time to listen to the modules in Lesson-4 thru Lesson-24.
- We will get into more of Jesus teaching on Ascension and much more in depth after Lesson-24.
Follow the steps below and you will find your ascension process much easier. As you ascend your body needs to be In a less dense state. If you don't follow the points below your process may be slower and possibly more difficult. You may manifest sicknesses that you wouldn't have to go through If you follow the outline below.
Follow the steps below and you will find your ascension process much easier. As you ascend your body needs to be In a less dense state. If you don't follow the points below your process may be slower and possibly more difficult. You may manifest sicknesses that you wouldn't have to go through If you follow the outline below.
- Drink DISTILLED water. Drink half your weight in ounces each day. Very important. Only 82 cents a gallon in Wal-Mart.
- Cut out anything white such as sugar, white flour, potatoes, & pasta.
- Cut out as many carbs each day as possible.
- If you want any sweets reward yourself after 7 or 8PM at night.
- Have protein and fat for breakfast such as Eggs, Bacon, Butter, Protein Drink, & Fish. NO SUGAR OR ANYTHING WITH SUGAR IN IT LIKE CEREAL.
- FAT = 5 Hour Energy.
- PROTEIN = 3 Hour Energy.
- SUGAR = 1 Hour Energy and is addictive and stops the body from burning any fat on your body. If you are trying to lose fat or weight once you spike your blood sugar during any day (like eating cereal for breakfast) you WILL NOT lose any fat from your body from that moment on for the rest of the day.
- Please read everything below: Overview; Instructions; & Tips before beginning these audios.
- Then listen to Module 1 & 2. Mod-1 helps bring your brain down into Theta (4-7HZ) and Mod-2 will take you down into Delta (0-4HZ) which is sleep. Both mods help you get your brain state down & have no teachings in them.
- Module 4 is the beginning of learning how to travel, and remote view anywhere in time and space on your journey down inside your inner kingdom.
- After starting with Mod-4, listen to Module-1 with headphones (one or both ears) as much as you can during the day while working, cooking dinner, or relaxing. This will help keep you in a Kingdom state of mind or in the spirit all day long.
- Modules 5, 6, & 7, get ready to travel baby LOL....Enjoy Your Trips Blessings Gene
It is preferable that you listen to all the audio training modules using stereo earphones as this increases the effectiveness of many brain entrainment effects contained within the audios.
Module 1:
Theta Brain Entrainment
Listen to this with headphones as much as you can during the day while working, cooking dinner, relaxing BUT NEVER IN A CAR OR WHILE OPERATING EQUIPMENT
Module 2:
Delta Brain Entrainment
Listen to one time before beginning Module 4. This module also helps if you have trouble sleeping.
Module 1 and Module 2 Overview:
Teaches you to command your brain to rapidly enter deep levels of mind with Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwaves. Although these mods may appear to be a repetition of ocean waves, it actually is a specific changing sequence of sound patterns waved within each wave to help you open up to the material in the Remote Kingdom Influencing and Remote Kingdom Viewing courses.
You may listen to this Remote Influencing Module 1 while meditating, relaxing with eyes opened or closed, or even during the night while sleeping. The Delta track (Module 2) can be used as a powerful sleeping aid. You can even use it successfully with toddlers. The Theta track can be listened to if you feel the need to deeply relax.
Both tracks can and should be used when you apply yourself to Remote Kingdom Viewing and/or Remote Kingdom Influencing without the help of our other audio training sessions. The whole purpose of this "Portal" training is for us to guide you to and through it. You are coached to engage the "Universal Mind's Portal" but need then to apply these methods on-command without the use of these audio sessions and make these very deep state of Mind an integral part of your daily functioning. Yes, you can swim in the Universal Mind's Ocean, eventually without the help and use of swimming and floatation aids!
Module 4:
Trains you to easily refocus your mind to a much deeper level of your inner awareness where Remote Kingdom Viewing is a natural ability: Deep Theta - The content of this session is targeted at the very high level of your Higher Self, which is the level of your Soul. Therefore, if you do not experience the Light while doing this exercise, don’t worry. Your subconscious listens and will instruct its core (your Higher Self) to increase its rate of energy/vibrations, even though you might not physically feel the vibrations at the level of your biology yet. Realize that your Higher Consciousness operates from the interface with the “other side” as pure vibratory Light anyway.
Doing the exercise in front of the Sun or in front of a full spectrum light bulb with eyes closed is very helpful. Ancient Egyptian initiates did this exercise while facing the sun and considered this a highly energizing and efficient way of allowing the spirit to rise in vibrations.
Also don’t worry if you fall asleep while listening. Your subconscious is hearing every single word and will emerge from the session when the command is given. By the time they have finished with the Complete training, most students should be able to experience the Light once they go back to this session.
If at any time while following the program, you feel you have difficulty concentrating on the material presented in the courses (this could occur due to stress in your daily life, by feeling overwhelmed, or by the material itself) you may want to listen to this session and the next one as a refresher which will help you relax, increase your vibratory rate, and get in touch again with your increasing psychic abilities.
Module 5:
Teaches a powerful technique to allow you to operate your mind as a highly concentrated focus of informational input/output through the use of vibratory light that we know, from quantum mechanics and religious traditions, is the basis of creation as a storage and instant conveyer of sensory and data streams.
Module 6:
Guides you to totally separate from the awareness of having a biological reality and as pure mind you start expanding tremendously your perceptive connections to any point in time and space. Possible out-of-body experience.
Module 7:
Instructs you to connect instantly to different points in perceived space and to process rapid streaming sensory data relating to those sites.
It is preferable that you listen to all the audio training modules using stereo earphones as this increases the effectiveness of many brain entrainment effects contained within the audios.
Module 1:
Theta Brain Entrainment
Listen to this with headphones as much as you can during the day while working, cooking dinner, relaxing BUT NEVER IN A CAR OR WHILE OPERATING EQUIPMENT
Module 2:
Delta Brain Entrainment
Listen to one time before beginning Module 4. This module also helps if you have trouble sleeping.
Module 1 and Module 2 Overview:
Teaches you to command your brain to rapidly enter deep levels of mind with Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwaves. Although these mods may appear to be a repetition of ocean waves, it actually is a specific changing sequence of sound patterns waved within each wave to help you open up to the material in the Remote Kingdom Influencing and Remote Kingdom Viewing courses.
You may listen to this Remote Influencing Module 1 while meditating, relaxing with eyes opened or closed, or even during the night while sleeping. The Delta track (Module 2) can be used as a powerful sleeping aid. You can even use it successfully with toddlers. The Theta track can be listened to if you feel the need to deeply relax.
Both tracks can and should be used when you apply yourself to Remote Kingdom Viewing and/or Remote Kingdom Influencing without the help of our other audio training sessions. The whole purpose of this "Portal" training is for us to guide you to and through it. You are coached to engage the "Universal Mind's Portal" but need then to apply these methods on-command without the use of these audio sessions and make these very deep state of Mind an integral part of your daily functioning. Yes, you can swim in the Universal Mind's Ocean, eventually without the help and use of swimming and floatation aids!
Module 4:
Trains you to easily refocus your mind to a much deeper level of your inner awareness where Remote Kingdom Viewing is a natural ability: Deep Theta - The content of this session is targeted at the very high level of your Higher Self, which is the level of your Soul. Therefore, if you do not experience the Light while doing this exercise, don’t worry. Your subconscious listens and will instruct its core (your Higher Self) to increase its rate of energy/vibrations, even though you might not physically feel the vibrations at the level of your biology yet. Realize that your Higher Consciousness operates from the interface with the “other side” as pure vibratory Light anyway.
Doing the exercise in front of the Sun or in front of a full spectrum light bulb with eyes closed is very helpful. Ancient Egyptian initiates did this exercise while facing the sun and considered this a highly energizing and efficient way of allowing the spirit to rise in vibrations.
Also don’t worry if you fall asleep while listening. Your subconscious is hearing every single word and will emerge from the session when the command is given. By the time they have finished with the Complete training, most students should be able to experience the Light once they go back to this session.
If at any time while following the program, you feel you have difficulty concentrating on the material presented in the courses (this could occur due to stress in your daily life, by feeling overwhelmed, or by the material itself) you may want to listen to this session and the next one as a refresher which will help you relax, increase your vibratory rate, and get in touch again with your increasing psychic abilities.
Module 5:
Teaches a powerful technique to allow you to operate your mind as a highly concentrated focus of informational input/output through the use of vibratory light that we know, from quantum mechanics and religious traditions, is the basis of creation as a storage and instant conveyer of sensory and data streams.
Module 6:
Guides you to totally separate from the awareness of having a biological reality and as pure mind you start expanding tremendously your perceptive connections to any point in time and space. Possible out-of-body experience.
Module 7:
Instructs you to connect instantly to different points in perceived space and to process rapid streaming sensory data relating to those sites.
Audio Sessions:
Use headphones that completely cover the ear. These help mask external noise and usually have better stereo frequency response. If you cannot find comfortable, semi-pro, ear-covering headphones, you might try an inexpensive alternative like Sony’s little earphone buds.
Enjoy and have fun!
- All you need to do is to listen in a relaxed state in a quiet environment to the sessions using headphones.
- We recommend doing one 30 - 45 minute session per day. You can be trained to Remote Kingdom View in three weekends. However, in order to effect a permanent shift towards a higher mental state, the average length of training is between three & six months.
- Ideally each session should be listened to repeatedly until its teachings are mastered. Minimally, each training session should be performed once before progressing to the next training module.
- We recommend assimilating each portion of the course in a step-by-step fashion without skipping any module.
- Each session is geared to reprogram your mind to make hyperawareness and merging with your subconscious a constant mode of operation while you remain in an awake state.
- No subliminal messages are used. Feel free to listen to the sessions in a fully aware, Beta state if you wish.
- The powers of the mind are infinite and will reveal themselves automatically as you progress through the course. It is your choice to invite into your heart, peace, happiness, and an inner perceptive feeling of Oneness with all other human beings and the elements of nature. It is your choice to find yourself again.
- You may at first, lose consciousness (what will seem to you like sleeping) while listening to the sessions. This is testimony to the great power of this mental training. Do not worry about this, if it happens to you. It is perfectly normal as you start the training. It means that you are reaching the deep Theta state (4.5 cycles/second) and are dipping in and out of the Delta level. Nothing that is said is lost, as your subconscious registers all of it. The proof of this is that as the voice tells you to emerge from the deep state, you will usually open your eyes. You might try performing the session in a sitting position.
- You might also want to listen to the sessions while sleeping at night. Many students report doing so with great success.
- Even while sleeping the subconscious mind is becoming more opened and reprogrammed to a higher state of functioning.
- Try to do the course while having your eyes opened and concentrating on a fixed point on the wall, or in natural surroundings.
- You may repeat the whole course or portions of it as many times as you feel the call to do so. Each time, you will go to higher planes of awareness and success.
- If, as a beginner, while in audio sessions, you feel a physical itch somewhere, scratch yourself. This is your ego opposing its dissolution. With a little more practice you will not concentrate on such bodily evasive tricks.
- If you lose consciousness of self, this is normal and a good sign. You are being sucked in within the Delta level of mind since you are just at the border of it. This is a sign that you have reached deep Theta. At deep Theta, you are passively watching your own thoughts. They are often disconnected and not a part of linear thinking. Unconnected images and thoughts flash by. With more experience, you learn to remain longer at the border of Delta. When you are about to lose consciousness of self, you can wiggle a finger, concentrate on your breathing, chant a mantra, put your forearm up, and use all kinds of tricks if you tend to overly fall into Delta (sleep).
- Even though you are told to concentrate on the voice, this is really addressed to your subconscious mind that records faithfully everything. So be only passively listening. Even when unconscious in Delta, you record, unknowingly every single word and noise. When told to emerge from deep levels of mind, you usually open your eyes, even if you were, in your perception, asleep at that point.
- A sign of progress is that after a few weeks of listening to the tapes, your natural intuition is greatly increased in day-to-day life situations. You sense events in advance, often know when the phone rings who it is, and sense people’s moods and thoughts. Your dreams become more vivid, even to the point where you have trouble realizing you are really dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not rare at that point.
- When getting bored with a session, go on to another one. You might want to hear it at first once with your eyes opened before going deeply within yourself for the next session. Make the sessions fun. Play with the course. Do not be analytical. Never wonder at what stage of mind you are. Go with the flow.
- Mental visualization is not like having a TV screen beaming within your head. It does not show up in front of your physical eyes, no matter how dark the room is. It has to do with imagination. If you ever imagined and day dreamed a situation, scenery, a beautiful body, etc., you can visualize mentally. Everybody can and does. Nevertheless, for the purpose of Remote Viewing and Influencing, visualization is not really that important. You should, rather, sense (intuit) information and then imagine it in visual terms, if you are so inclined and desire to express it as such (as when sketching).
- The real secret to success at allowing the subconscious material to rise to your awareness is as follows: The Less You Try, The Easier It Becomes. So, Relax, Enjoy, And Play With It. Experiment! Trust Yourself. Forget most of what you have read before in other books. Do not carry too much prior mental luggage on any trip; it impedes your mental traveling.
Use headphones that completely cover the ear. These help mask external noise and usually have better stereo frequency response. If you cannot find comfortable, semi-pro, ear-covering headphones, you might try an inexpensive alternative like Sony’s little earphone buds.
Enjoy and have fun!
TIP 1:
If you keep falling asleep while listening, no matter what time of the day it is and you seem to lose consciousness after a while, don't worry!
Welcome to the club! You are just doing great! Since you do not seem to have access, for now, to a EEG biofeedback apparatus that would tell you when you reach the deep Theta state, you can securely rely on certain typical characteristics of the deep Theta state.
First and foremost, when you approach the very powerful Delta state, your mind tends to be sucked in (into unconsciousness: alias sleep): very strongly so. This is why you tend to easily lose sense of self and go into what you perceive to be non-consciousness. In reality, you vegetate mostly (unless you are really very tired) at upper Delta and your subconscious mind: below conscious awareness, absorbs every word and notion of the material told to you. A proof of the pudding is that when you are told to emerge from that state, even if you are perceptually asleep, you usually open your eyes. Were you to be told to remember everything that happened at that level after opening your eyes, you would. This is however for more advanced courses where upper Delta is eventually explored with partial awareness of self. At the level of Oneness.
Another sign of being at deep Theta is that your conscious mind becomes very sluggish, your focus of attention gets very wide and non-specific, and you are alike a passive spectator watching unconnected (non-linear) thoughts and images flashing by seemingly without any control on your part. Our learned academic thought specialists like to coin this state: the hypnagogic state. This is because Delta (the matrix as US RV'ers like to call it) operates for us by forming connections that seem coherent to us. Delta is, at Its level, out of the constraints of Time and Space. For a very good reason: IT CREATES TIME AND SPACE FOR OUR LINEAR SLOW PACED DEDUCTIVE THINKING REALITY WHICH UNFOLDS THEN FOR US IN A PERCEIVED LOGICAL CAUSE-AND-EFFECT MANNER (Which means really nothing in the absolute sense of it, only in the relative one when framed with the laws of nature). This is why, if you want to operate at deep Theta using the very structured protocols set up by the US intelligence and military community, you will have a hard time at it. When one reaches deep Theta you usually forget what you came there for, feel very good and relaxed, and at best can only remember one or at the maximum two questions. Your conscious thoughts are almost annihilated which allows for pure information to be received from the Universal Matrix (DELTA). To try to remember complex and multiple questions is impossible. This is not to say that we do not believe in structuring carefully question-and-answer sessions (protocols), as we will see shortly.
Now, are there tricks to remain longer in deep Theta without either sinking in Delta (sleep) or re-emerging in beta? Yes, there are many of them and they are explained and given to out trainees as they request them. With practice one remains for longer and longer periods at deep Theta. The door to Delta opens wider and wider, and the sub-conscious surfaces onto the conscious awareness of the individual. You then become extremely intuitive about others and about the probable futures
Tip 2:
If, as a beginner, while in session, you feel a physical itch somewhere, scratch yourself. This is your ego opposing its dissolution. With a little more practice you will not concentrate on such bodily evasive tricks.
Tip 3:
If you lose consciousness of self this is normal and a good sign. You are being sucked in within the Delta level of mind since you are just at the border of it. This is a sign that you have reached deep theta. At deep theta you are passively usually watching your own thoughts. They are often disconnected and not part of linear thinking. Unconnected images and thoughts flash by. With more experience you learn to remain longer at the border of Delta. You may want to initially do the sessions in the morning or early evening while sitting upright on a chair. When about to lose consciousness of self, you can wiggle a finger, concentrate on your breathing, chant a mantra, put your forearm up, and use all kind of tricks if you tend to overly fall into Delta (sleep).
Tip 4:
Even though you are told to concentrate in my voice, this is really addressed to your subconscious mind who records faithfully everything. So be only passively listening. Even when unconscious in delta you record unknowingly every single word and noise. When told to emerge from deep levels of mind you usually open your eyes, even if you were, in your perception, asleep at that point.
TIP 5:
A sign of progress is that after a few weeks of listening to the sessions, your natural intuition is greatly increased in day-to day life situations. You sense events in advance; often know, when the phone rings, who it is, and sense people's moods and thoughts. "Gut feelings (knowing) become common during the waking hours and you learn to listen and trust them. Your dreams become more vivid even to the point where you have trouble realizing if you are really dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not rare at that point.
TIP 6:
When getting bored with a session, go on to another one. You might want to hear it at first once with your eyes opened before going deeply within yourself for the next session. Make the sessions fun. Play with the course. Do not be analytical. This brings your slow linear conscious mind into the equation. It should be busy doing something else. Never wonder at what stage of mind you are. Go with the flow.
TIP 7:
Mental visualization is not alike having a TV screen beaming within your head. It does not show up in front of your physical eyes, no matter how dark the room is. It has to do with imagination. If you ever imagined and daydreamed a situation, scenery, a beautiful body etc… you can visualize mentally. Everybody can and does. If told to imagine light, imagine a light bulb or the sun, and you being in it. Nevertheless for the purpose of basic RV, visualization is not really that important. You should rather sense (intuit) information and then imagine it in visual terms, if you are so inclined, and desire to express it as such (as when sketching).
TIP 8:
The real secret to success at allowing the subconscious material to rise to your awareness is as follows: THE LEAST YOU TRY, THE EASIER IT BECOMES. So relax, enjoy, and play with it. EXPERIMENT! TRUST YOURSELF. Forget most of what you have read before in other books. Do not carry too much prior mental luggage on any trip. It impedes your mental traveling. Travel lightly, with full confidence and expectation, alike a child. DO NOT ALLOW FOR THE ELEMENT OF DOUBT OR SKEPTICISM to enter your awareness.
Notice how when a leading athlete breaks a world record that is up-to-then considered unbreakable all the other athletes of the "doubting flock" very soon thereafter break that same record easily. And that "record" is then broken again-and-again by scores of undoubting "leading athletes", and the "flock" follows soon thereafter. To no real upper limits. This applies to all fields of human endeavors. Be it athletic, scientific, medical etc. . .
The secret is in rebuking mistrust, skepticism, and refusing to listen to the limitations that others claim for you to be unbreakable. The Mind is infinite in its capabilities and constantly shows it to us. So let go of restrictions. You are an infinitely powerful expression of the infinite mind playing within rules of imaginary restrictions and misconceptions. Let go of your programming and you will soar to your real infinite capabilities. Do not accept mental/physical barriers that "the so-called specialists" define for you, even if they are the "accepted theory of the day". Be "a leader; an outcast!"
TIP 9:
Imagine a swimming pool as a metaphorical representation of your subconscious mind. The air above would represent your conscious linear mind. The water below: the unconscious flow of large amount of subconscious information and thinking. The focus of the RV course and subsequent ones is to try to dive into the water of the subconscious as deeply as possible. When one reaches the bottom of the swimming pool of the waters of his/her consciousness (deep theta) the pressure is high, the water thick and the impressions fuzzy. One cannot remain too long at this deep level without either having to go up back to the surface and get a breath of fresh air (conscious thinking), or risk loosing consciousness of self (going into the safe cocooning level of delta: the earth itself). With training the apnea time can be extended and one can remain for longer time at the bottom of the pool (longer period at deep theta).
The trick is to fetch one breath of fresh air at the surface: one simple question. Keep it within as one dives for the bottom of the pool of consciousness. Release it as one reaches the bottom. Wait for a rapid answer that relates to it. Given in any form or shape either symbolically or through our mental senses. Make a record of it, and then go back to the surface to get another breath of fresh air (another question) and repeat the process until a general picture of the target is achieved.
If you keep falling asleep while listening, no matter what time of the day it is and you seem to lose consciousness after a while, don't worry!
Welcome to the club! You are just doing great! Since you do not seem to have access, for now, to a EEG biofeedback apparatus that would tell you when you reach the deep Theta state, you can securely rely on certain typical characteristics of the deep Theta state.
First and foremost, when you approach the very powerful Delta state, your mind tends to be sucked in (into unconsciousness: alias sleep): very strongly so. This is why you tend to easily lose sense of self and go into what you perceive to be non-consciousness. In reality, you vegetate mostly (unless you are really very tired) at upper Delta and your subconscious mind: below conscious awareness, absorbs every word and notion of the material told to you. A proof of the pudding is that when you are told to emerge from that state, even if you are perceptually asleep, you usually open your eyes. Were you to be told to remember everything that happened at that level after opening your eyes, you would. This is however for more advanced courses where upper Delta is eventually explored with partial awareness of self. At the level of Oneness.
Another sign of being at deep Theta is that your conscious mind becomes very sluggish, your focus of attention gets very wide and non-specific, and you are alike a passive spectator watching unconnected (non-linear) thoughts and images flashing by seemingly without any control on your part. Our learned academic thought specialists like to coin this state: the hypnagogic state. This is because Delta (the matrix as US RV'ers like to call it) operates for us by forming connections that seem coherent to us. Delta is, at Its level, out of the constraints of Time and Space. For a very good reason: IT CREATES TIME AND SPACE FOR OUR LINEAR SLOW PACED DEDUCTIVE THINKING REALITY WHICH UNFOLDS THEN FOR US IN A PERCEIVED LOGICAL CAUSE-AND-EFFECT MANNER (Which means really nothing in the absolute sense of it, only in the relative one when framed with the laws of nature). This is why, if you want to operate at deep Theta using the very structured protocols set up by the US intelligence and military community, you will have a hard time at it. When one reaches deep Theta you usually forget what you came there for, feel very good and relaxed, and at best can only remember one or at the maximum two questions. Your conscious thoughts are almost annihilated which allows for pure information to be received from the Universal Matrix (DELTA). To try to remember complex and multiple questions is impossible. This is not to say that we do not believe in structuring carefully question-and-answer sessions (protocols), as we will see shortly.
Now, are there tricks to remain longer in deep Theta without either sinking in Delta (sleep) or re-emerging in beta? Yes, there are many of them and they are explained and given to out trainees as they request them. With practice one remains for longer and longer periods at deep Theta. The door to Delta opens wider and wider, and the sub-conscious surfaces onto the conscious awareness of the individual. You then become extremely intuitive about others and about the probable futures
Tip 2:
If, as a beginner, while in session, you feel a physical itch somewhere, scratch yourself. This is your ego opposing its dissolution. With a little more practice you will not concentrate on such bodily evasive tricks.
Tip 3:
If you lose consciousness of self this is normal and a good sign. You are being sucked in within the Delta level of mind since you are just at the border of it. This is a sign that you have reached deep theta. At deep theta you are passively usually watching your own thoughts. They are often disconnected and not part of linear thinking. Unconnected images and thoughts flash by. With more experience you learn to remain longer at the border of Delta. You may want to initially do the sessions in the morning or early evening while sitting upright on a chair. When about to lose consciousness of self, you can wiggle a finger, concentrate on your breathing, chant a mantra, put your forearm up, and use all kind of tricks if you tend to overly fall into Delta (sleep).
Tip 4:
Even though you are told to concentrate in my voice, this is really addressed to your subconscious mind who records faithfully everything. So be only passively listening. Even when unconscious in delta you record unknowingly every single word and noise. When told to emerge from deep levels of mind you usually open your eyes, even if you were, in your perception, asleep at that point.
TIP 5:
A sign of progress is that after a few weeks of listening to the sessions, your natural intuition is greatly increased in day-to day life situations. You sense events in advance; often know, when the phone rings, who it is, and sense people's moods and thoughts. "Gut feelings (knowing) become common during the waking hours and you learn to listen and trust them. Your dreams become more vivid even to the point where you have trouble realizing if you are really dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not rare at that point.
TIP 6:
When getting bored with a session, go on to another one. You might want to hear it at first once with your eyes opened before going deeply within yourself for the next session. Make the sessions fun. Play with the course. Do not be analytical. This brings your slow linear conscious mind into the equation. It should be busy doing something else. Never wonder at what stage of mind you are. Go with the flow.
TIP 7:
Mental visualization is not alike having a TV screen beaming within your head. It does not show up in front of your physical eyes, no matter how dark the room is. It has to do with imagination. If you ever imagined and daydreamed a situation, scenery, a beautiful body etc… you can visualize mentally. Everybody can and does. If told to imagine light, imagine a light bulb or the sun, and you being in it. Nevertheless for the purpose of basic RV, visualization is not really that important. You should rather sense (intuit) information and then imagine it in visual terms, if you are so inclined, and desire to express it as such (as when sketching).
TIP 8:
The real secret to success at allowing the subconscious material to rise to your awareness is as follows: THE LEAST YOU TRY, THE EASIER IT BECOMES. So relax, enjoy, and play with it. EXPERIMENT! TRUST YOURSELF. Forget most of what you have read before in other books. Do not carry too much prior mental luggage on any trip. It impedes your mental traveling. Travel lightly, with full confidence and expectation, alike a child. DO NOT ALLOW FOR THE ELEMENT OF DOUBT OR SKEPTICISM to enter your awareness.
Notice how when a leading athlete breaks a world record that is up-to-then considered unbreakable all the other athletes of the "doubting flock" very soon thereafter break that same record easily. And that "record" is then broken again-and-again by scores of undoubting "leading athletes", and the "flock" follows soon thereafter. To no real upper limits. This applies to all fields of human endeavors. Be it athletic, scientific, medical etc. . .
The secret is in rebuking mistrust, skepticism, and refusing to listen to the limitations that others claim for you to be unbreakable. The Mind is infinite in its capabilities and constantly shows it to us. So let go of restrictions. You are an infinitely powerful expression of the infinite mind playing within rules of imaginary restrictions and misconceptions. Let go of your programming and you will soar to your real infinite capabilities. Do not accept mental/physical barriers that "the so-called specialists" define for you, even if they are the "accepted theory of the day". Be "a leader; an outcast!"
TIP 9:
Imagine a swimming pool as a metaphorical representation of your subconscious mind. The air above would represent your conscious linear mind. The water below: the unconscious flow of large amount of subconscious information and thinking. The focus of the RV course and subsequent ones is to try to dive into the water of the subconscious as deeply as possible. When one reaches the bottom of the swimming pool of the waters of his/her consciousness (deep theta) the pressure is high, the water thick and the impressions fuzzy. One cannot remain too long at this deep level without either having to go up back to the surface and get a breath of fresh air (conscious thinking), or risk loosing consciousness of self (going into the safe cocooning level of delta: the earth itself). With training the apnea time can be extended and one can remain for longer time at the bottom of the pool (longer period at deep theta).
The trick is to fetch one breath of fresh air at the surface: one simple question. Keep it within as one dives for the bottom of the pool of consciousness. Release it as one reaches the bottom. Wait for a rapid answer that relates to it. Given in any form or shape either symbolically or through our mental senses. Make a record of it, and then go back to the surface to get another breath of fresh air (another question) and repeat the process until a general picture of the target is achieved.
Thanks for coming onboard in my class and teaching. I am setting you up with your own section here on my site and soon you will have areas on the site where you can keep a diary of your progress.
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Thanks for coming onboard in my class and teaching. I am setting you up with your own section here on my site and soon you will have areas on the site where you can keep a diary of your progress.
The site is monitored for IP addresses so please do not give out this page to anyone as two people on the page at the same time can take it down. It will work on your computer or your phone.